Legend Quest

Legend Quest is an American adventure television series that premiered on July 13, 2011, on the SyFy channel. The series follows historian and adventure-seeker Ashley Cowie in his quest to crack the code on his hunt for the most powerful lost treasures in the world. On March 12, 2012, TVWise reported that the series has been cancelled by Syfy.

Plot summary

In the introduction, Cowie states:


Fabrication of shots/locations

In Season 1, Episode 3, during the search for The Holy Lance, the team claims to have gone to Area 51 before deciding they could not gain entry and ultimately abandoning the search. However, it has been pointed out that the unoccupied guard house that Ashley and Kinga are filmed in front of is not the entrance to Area 51 and that they, in fact, fabricated the shot from another location.