Lexa Roséan

Lexa Roséan, is an American Wiccan high priestess in the neo-Gardnerian Minoan tradition. She is also a dancer, writer and psychoanalyst. She lives in New York City.
Also known as the Supermarket Sorceress, she was voted "Best Witch in NYC" by The Village Voice in 2005. Roséan has been the subject of numerous articles in publications including The New York Times, Newsday, USA Today, Voice of Russia and Marie Claire, as well as a featured guest on television programs, including CNN, 20/20 The Joan Rivers Show, MTV, Food Network, and Fox News. She is also a lecturer and pagan writer, who has authored and published eight books on spellcraft, Wicca, astrology, and Tarot ; she has written special articles as well as a monthly astrology column for publications such as CosmoGirl, Seventeen and ReporTango.
Kate Walter, writing for The Village Voice, described Roséan as "a cross between a psychic and a shrink". In 2015, Lexa completed her Masters in Psychoanalysis and is currently an advanced certificate candidate at a psychoanalytic institute in New York City.

Early life

Originally from Miami, Roséan also grew up in Colorado. Her family became "baalat teshuva" and joined the Orthodox Hasidic community. It was then that Roséan also became actively interested in Kabbalahthe study of which was forbidden to women. At age 15, she came out as a lesbian and was officially excommunicated by a Beis Din.
At age 17 she moved to New York City, New York, to attend Yeshiva University, which she graduated with a B. A. in English and Communications in 1976. As part of her studies, she worked as an intern from 1976 to 1982 at the Actors Studio where she studied with Lee Strasberg, Shelley Winters and Ellen Burstyn.
In 1982 she also began her education as a witch, initially working as a solitary, then joined the Minoan Sisterhood study group, where she was initiated by Lady Rhea and Lady Miw. She was the Priestess for the Minoan Sisterhood training circle from 1982 to 2000. During those years, in addition to giving astrological and psychic readings, she also taught astrology, Tarot, Kabbalah, Wicca, astral projection, and spellcraft, and served as the official coven oracle. In an interview on Fox 5 with Alan Colmes in the Strategy Room in 2009, asked for her religious background, Roséan winkingly uses the term "JeWitch".


Aside from her writing on the occult, Roséan is also a playwright, short-story writer, poet and novelist. Her plays, which include The Swim, The Prisoner, Lesbians in the Bible, and I Married a Lesbian Witch, have been produced at New York City theatres, including The WOW Café, La Mama, Dixon Place, and PS 122. Her short stories have been published in various journals as well as anthologized in the collections Women on Women 2 and Celebrating the Pagan Soul. "A Kosher Megila" an excerpt from her novel, Spinoza's Daughter, was also included in Women on Women 3. Her poetry can be found on the Knitting Factory's 100 Greatest Poets album, and was also reviewed by Michael Musto in The Village Voice.


Lexa Rosán initially became interested in Tango Argentino in 1984 when she saw the show Tango Argentino on Broadway. But she did not start dancing Tango herself before 1995, in classes taught by Brigitta Winkler. She started teaching her own classes at the New York City dance school Paul Pellicoro's DanceSport in 2001. Among her most influential teachers were Carlos Gavito, Susana Miller, Laura Grinbank, Cacho Dante, Pupi Castillo, Graciela Gonzalez and Alicia Cruzado.
In 2007, 2008 and 2009 Roséan competed in the US Tango Championship. In the three consecutive years she placed third in Salon Tango and in 2008, together with Gayle Madeira, first in Stage Tango.
Also in 2008, Roséan hosted the first weekly lesbian milonga in New York City's West Village, at the Rubyfruit Bar and Grill. In 2009, Roséan was invited to the Queer Hamburg Tango Festival as a guest teacher, DJ and performer. In 2010, as part of New York City's first Queer Tango Festival, she taught, DJ'd and performed at various venues including the Players Club. In 2012 she guest DJ'd at the Queer Tango Festival in Berlin. Roséan lives in New York City, teaches privately, DJs, and dances social tango.


Short Fiction