Life with Henry

Life with Henry is a 1941 American comedy film directed by Theodore Reed and written by Clifford Goldsmith and Don Hartman. The film stars Jackie Cooper, Leila Ernst, Eddie Bracken, Fred Niblo, Hedda Hopper and Kay Stewart. The film was released on January 24, 1941, by Paramount Pictures.


Henry Aldrich wants to win a trip to Alaska.


of The New York Times said, "Although Paramount and Henry Aldrich are rushing in where Andy Hardy has long since trod, this slightly reckless incursion is not at all to be regretted. For the droll and uninhibited Master Aldrich, whom radio listeners know exceedingly well, has already proven his stature as a cinematic asset in What a Life. And now, in Life With Henry, which arrived yesterday at Loew's Criterion, he displays in his further adventures an incontestable right to "series" rank. For pleasant family entertainment, we suggest you make Henry's acquaintance."