Lily (name)

Lily is a feminine given name directly derived from lily, the flower. The popularity of the name increased steadily in most English-speaking countries during the late 20th century. In the United States, "Lily" became one of the top-100 names for newborn girls in 2002 and reached a rank of 18 by 2009. Lily was the 3rd most popular name for baby girls in England in 2011. In Northern Ireland, "Lily" increased in rank by 90 places in 2003, reaching the top 100.
Following is a short annotated list of persons, real and fictional, sharing "Lily" as a given name, representative of the breadth in geography and time of the name's use.
The name is derived from the flower, whose meaning is "pure", "passion" and "rebirth".
Lily can be short for Lillian, Lilika, Liliana or Lilith. It might be from the Greek word "louloudi" which means flower.
