Electrical lighting technicians or simply lighting tech., are involved with rigging stage and location sets and controlling artificial, electric lights for art and entertainment venues or in video, television, or film production. In a theater production, lighting technicians work under the lighting designer and master electrician. In video, television, and film productions, lighting technicians work under the direction of the gaffer or chief lighting technician who takes their direction from the cinematographer. In live music, lighting technicians work under the lighting director. All heads of department report to the production manager and/or the Technical Director.
Lighting technicians are responsible for the movement and set up of various pieces of lighting equipment for separation of light and shadow or contrast, depth of field or visual effects. Lighting Technicians may also lay electrical cables, wire fixtures, install color effects or image patterns, focus the lights, and assist in creating effects or programming sequences. A lighting technician's work concerns safety of rigging and working with objects which can be very heavy and get very hot. Some local unions such as the International Alliance of Television Stage Employees Hollywood chapter local #728, have been qualifying members by certification and recognition through the Entertainment Stage Technologies Association with their Entertainment Technicians Certification Program. Basic skill sets are now standardized, and sets and stage are safer through this program. Lighting techs also:
Study the script and consult with director to assess what lighting is required
Select lights and equipment to be used and organize any additional equipment
Set up, focus and operate light fixtures and equipment
Control consoles and auxiliary equipment
Choose and combine colors to achieve the desired effect.
Operate the lights during the performance
Use manual or computer control consoles to control lighting throughout a production
Use devices such as barn-doors, scrims and other attachments to control lighted areas
Perform routine maintenance functions such as replacing lamps and damaged color filters or patterns and maintain lighting equipment in safe working conditions
In live music performances, concerts, and other entertainment, stage lighting technicians set up lighting and make effects for live performances, concerts and any other show/production involving lighting. Duties include:
Setting up and focusing lights
Patching and or wiring up lights to dimmers or electronic control consoles
Changing the set-up of lights during a performance or concert
The Stage lighting department hierarchy is as follows:
Chief lighting Technician: works with the production manager to determine what effects need to be created, creates a plan to achieve the desired effects, and then directs the other members of the stage lighting department to set up the appropriate lighting equipment. This person can also be known as the House Electrician, Master Electrician or Venue Electrician.
Lighting Board Programmer or Light board operator: Works with the chief lighting technician to program the lights using electronic or digital light programming equipment. The goal is to create light and color effects and sequences that enhance the onstage performance.
Lighting Technician: sets up lights and wiring, and changes lights during a show, can also be called Stage Electrician.
Stage lighting assistant: Works with the lighting technician to set up and patch or wire up lighting, also lugs gear to different areas of the stage area. These are sometimes utility technicians that may be shared between departments during a show day, depending on need and schedule.