Each smooth vector field X on a manifold M may be regarded as a differential operator acting on smooth functions C∞. Indeed, each smooth vector field X becomes a derivation on C∞ when we define X to be a function whose value at a point p is the directional derivative of f at p in the direction X. Furthermore, any derivation on C∞ arises from a unique smooth vector field X. In general, the commutator of any two derivations and is again a derivation, where denotes composition of operators. This can be used to define the Lie bracket as the vector field corresponding to the commutator derivation:
Flows and limits
Let be the flow associated with the vector field X, and let D denote the tangent map derivative operator. Then the Lie bracket of X and Y at the point can be defined as the Lie derivative: This also measures the failure of the flow in the successive directions to return to the point x:
In coordinates
Though the above definitions of Lie bracket are intrinsic, in practice one often wants to compute the bracket in terms of a specific coordinate system. We write for the associated local basis of the tangent bundle, so that general vector fields can be written and for smooth functions. Then the Lie bracket can be computed as: If M is Rn, then the vector fields X and Y can be written as smooth maps of the form and, and the Lie bracket is given by: where and are n×nJacobian matrices multiplying the n×1 column vectors X and Y.
The Lie bracket of vector fields equips the real vector space of all vector fields on M with the structure of a Lie algebra, which means is a map with:
Jacobi identity,
An immediate consequence of the second property is that for any. Furthermore, there is a "product rule" for Lie brackets. Given a smooth function f on M and a vector field Y on M, we get a new vector field fY by multiplying the vector Yx by the scalar f at each point. Then: where we multiply the scalar functionX with the vector field Y, and the scalar function f with the vector field. This turns the vector fields with the Lie bracket into a Lie algebroid. Vanishing of the Lie bracket of X and Y means that following the flows in these directions defines a surface embedded in M, with X and Y as coordinate vector fields: Theorem: iff the flows of X and Y commute locally, meaning for all and sufficiently small s, t. This is a special case of the Frobenius integrability theorem.
For a Lie groupG, the corresponding Lie algebra is the tangent space at the identity, which can be identified with the vector space of left invariant vector fields on G. The Lie bracket of two left invariant vector fields is also left invariant, which defines the Jacobi–Lie bracket operation. For a matrix Lie group, whose elements are matrices, each tangent space can be represented as matrices:, where means matrix multiplication and I is the identity matrix. The invariant vector field corresponding to is given by, and a computation shows the Lie bracket on corresponds to the usual commutator of matrices:
As mentioned above, the Lie derivative can be seen as a generalization of the Lie bracket. Another generalization of the Lie bracket is the Frölicher–Nijenhuis bracket.