Lea Verou

Lea Verou is a front end web developer, speaker and author, originally from Lesbos, Greece. Verou is currently a Research Assistant at MIT CSAIL, in David Karger’s Haystack group and an Invited Expert in the W3C CSS Working Group.
Verou has written a book on advanced CSS for O’Reilly, worked for W3C/MIT, given over 60 invited talks around the world, released several open source projects, and co-founded a Greek startup called Fresset Ltd, among other projects. She has written articles for several magazines in the Web design industry, including A List Apart and Smashing Magazine.


Verou holds a BSc in Computer Science from Athens University of Economics and Business, in which she co-organized a 4th year undergrad course about web development in the past. Her background encompasses both technical development and visual design.



Dabblet is an open-source web application for rapid prototyping of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, with syntax hilighting and inline previewers. The result is saved online to a GitHub Gist to allow sharing with others.


-prefix-free is a polyfill which allows current browsers to recognise the unprefixed versions of several CSS3 properties instead of requiring the developer to write out all the vendor prefixes. It reads the page's stylesheets and replaces any unprefixed properties with their prefixed counterparts recognised by the current browser.


Prism is a syntax highlighting library. It is a spin-off project from Dabblet. The project page had 23,000 unique visitors on its first day. It is used in websites including Smashing Magazine, Mozilla Developer Network, and Brendan Eich’s blog.