Latrop (Schmallenberg)

Latrop is a locality in the municipality Schmallenberg in the High Sauerland District in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
The village has 177 inhabitants and lies in the south of the municipality of Schmallenberg at a height of around 430 m. The river Latrop flows through the village. Latrop borders on the villages of Grafschaft, Störmecke, Schanze, Jagdhaus, Waidmannsruh and Fleckenberg.
In 1257 a Johannes von Latroph was named for the first time in a document. The village used to belong to the municipality of Grafschaft in Amt Schmallenberg until the end of 1974.
Latrop was awarded gold for its beauty in the national competition :de:Unser Dorf hat Zukunft|“Our village has a future”.
