Legal Drug is a manga series by Clamp. The main artist in this serialization is Tsubaki Nekoi, formerly Mick Nekoi. It is published in Japan by Kadokawa Shoten and it is published in English by Tokyopop who have currently released 3 volumes as of 2005. The series is also known as Lawful Drugstore or Gouhou Drug in Japan. Since then, however, the license has lapsed, and Dark Horse Comics picked up the publishing rights in 2014. The series was put on hold in 2003, as the magazine it was serialized in ceased its publication. It resumed serialization in November 2011 in Kadokawa's Young Ace Magazine under the new title, Drug and Drop. The four leading characters of Legal Drug appear in CLAMP in Wonderland 2, which is the first time Kakei and Saiga are seen animated; Kazahaya and Rikuo had been previously animated during a brief appearance in the xxxHolic anime, episode 6, and xxxHolic Kei episode 13.
When Kazahaya Kudo collapsed in the snow one night and on the verge of death, he is rescued by a mysterious young man, Rikuo Himura, who takes him back to a pharmacy named the Green Drugstore. Kazahaya, apparently running from his past, takes up work at the Green Drugstore alongside Rikuo. He comments that although Rikuo rescued him, he really feels indebted to the store's owner, Kakei, whom he thanks for his current accommodation and job. While their day job is quite simple, the boys are persuaded and, in some cases, practically forced by Kakei to take on strange extra jobs outside the store, which make use of their supernatural powers.
;Kazahaya Kudo ;Rikuo Himura ;Kakei ;Saiga
Minor characters
;Kei Kudo ;Tsukiko ;Satoru Nayuki
Crossover with other CLAMP works
In the second volume of Legal Drug, Kakei purchases clothes from "Piffle Princess" for Kazahaya to give to a girl from Ohto High in exchange for her uniform. In Angelic Layer, this was a store selling Angelic Layer merchandise where people could practice fighting with their Angels. In Suki, Piffle Princess appears as Caffe Piffle Princess, a café frequented by the main characters. Piffle Princess also appears in other CLAMP works, including Chobits, xxxHolic, , Kobato, and Cardcaptor Sakura. In the world in which Legal Drug occurs, Piffle Princess appears to be a popular clothing store. A dress from Piffle Princess is given to a student at Ohto High also known as "Barf High". Hinata Asahi from Suki — Hinata, her teacher Shiro Asou, and Ohto High all appear in Suki as well. The Atashi character from Chobits appears, such as on a clock in the Green Drugstore. Rikuo and Kazahaya have appeared in xxxHolic; Watanuki is sent out to purchase a hangover remedy and enters the drugstore where the two work. He sees ghostly images around them and observes that there is some strong bond between the two. Furthermore, the High Moon Urn Yūko Ichihara has obtained in volume 5 from the "anything store" is actually the same vase retrieved by Kazahaya and Rikuo in volume 2 of Legal Drug. In volume 2, Kazahaya walks through the space between a telephone pole and a wall, as does Watanuki in xxxHolic. Watanuki, after inheriting the shop from Yuko, appears as Kakei's customer in Drug & Drop. The Green Drugstore and its staff have made small appearances in Kobato. The Green Drugstore, Kakei, Rikuo and Kazahaya are identifiable in the background of Drop 5 and two characters who look like Rikuo and Kazahaya walk past Kobato in Exam 9. Kohaku from Wish has appeared recently in this series.
Written by Clamp, the chapters of Legal Drug appeared as a serial in the manga magazineMystery DX from November 2000 to May 2001. In 2001, it resumed serialization in Shojo Teikoku from July to November; afterwards, it was transferred to Asuka, where it ran from June 2002 to September 2003. It was then placed on hiatus. The series is licensed in English by Dark Horse Comics and available on BookWalker. The series is also licensed in France by Editions Tonkam.