
Leibertingen is a municipality in the district of Sigmaringen in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.


Geographical location

Leibertingen is located 600 to 850 meters above sea level directly over the Danube valley in the Heuberg region, a plateau at the southern bound corner of the Swabian Jura, with a distance of 22 km to Sigmaringen and 24 km to Tuttlingen and belongs to the Naturpark Obere Donau. Of the total area of around 4720 hectare, 2127 hectare are forest, 2328 hectare are farmland and 257 hectare consist of residential and circulation areas. The so-called "Dreiländereck" is located underneath the nearby Wildenstein mountain. This is where Württemberg, Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen and Baden come together.


Leibertingen forms the name-giving municipality with the adjoining villages of Altheim, Kreenheinstetten and Thalheim.
Coat of armsVillagesInhabitants Area
Leibertingen 6811729 ha
Altheim250456 ha
Kreenheinstetten6511588 ha
Thalheim666947 ha


Leibertingen forms with the neighboring towns of Sauldorf and Meßkirch an association of its municipal administration.


In historic documents Leibertingen was mentioned in the year 1275 for the first time; Altheim however already in the year 768, and Kreenheinstetten in 793.



Architecture, people and yearly events

Historical buildings