Les Avants

Les Avants is a village in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland. It is located in the municipality of Montreux, in the east of the canton, in the district of Vevey. It lies north-east of the town of Montreux and east of Lausanne.
Les Avants is also a winter resort in the Vaud Pre-alps. It hosted the first Ice Hockey European Championship, in 1910.
Ernest Hemingway relates in A Moveable Feast that he used to winter in Les Avants when he lived in Paris in the 1920s.
The village gives its name to the Chemin de fer Les Avants – Sonloup. Opened in 1901 as the first stage of the Montreux-Oberland Bernois, it connects Montreux to Les Avants and Sonloup, to the northwest. The village was home to the world-famous opera singer Dame Joan Sutherland and her husband, the conductor Richard Bonynge.