Li Qing (artist)

Li Qing is an artist based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.


Li was born in the Zhejiang province.
Li attended the China Academy of Art, graduating from the Oil Painting department in 2004.


Li Qing's main medium is oil painting on canvas. He has also worked with photography.
He is a painter whose work confronts issues surrounding visual perception – his Point Out The Differences series consists of pairs of paintings based on the same image, into which Li inserts a number of differences not immediately obvious to the viewer. Li is part of a generation of Chinese artists increasingly informed by the images and history of Western culture. Li Qing has brought his experience from the exploration of painting language to new mediums.


In 2002, as a student in the China Academy of Art, Li was looking for a way to make painting into a more spiritual experience and not only an aesthetic experience. He created the work named "2002 – Keen Experience 1." He described this work in his thesis paper:
Li describes himself as having as "computer programmer" approach, based on his series "Finding Differences." This series, which he began in 2005, is inspired by a type of video game where the player finds differences between images. He uses this series to break the normal aesthetic that painting can bring.
In 2006, Li began a series of oil paintings called "Images of Mutual Undoing and Unity," in which Li takes two images and paints them together, so they become one painting. He described this series:

Selected exhibitions

Solo exhibition



Jérôme Bel, the Luo Brothers, HE Chi, Liu Chuang,
Yu Fan, Chen Fei, Yang Fudong, ZHOU Haiying, Guo Hongwei, Zhang Hui, Yu Ji,
Ma Jun, Liu Liguo, MA, Chi Peng, SHI Qing, Ma Qiu-sha, Cheng Ran, Wu Rigen,
Yang Shuangqing, Liang Shuo, Xu Tan, Wolfgang Tillmans, Fred Tomaselli, Danh Vo,
Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Chen Wei, Hu Xiangqian, Mei Yuangui, Ren Zh