
Lipaugus is a genus of birds in the family Cotingidae. Established by Friedrich Boie in 1828, it contains the following species:
ImageScientific nameCommon NameDistribution
Lipaugus fuscocinereusDusky pihaColombia, Ecuador, and Peru
Lipaugus uropygialisScimitar-winged pihaBolivia and Peru.
Lipaugus vociferansScreaming pihaAmazon and tropical parts of the Mata Atlântica in South America.
Lipaugus unirufusRufous pihaBelize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Lipaugus lanioidesCinnamon-vented pihasoutheastern Brazil.
Lipaugus streptophorusRose-collared pihasouth-eastern Venezuela, western Guyana and far northern Brazil
Lipaugus weberiChestnut-capped pihaColombia.

Two former Lipaugus species are now in the genus Snowornis. The name Lipaugus is a Greek lipaugēs, meaning "dark" or "devoid of light".