Lisa Goldstein

Lisa Goldstein is an American fantasy and science fiction writer whose work has been nominated for Nebula, Hugo, and World Fantasy Awards. Her 1982 novel The Red Magician won a National Book Award in the one-year category Original Paperback
and was praised by Philip K. Dick shortly before his death. Her 2011 novel, The Uncertain Places, won the 2012 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature, and her short story, "Paradise Is a Walled Garden," won the 2011 Sidewise Award for Best Short-Form Alternate History.


Goldstein's father was Heinz Jurgen "Harry" Goldstein, a survivor of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp; her mother, Miriam Roth, survived the extermination camp Auschwitz. Her parents came to the United States in 1947 and met in an ESL class.
She has written two high fantasy novels, Daughter of Exile and The Divided Crown, under the pen name "Isabel Glass". Her publisher recommended a pseudonym because they differ so much from her other work. "Isabel" is from Point Isabel Regional Shoreline, a local park which includes a dog run. "Glass" fits the Tor Books standard for pseudonyms, short surnames in the first half of the alphabet.
She married Douglas A. Asherman in 1986, and lives in Oakland, California.
