Leap year starting on Monday

A leap year starting on Monday is any year with 366 days that begins on Monday, 1 January, and ends on Tuesday, 31 December. Its dominical letters hence are GF, such as the years 1720, 1748, 1776, 1816, 1844, 1872, 1912, 1940, 1968, 1996, 2024, 2052, 2080, and 2120 in the Gregorian calendar or, likewise, 2008, 2036, and 2064 in the obsolete Julian calendar.
Any leap year that starts on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday has two Friday the 13ths. This leap year contains two Friday the 13ths in September and December. Common years starting on Tuesday share this characteristic.


Applicable years

Gregorian Calendar

Leap years that begin on Monday, along with those that start on Saturday or Thursday, occur least frequently: 13 out of 97 total leap years of the Gregorian calendar. Their overall occurrence is thus 3.25%.
17th century162416521680
18th century172017481776
19th century181618441872
20th century1912194019681996
21st century202420522080
22nd century212021482176
23rd century221622442272
24th century2312234023682396
25th century242424522480
26th century252025482576

Julian Calendar

Like all leap year types, the one starting with 1 January on a Monday occurs exactly once in a 28-year cycle in the Julian calendar, i.e. in 3.57% of years. As the Julian calendar repeats after 28 years that means it will also repeat after 700 years, i.e. 25 cycles. The year's position in the cycle is given by the formula + 1).
14th century1308133613641392
15th century142014481476
16th century1504153215601588
17th century1616164416721700
18th century172817561784
19th century1812184018681896
20th century192419521980
21st century2008203620642092
22nd century212021482176