Law of excluded middle

In logic, the law of excluded middle states that for any proposition, either that proposition is true or its negation is true. It is one of the so called three laws of thought, along with the law of noncontradiction, and the law of identity. The law of excluded middle is logically equivalent to the law of noncontradiction by De Morgan's laws; however, no system of logic is built on just these laws, and none of these laws provide inference rules, such as modus ponens or De Morgan's laws.
The law is also known as the law of the excluded third, in Latin principium tertii exclusi. Another Latin designation for this law is tertium non datur: "no third is given". It is a tautology.
The principle should not be confused with the semantical principle of bivalence, which states that every proposition is either true or false.

Analogous laws

Some systems of logic have different but analogous laws. For some finite n-valued logics, there is an analogous law called the law of excluded n+1th. If negation is cyclic and "∨" is a "max operator", then the law can be expressed in the object language by, where "~...~" represents n−1 negation signs and "∨... ∨" n−1 disjunction signs. It is easy to check that the sentence must receive at least one of the n truth values.
Other systems reject the law entirely.


For example, if P is the proposition:
then the law of excluded middle holds that the logical disjunction:
is true by virtue of its form alone. That is, the "middle" position, that Socrates is neither mortal nor not-mortal, is excluded by logic, and therefore either the first possibility or its negation must be true.
An example of an argument that depends on the law of excluded middle follows. We seek to prove that there exist two irrational numbers and such that
It is known that is irrational. Consider the number
Clearly this number is either rational or irrational. If it is rational, the proof is complete, and
But if is irrational, then let
and 2 is certainly rational. This concludes the proof.
In the above argument, the assertion "this number is either rational or irrational" invokes the law of excluded middle. An intuitionist, for example, would not accept this argument without further support for that statement. This might come in the form of a proof that the number in question is in fact irrational ; or a finite algorithm that could determine whether the number is rational.

Non-constructive proofs over the infinite

The above proof is an example of a non-constructive proof disallowed by intuitionists:
By non-constructive Davis means that "a proof that there actually are mathematic entities satisfying certain conditions would not have to provide a method to exhibit explicitly the entities in question.". Such proofs presume the existence of a totality that is complete, a notion disallowed by intuitionists when extended to the infinite—for them the infinite can never be completed:
David Hilbert and Luitzen E. J. Brouwer both give examples of the law of excluded middle extended to the infinite. Hilbert's example: "the assertion that either there are only finitely many prime numbers or there are infinitely many" ; and Brouwer's: "Every mathematical species is either finite or infinite.".
In general, intuitionists allow the use of the law of excluded middle when it is confined to discourse over finite collections, but not when it is used in discourse over infinite sets. Thus intuitionists absolutely disallow the blanket assertion: "For all propositions P concerning infinite sets D: P or ~P".
Putative counterexamples to the law of excluded middle include the liar paradox or Quine's paradox. Certain resolutions of these paradoxes, particularly Graham Priest's dialetheism as formalised in LP, have the law of excluded middle as a theorem, but resolve out the Liar as both true and false. In this way, the law of excluded middle is true, but because truth itself, and therefore disjunction, is not exclusive, it says next to nothing if one of the disjuncts is paradoxical, or both true and false.



The earliest known formulation is in Aristotle's discussion of the principle of non-contradiction, first proposed in On Interpretation, where he says that of two contradictory propositions one must be true, and the other false. He also states it as a principle in the Metaphysics book 3, saying that it is necessary in every case to affirm or deny, and that it is impossible that there should be anything between the two parts of a contradiction.
Aristotle wrote that ambiguity can arise from the use of ambiguous names, but cannot exist in the facts themselves:
Aristotle's assertion that " will not be possible to be and not to be the same thing", which would be written in propositional logic as ¬, is a statement modern logicians could call the law of excluded middle, as distribution of the negation of Aristotle's assertion makes them equivalent, regardless that the former claims that no statement is both true and false, while the latter requires that any statement is either true or false.
However, Aristotle also writes, "since it is impossible that contradictories should be at the same time true of the same thing, obviously contraries also cannot belong at the same time to the same thing". He then proposes that "there cannot be an intermediate between contradictories, but of one subject we must either affirm or deny any one predicate". In the context of Aristotle's traditional logic, this is a remarkably precise statement of the law of excluded middle, P ∨ ¬P.
Also in On Interpretation, Aristotle seemed to deny the law of excluded middle in the case of future contingents, in his discussion on the sea battle.


Bertrand Russell and ''Principia Mathematica''

The principle was stated as a theorem of propositional logic by Russell and Whitehead in Principia Mathematica as:
So just what is "truth" and "falsehood"? At the opening PM quickly announces some definitions:
This is not much help. But later, in a much deeper discussion, PM defines truth and falsehood in terms of a relationship between the "a" and the "b" and the "percipient". For example "This 'a' is 'b'" really means "'object a' is a sense-datum" and "'red' is a sense-datum", and they "stand in relation" to one another and in relation to "I". Thus what we really mean is: "I perceive that 'This object a is red'" and this is an undeniable-by-3rd-party "truth".
PM further defines a distinction between a "sense-datum" and a "sensation":
Russell reiterated his distinction between "sense-datum" and "sensation" in his book The Problems of Philosophy published at the same time as PM :
Russell further described his reasoning behind his definitions of "truth" and "falsehood" in the same book.

