Le Krewe d'Etat

Le Krewe d'Etat is a satirical New Orleans Mardi Gras krewe.

History and formation

Krewe d'Etat first inaugural parade was in 1998. Prior to organizing their own parade, a member of the krewe known simply as Unknown Spokesman said the group had covertly infiltrated Pegasus with some floats of their own. The krewe has historically paraded on the Friday prior to Fat Tuesday, immediately following Hermes. The parade route originally started at Magazine and Napoleon but now follows the traditional route that starts at Jefferson and Magazine, heading downtown to Magazine and Napoleon, then towards the lake on Napoleon to St. Charles, then heads downtown towards Lee Circle, around Lee Circle, and finally onto Canal Street. The procession includes traditional floats, Lieutenants on horseback, and flambeaux carriers. In 2013, d'Etat had 23 floats and roughly 450 riders.
d'Etat's motto is "Vivite ut Vehatis. Vehite ut Vevatis," which roughly translates to "Live to Ride, Ride to Live."


Membership is open, but the Krewe has elected to keep the organization small.


Krewe d'Etat parades on Vendredi Gras after Krewe of Hermes on the Uptown route. The Skeleton Walking Krewe hands out the D'Etat Gazette leading the parade which provides an overview of the floats.
Le Krewe d'Etat utilize flambeaux to light the parade route.

Parade themes

The Krewe decides a new theme for their parade annually, and it, just like The Dictator's identity, remains confidential. The parade floats are intended to lampoon current events, politicians, socialites, business moguls, etc.


Le Krewe d'Etat eschews monarchy in favor of a figurehead known simply as "The Dictator" whose identity is held secret. The Dictator's "court" includes the Kingfish, the Special Man, the Minister of Misinformation, the Keeper of the Bones and the High Priest. Throughout history there have been many notable dictators.
Like most dictators, The Dictator came to power during a time of crisis. The people were looking for a savior, a knight in shining armor to rescue the kingdom of carnival from death and despair. Mardi Gras had fallen into the hands of hucksters and marketeers aiming to make a buck; more interested in the selling of Mardi Gras than the celebrating of Mardi Gras. Things had been forgotten that shouldn't have been; things faded from memories of days long ago and could no longer be remembered. The light that illuminated carnival for over a century had grown dim. The public ached for change and had none. The situation was dire, indeed.
In a classic coup d'etat, The Dictator and his legion of irreverent revelers seized control of Mardi Gras and forever changed it. Pulling carnival from the doldrums and out of the greedy hands of the low minded, The Dictator set the stage for Le Krewe d'Etat to ascend to its rightful place in Mardi Gras lore.