Lessard River (rivière Franquelin Branche Ouest)

The Lessard River is a tributary of the rivière Franquelin Branche Ouest, flowing in the unorganized territory of Rivière-aux-Outardes, in the Manicouagan Regional County Municipality, in the administrative region of Côte-Nord, in the province of Quebec, in Canada.
Forestry is the main economic activity in this valley; recreational tourism activities, second.
The surface of the Lessard River is usually frozen from the beginning of November to the end of April, except the rapids areas; however, safe circulation on the ice is generally from late November to early April.


The Lessard River draws its source from a small lake located in the unorganized territory of Rivière-aux-Outardes. This mouth is located at:
From its source, the Lessard River flows over with a drop of, especially in forest areas, according to the following segments:
The Lessard river flows on the southwest bank of the rivière Franquelin Branche Ouest. This confluence is located southeast of Lac à l'Oignon, either:
From the mouth of the Lessard river, the current descends on the course of the rivière Franquelin Branche Ouest, then on the course of the Franquelin river to the north shore of the estuary of Saint Lawrence.


The term "Lessard" is a family name of French origin.
The toponym "Lessard River" was formalized on December 5, 1968 at the Place Names Bank of the Commission de toponymie du Québec.