List of 30 Rock episodes

30 Rock is an American satirical television sitcom that was broadcast on NBC. Created by Tina Fey, the series follows the lives of the head writer of The Girlie Show with Tracy Jordan, Liz Lemon, the other staff members of TGS, and their network executive, Jack Donaghy.
30 Rock was a critical success, winning several major awards, and achieving the top ranking on many critics' year-end best of 2006 and 2007 lists. On July 14, 2009, the series was nominated for 22 Primetime Emmy Awards, the most in a single year for a comedy series. Despite the acclaim, the series struggled in the ratings throughout its run. It broadcast a total of 138 episodes over seven seasons, from October 11, 2006, to January 31, 2013. In addition, a special episode that premiered on July 16, 2020.

Series overview


Season 1 (2006–07)

Season 2 (2007–08)

Season 3 (2008–09)

Season 4 (2009–10)

Season 5 (2010–11)

Season 6 (2012)

Season 7 (2012–13)

Special episode (2020)