Library Hall of Fame

The Library Hall of Fame was a list created in 1951 that recognized leaders of the late 19th- and early 20th-century library movement, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the American Library Association.
A similar list was published in 1999, honoring "100 of the most important people in 20th-century librarianship," limited to "only people who lived and died in ."


NameBoth lists1951 list1999 list
Mary Eileen AhernBoth
Alexander P. Allain1999
Edwin H. Anderson1951
May Hill Arbuthnot1999
Lester E. Asheim1999
Sarah B. Askew1951
Hugh Atkinson1999
Augusta Baker1999
William J. Barrow1999
Mildred Leona Batchelder1999
John Shaw BillingsBoth
William Warner Bishop1999
Henry Bliss1999
Sarah C. N. BogleBoth
Richard Rogers Bowker1999
Arthur E. Bostwick1951
William Howard BrettBoth
Pierce Butler1999
Andrew Carnegie1999
Leon Carnovsky1999
Verner Warren Clapp1999
David Horace Clift1999
Fred C. Cole1999
George Watson Cole1999
Robert B. Croneberger1999
Frederick M. Crunden1951
Arthur Curley1999
Charles Ammi Cutter1951
John Cotton DanaBoth
Sadie Peterson Delaney1999
Melvil DeweyBoth
William S. Dix1999
Robert B. Downs1999
Paul Dunkin1999
Wilberforce Eames1951
Linda Eastman1999
Margaret A. Edwards1999
Theresa Elmendorf1951
Charles EvansBoth
Luther Evans1999
Salome C. Fairchild1951
William I. Fletcher1951
Jennie Flexner1951

NameBoth lists1951 list1999 list
Virginia Proctor Powell Florence1999
Henry Clay Folger1999
William E. Foster1951
Herman H. Fussler1999
Loleta Fyan1999
Mary Gaver1999
James L. Gillis1951
Rudolph H. Gjelsness1999
Fred Glazer1999
Margaret Hayes Grazier1999
Samuel Swett Green1951
Emerson Greenaway1999
J. C. M. HansonBoth
Adelaide R. Hasse1999
Mary E. Hazeltine1951
Frances E. Henne1999
Caroline M. HewinsBoth
Judson Toll Jennings1951
Charles C. Jewett1951
Carleton B. Joeckel1999
Virginia Lacy Jones1999
Frederick Paul Keppel1999
Alice B. Kroeger1951
William Coolidge Lane1951
Josephus Nelson Larned1951
George H. Locke1951
Harry Miller Lydenberg1999
Stephen McCarthy1999
Archibald MacLeish1999
Margaret Mann1999
Charles MartelBoth
Allie Beth Martin1999
Frederic G. Melcher1999
Keyes D. Metcalf1999
Carl H. Milam1999
Sydney B. Mitchell1999
William Andrew Moffett1999
Foster E. Mohrhardt1999
Anne Carroll Moore1999
Bessie Boehm Moore1999
Everett T. Moore1999
Isadore Gilbert Mudge1999
L. Quincy Mumford1999

NameBoth lists1951 list1999 list
Ralph Munn1999
Margaret Norton1999
Paul Evan Peters1999
Mary Wright Plummer1951
William F. Poole1951
Effie Louise Power1999
Herbert Putnam1999
S.R. Ranganathan1999
Josephine Rathbone1951
Joseph Henry Reason1999
Ernest C. RichardsonBoth
Arthur Fremont Rider1999
Frank Bradway Rogers1999
Charlemae Rollins1999
Francis R. St. John1999
Frances Clarke Sayers1999
Marvin Scilken1999
Margaret C. Scoggin1999
Minnie Earl Sears1999
Katharine Sharp1999
Ralph Shaw1999
Jesse H. Shera1999
Louis Shores1999
Frances Lander Spain1999
Forrest Spaulding1999
Ainsworth Rand Spofford1951
Lutie E. Stearns1951
Mortimer Taube1999
Maurice Tauber1999
Reuben G. Thwaites1951
Alice S. Tyler1951
Ralph Ulveling1999
George B. UtleyBoth
Robert G. Vosper1999
Douglas Waples1999
Joseph L. Wheeler1999
Edward C. Williams1999
Charles C. Williamson1999
Halsey William Wilson1999
Louis Round Wilson1999
Constance M. Winchell1999
Donald Goddard Wing1999
Justin Winsor1951