Liberia (canton)

Liberia is the first canton in the province of Guanacaste in Costa Rica. The canton covers an area of 1,436.47 km², and has a population of 67,463.
Prominent geologic features of Liberia include Cerro Cacao and Rincón de la Vieja. The latter is the center of the Rincón de la Vieja Volcano National Park. The canton also includes the most visited portion of Santa Rosa National Park on its northwest border. The Río Salto delineates the southwestern border as far as the Río Tempisque, and the Tempisque forms the border on the southeast as far as the Bahía Naranjo.
Besides hosting the provincial capital, Liberia Canton is the most populous of Guanacaste's nine cantons.


The canton of Liberia is subdivided into 5 distritos.
Cañas Dulces3,491


The canton was established by a legislative decree of November 4, 1862.