Consequences of the law of excluded middle in ''Principia Mathematica''

From the law of excluded middle, formula ✸2.1 in Principia Mathematica, Whitehead and Russell derive some of the most powerful tools in the logician's argumentation toolkit.
✸2.1 ~pp "This is the Law of excluded middle".
The proof of ✸2.1 is roughly as follows: "primitive idea" 1.08 defines pq = ~pq. Substituting p for q in this rule yields pp = ~pp. Since pp is true, then ~pp must be true.
✸2.11 p ∨ ~p
✸2.12 p → ~
✸2.13 p ∨ ~
✸2.14 ~ → p
✸2.15 →
✸2.16 →
✸2.17 →
✸2.18 → p
Most of these theorems—in particular ✸2.1, ✸2.11, and ✸2.14—are rejected by intuitionism. These tools are recast into another form that Kolmogorov cites as "Hilbert's four axioms of implication" and "Hilbert's two axioms of negation".
Propositions ✸2.12 and ✸2.14, "double negation":
The intuitionist writings of L. E. J. Brouwer refer to what he calls "the principle of the reciprocity of the multiple species, that is, the principle that for every system the correctness of a property follows from the impossibility of the impossibility of this property".
This principle is commonly called "the principle of double negation". From the law of excluded middle, PM derives principle ✸2.12 immediately. We substitute ~p for p in 2.11 to yield ~p ∨ ~, and by the definition of implication then ~p ∨ ~= p → ~. QED


It is correct, at least for bivalent logic—i.e. it can be seen with a Karnaugh map—that this law removes "the middle" of the inclusive-or used in his law. And this is the point of Reichenbach's demonstration that some believe the exclusive-or should take the place of the inclusive-or.
About this issue Reichenbach observes:
In line the "" means "for all" or "for every", a form used by Russell and Reichenbach; today the symbolism is usually x. Thus an example of the expression would look like this:
In late 1800s through the 1930s a bitter, persistent debate raged between Hilbert and his followers versus Hermann Weyl and L. E. J. Brouwer. Brouwer's philosophy, called intuitionism, started in earnest with Leopold Kronecker in the late 1800s.
Hilbert intensely disliked Kronecker's ideas:
The debate had a profound effect on Hilbert. Reid indicates that Hilbert's second problem evolved from this debate :
Thus Hilbert was saying: "If p and ~p are both shown to be true, then p does not exist" and he was thereby invoking the law of excluded middle cast into the form of the law of contradiction.
The rancorous debate continued through the early 1900s into the 1920s; in 1927 Brouwer complained about "polemicizing against it in sneering tones". However, the debate had been fertile: it had resulted in Principia Mathematica, and that work gave a precise definition to the law of excluded middle, and all this provided an intellectual setting and the tools necessary for the mathematicians of the early twentieth century:
Brouwer reduced the debate to the use of proofs designed from "negative" or "non-existence" versus "constructive" proof:

Intuitionist definitions of the law (principle) of excluded middle

The following highlights the deep mathematical and philosophic problem behind what it means to "know", and also helps elucidate what the "law" implies. Their difficulties with the law emerge: that they do not want to accept as true implications drawn from that which is unverifiable or from the impossible or the false..
Brouwer offers his definition of "principle of excluded middle"; we see here also the issue of "testability":
Kolmogorov's definition cites Hilbert's two axioms of negation
  1. A
where ∨ means "or". The equivalence of the two forms is easily proved...


Many modern logic systems replace the law of excluded middle with the concept of negation as failure. Instead of a proposition's being either true or false, a proposition is either true or not able to be proved true. These two dichotomies only differ in logical systems that are not complete. The principle of negation as failure is used as a foundation for autoepistemic logic, and is widely used in logic programming. In these systems, the programmer is free to assert the law of excluded middle as a true fact, but it is not built-in a priori into these systems.
Mathematicians such as L. E. J. Brouwer and Arend Heyting have also contested the usefulness of the law of excluded middle in the context of modern mathematics.

In mathematical logic

In modern mathematical logic, the excluded middle has been shown to result in possible self-contradiction. It is possible in logic to make well-constructed propositions that can be neither true nor false; a common example of this is the "Liar's paradox", the statement "this statement is false", which can itself be neither true nor false. The law of excluded middle still holds here as the negation of this statement "This statement is not false", can be assigned true. In set theory, such a self-referential paradox can be constructed by examining the set "the set of all sets that do not contain themselves". This set is unambiguously defined, but leads to a Russell's paradox: does the set contain, as one of its elements, itself? However, in the modern Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, this type of contradiction is no longer admitted.
