Liberal Network for Latin America

The Liberal Network for Latin America,, abbreviated to RELIAL, is a network of 42 liberal institutions from 17 Latin American countries. Members of RELIAL include political parties as well as think tanks, foundations and research institutes. Most of the members tend to economic liberalism. RELIAL is the regional organization of the Liberal International.
It was founded in 2003 with the official launch taking place in Costa Rica November, 2004.


NameCountryOrganisation type
Fundación Libertad y Progreso
Atlas 1853 Foundation
Liberty Foundation
Fundación Cívico Republicana
Fundación Federalismo y Libertad
Fundación Bases
New Democracy Foundation
Instituto de Estudios Empresariais
Liberty Institute
Students for LibertyStudent political organization
Fundación Libertad y Desarrollo
Fundación para el Progreso
Fundación Ciudadano Austral
EvópoliPolitical party
Instituto de Ciencia Política Hernán Echevarría
Association of Free Consumers
Asociación Nacional de Fomento Económico
Instituto de Desarollo Empressarial y Acción Social
Instituto Desarrollo Ambiente y Libertad
Cuban Liberal UnionPolitical party in exile
Centre for Public Policy Analysis
Centro Regional de Estrategias Económicas Sostenibles
Ecuadorian Institute of Political Economy
Libre Razón
Fundación Ecuador Libre
Fundación Ciudadanía y Desarrollo
Liberal Party of HondurasPolitical party
Fundación Eléutera
Honduras Investiga
Caminos de la Libertad
Se Busca Gente Libre
Freedom Foundation Think and Do Tank
Citizens for LibertyPolitical party
Freedom Foundation Panama
Freedom Foundation
Authentic Radical Liberal PartyPolitical party
Human Action Studies Institute
Instituto Invertir
Political Institute for Freedom
Instituto Manuel Oribe
Center for Education on Economic Knowledge
Come VenezuelaPolitical party