Li-Ron Choir

Li-Ron Choir is an Israeli award-winning choir. Its repertoire includes classical music, folk songs, Jewish and Israeli music.


Li-Ron Choir was established in 1980 at the Gordon School in Herzliya by Ronit Shapira. The choir represents Herzliya both locally and abroad. The choir is composed of three groups: children between the ages of 6-11, teenagers from 12-18 and a vocal ensemble.
Participation in the choir has several goals: developing listening skills, honing the ability to process musical content and promoting tolerance and empathy.
Many Israeli composers, among them Sara Shoham, Andre Hajdu, Menachem Wiesenberg, Ovadia Tuvia, Moshe Rasiuk, Mary Even-or and Moshe Zorman, have written special choral works for the choir. Li-Ron performed the Yiddish song Oyf 'n Pripetshok for the sound track of Schindler's List.

International competitions

Since 1991 the choir had participated in several international competitions: