Linux Lite

Linux Lite is a Linux distribution, based on Debian and Ubuntu and created by a team led by Jerry Bezencon. The distribution offers a lightweight desktop experience with a customized Xfce desktop environment. It includes a set of Lite application to make the life easier for a novice Linux user.
Linux Lite is a 'gateway operating system'. It was created to make the transition from Windows to a Linux-based operating system as smooth as possible. Linux Lite follows the Unix philosophy in regards to software selection and programming as it applies to the modern era - Write programs that do one thing and do it well.

Hardware Specifications

Minimum Recommended Specifications

Linux Lite aims to provide a sense of familiarity to Windows users by providing the same software available for Windows computers.
The following software is included as part of the operating system:
The following software additional to the operating system is offered:
Linux Lite began in 2013 with the release of Linux Lite 1.0.0, code-named "Amethyst", based on Ubuntu. It was initially developed and designed to attract Windows users to a Linux based operating system. The idea was to dispel myths that Linux was hard to use.


Linux Lite started out with a number system made up of the following - 1.0.0 The '1' represented the base code from Ubuntu i.e. '1' meant the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS base. The second number '0' represented the interim Ubuntu LTS release i.e. '0' meant 12.04.1 The third number '0' represented any point releases thereafter. For the 2.x Series, the third number was dropped as point releases were not required.


Linux Lite utilizes free and open-source software, and some proprietary software.

Software developed by Linux Lite