This center has different research and educational missions related to coordinate and develop programs carried out by researchers and professionals of different scientific areas. Research Mission:
To initiate and coordinate high-quality, multidisciplinary research on brain and cognition, carried out by researchers working in the participating faculties.
To take care of the set-up and management of an excellent research infrastructure.
To develop proposals for joint research programmes between the various participating faculties
Education Mission:
To take care of the set-up and management of an excellent research infrastructure.
To develop proposals for joint research programmes between the various participating faculties.
To contribute to the training and supervision of PhD students in the area of brain and cognition.
To develop and offer interdisciplinary, inter-faculty courses and course programmes in the area of brain and cognition.
Babylab: In this laboratory researchers try to find out how babies come to understand the world around them. How do babies acquire language and how do they come to understand the relation between some action and the result of that action
Brain & Development: The lab explores the relations between brain development and cognitive development. A special focus of the lab is to investigate how brain development, including changes in function and connectivity, relates to typical and atypical development of control, decision making and self-control.
Brain & Language: This laboratory researches in how language is represented in the brain. Through the use of electroencephalography the brain activity during different language tasks is investigated.
Brain and Education Lab: The laboratory explores the development of complex cognitive processes involved in skills such as learning, reading and math are investigated from a developmental Cognitive Neuroscience approach.
Cognitive Ergonomics and Enhancement: the research aims at optimizing industrial performance by minimizing risks and task demands; the ergonomics approach, and maximizing human capacity.
Cognitive neuroscience lab: In this lab, the main focus of study are the cognitive processes and neural mechanisms underlying mental functions such as perception, attention, memory, decision making and action control.
Family Relationships: In the Laboratory of Family Relationships, researchers examine the family as a primary socialization context.
Neurocognitive disorders and psychopathology: the laboratory explores atypical and typical psychological disorders using various different measures.
Psychiatric Neuroimaging: In the Psychiatric Neuroimaging Lab, neuroimaging is used to examine structure and functioning of brain areas and circuits in children, adults and elderly with psychopathology disorders.