Level I BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language that shipped with the very first TRS-80, the TRS-80 Model I.


The original prototype of the TRS-80 Model I ran Li-Chen Wang's public domain version of Tiny BASIC. This required only 2 KB of memory for the interpreter, leaving an average of another 2 KB free for user programs in common 4 KB memory layouts of early machines.
During a demonstration to executives, Tandy Corporation's then-President Charles Tandy tried to enter his salary but was unable to do so. This was because Tiny BASIC used 2-byte signed integers with a maximum value of 32,767. The result was a request for floating-point math for the production version.
This led to the replacement of the existing 16-bit integer code with a version using 32-bit single-precision floating-point numbers. Tandy-employee Steve Leininger further extended the language to support input/output routines. The language fit within 4 KB of ROM.
In a presentation announcing the TRS-80, Leininger said, "What we did, we went back through the Wang Basic and completely tore out about 60 per cent of it, the integer overhead and all that kind of stuff."

Further Development

When the TRS-80 was introduced, three versions of BASIC were announced:
The Level I language was not available for the TRS-80 Model II but briefly re-surfaced as the baseline package for the TRS-80 Model III in 1981, selling for $699 compared to the $999 system with Model III BASIC. The language was identical to the Model I version but with the addition of commands to output to a printer.

Language features

Level I BASIC supported the following keywords:
Like Palo Alto Tiny BASIC on which it was based, Level I BASIC did not tokenize keywords like Microsoft BASIC but used abbreviations to reduce the amount of memory used by keywords, such as F. for FOR, G. for GOTO, P. for PRINT, and T. for THEN.
The language supported 26 single-precision variables A to Z, two strings A$ and B$, and one pre-defined array A. The language lacked a DIM statement for dimensioning the array, the size of which was determined by available memory not used by the program listing. As the language lacked many common math functions, the manual provided subroutine listings for square root, exponentiation, exponentials, logarithms, arithmetic sign, and trigonometry functions.