Lesmone is a genus of moths in the family Erebidae. The genus was erected by Jacob Hübner in 1818.Species
- Lesmone aemylis Panama, Costa Rica
- Lesmone aenaria Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Texas
- Lesmone bayamona Puerto Rico
- Lesmone brevimarginata Guyana
- Lesmone camptogramma Gyuana
- Lesmone cinerea Jamaica
- Lesmone detrahens Florida, Texas - detracted owlet moth
- Lesmone duplicans Suriname
- Lesmone ellops French Guiana
- Lesmone formularis southern US, Neotropical
- Lesmone fufius Mexico
- Lesmone gentilis Mexico
- Lesmone griseipennis Arizona - gray-winged owlet moth
- Lesmone gurda Saint Thomas
- Lesmone hinna southern US - Brazil, Antilles
- Lesmone inopia French Guiana
- Lesmone iolas French Guiana
- Lesmone irregularis
- Lesmone limonia French Guiana
- Lesmone magdalia French Guiana
- Lesmone nigrilunata French Guiana
- Lesmone pannisca Parana in Brazil
- Lesmone pestilens Paraguay
- Lesmone planitis Mexico
- Lesmone porcia Pernambuco in Brazil
- Lesmone pulchra Suriname
- Lesmone retardens Honduras
- Lesmone umbrifera Guyana