List of American Experience episodes
American Experience, originally titled The American Experience, is an American television program and a PBS documentary series created by Peter McGhee. The series airs documentaries about historic events or historical figures that had an impact upon the United States government or its citizens. The show is produced primarily by WGBH-TV, a television station and PBS affiliate located in Boston, Massachusetts. WGBH-TV creates non-commercial educational programs and distributes them on public television stations throughout the United States. However, other PBS affiliate stations, such as WNET in New York City, have co-produced episodes for the television series. Since the program's debut on October 4, 1988, American Experience has broadcast 350 episodes and has been a recipient of over 265 broadcast and web awards.
The program's thirty-second season premiered on January 6, 2020.
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [|9] 10 11 [|12] [|13] [|14] [|15] [|16] [|17] [|18] [|19] [|20] [|21] [|22] [|23] [|24] [|25] [|26] [|27] [|28] [|29] [|30] [|31] [|32] [|Upcoming episodes] • [|See also] • [|Notes] • [|References] • [|External links] |