Laurent Bonnevay

Laurent Bonnevay was a French centrist lawyer and politician during the Third and Fourth Republics, first member of the Republican Federation and then of the Democratic Republican Alliance center-right group.


He was one of the few non-communists to refuse the Munich agreement of 1938, along with some militants from Action Française. He was notably Garde des Sceaux in Aristide Briand's government and president of the investigative commission from February 6, 1934. He was one of 'The Vichy 80' who refused to vote full powers to Marshal Philippe Pétain in 1940.
Although born in Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or in his mother's family home and with a father originating from the canton of Lamure-sur-Azergues, his wife's family had a house in Dardilly in which he frequently stayed.
