List of Aramaic acronyms
This is a list of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic and Jewish Palestinian Aramaic acronyms.
This list is far from complete; you can help by expanding it.
Sorting order
The entries in each section are sorted according to the Hebrew alphabet. Prefixes indicating prepositions and articles have been removed, with the following exceptions:- Where the acronym is incomprehensible or meaningless without the prefix
- Where the prefix is so integral to the acronym that variants without it rarely, if ever, occur
Hebrew acronyms
Some Hebrew acronyms are not included here; they may be found in the List of Hebrew acronyms.Many of the abbreviations here are similar or identical to corresponding Hebrew acronyms. In fact, a work written in Aramaic may have Hebrew acronyms interspersed throughout, much as a Hebrew work may borrow from Aramaic.
- איו אומרים, א"א - we cannot say
- אריך אנפין, א"א - The Partzuf of Hochma, the central, initial Partzuf in the world of Atzilut, from which all the other Partzufim originate. There is a special Partzuf, a system called Arich Anpin. Through it, the Light trickles downward and descends on us in droplets. We are unable to perceive the Light as a direct flow, but only drop by drop.
- אצילות בריאה יצירה עשיה, אבי"ע - the Four Worlds. See בי"ע
- 'אפילו, אפי - even, even if
- 'אצילות, אצי - the highest of the Four Worlds. See אבי"ע
- אדם קדמון, א"ק - Primordial Man, a spiritual level transcending Atzilut
- אמר רבי, א"ר - rabbi said
- אמרו רז"ל, ארז"ל - the sages said. See also רז"ל
- בבא בתרא, ב"ב - a tractate of the Talmud, lit. final gate
- בית דין, ב"ד - Jewish court of three adult men, lit. house of judgement. See also בי"ד
- בית הלל, ב"ה - the academy of Hillel, lit. the house of Hillel
- בית דין, בי"ד - Jewish court of three adult men, lit. house of judgement. See also ב"ד
- בריאה יצירה עשיה, בי"ע - the three nethermost of the Four Worlds, where the denizens thereof are aware of their own existence. See אבי"ע
- בבא מציעא, ב"מ - a tractate of the Talmud, lit. middle gate
- ב"ן - a spelling-out of the Tetragrammaton numerically equal to 52, the gematria of ב"ן.
- בסיעטא דשמיא, ב"סד - with the help of Heaven. Typically at the top right corner of a printed or written page. See also ב"ה in the List of Hebrew acronyms
- בבא קמא, ב"ק - a tractate of the Talmud, lit. first gate
- בית שמאי, ב"ש - the academy of Shammai, lit. the house of Shammai
- 'גומר, גו - etcetera
- גם כן, ג"כ - as well, lit. like so also
- 'גמרא, גמ - the explanation and discussion of the Mishna as printed in the Talmud
- דאם כן, דא"כ - because if so
- הרי הוא, ה"ה - it is, he is
- 'הוי - "God," the Tetragrammaton, indicating kindness, mercy and revelation
- הרי זה, ה"ז - this is
- הוה ליה למימר, הול"ל - shouldn't he have said
- הני מילי, ה"מ - this statement, lit. these words
- חס ושלום, ח"ו - Heaven forbid, lit. compassion and peace
- טלית גדול, ט"ג - the large talit
- יצר הטוב, יצה"ט - the good inclination. See also יצ"ט
- יצר הרע, יצה"ר - the evil inclination
- יצר טוב, יצ"ט - good inclination. See also יצה"ט
- כי אם, כ"א - unless
- 'כולו, כו - etcetera
- כל שכן, כ"ש - all the more so. See also ק"ו
- 'לשון, ל - relating to, lit. tongue/language
- מיין דכורין, מ"ד - "masculine" waters, i.e. Heavenly action
- מ"ה - a spelling-out of the Tetragrammaton numerically equal to 45, the gematria of מ"ה.
- מהדורא קמא, מהדו"ק - "first edition," editio princeps
- מכל מקום, מ"מ - in any case, lit. from any place
- ממלא כל עלמין, ממכ"ע - immanent in creation, lit. filling all worlds. See also סוכ"ע
- מיין נוקבין, מ"ן - "feminine" waters, i.e. human action
- מצות עשה, מ"ע - positive commandment, lit. commandment do. See also רמ"ח
- נביאים וכתובים, נ"ך - the parts of the Tanakh aside from the Pentateuch, lit. "Prophets and Writings." See also תנ"ך
- 'נוקבא, נוק - female, feminine
- 'נקרא, נק - it/he is called
- סובב כל עלמין, סוכ"ע - transcending all creation, lit. surrounding all the worlds. See also ממכ"ע
- סטרא אחרא, סט"א - the side of unholiness and the Kelipot, lit. the other side
- סוף סוף, סו"ס - ultimately, lit. end of end
- ספר תורה, ס"ת - a Torah scroll, containing the Torah
- על זה, ע"ז - on this, regarding this, above this
- על ידי, ע"י - because of, through agency of, lit. by the hand of
- עד כאן, ע"כ - until this point, lit. until here
- על כך, ע"כ - thus, lit. on this
- על כן, ע"כ - therefore
- על כרחך, ע"כ - we are forced , perforce, lit. on your compulsion
- 'עמוד, עמ - side, page, lit. column
- על פי, ע"פ - according to, lit. by the mouth of
- עשרת ימי תשובה, עשי"ת - the Ten Days of Teshuvah
- 'פ, פרק - chapter . But, see פ"ק
- 'פרשת, פ - the portion of
- 'פירוש, פי - which means, lit. explanation
- פסיק רישא, פס"ר - obvious conclusion, lit. the head is separated,
- פרק קמא, פ"ק - in the first chapter. See 'פ
- פירוש רש"י, פרש"י - Rashi explains, Rashi's explanation
- צריך להיות, צ"ל - it should/must be
- צריך עיון, צ"ע - requires investigation. See also צע"ק
- צריך עיון קצת, צע"ק - requires a little investigation. See also צ"ע
- קל וחומר, ק"ו - all the more so, at least as much so, lit. light and weighty. See also כ"ש
- קודשא בריך הוא, קוב"ה - the Blessed Holy One
- קימלא לן, קי"ל - we have established, lit. established for us
- קריאת שמע, ק"ש - reading of the Shema
- 'ראיה, ראי - proof
- ראש השנה, ר"ה - the beginning of the year
- רבותינו זכרונם לברכה, רז"ל - "Our Rabbis, of blessed memory," referring to Jewish sages of previous generations. See also חז"ל
- ראש חודש, ר"ח - the beginning of the month
- רחמנא לצלן, ר"ל - Heaven forbid, lit. may the Merciful One spare us
- רעיא מהימנא, ר"מ - a commentary on the Zohar, lit. The Faithful Shepherd
- רמ"ח - 248, indicating either the 248 positive mitzvot or the 248 organs of the human body. See also תרי"ג and שס"ה
- רפ"ח - 288, indicating the 288 sparks resulting from the [|Shattering of the Vessels] of the world of Tohu
- 'שנאמר, שנא - as it says
- שס"ה - 365, indicating either the 365 negative mitzvot, the 365 veins and sinews of the human body, or the 365 days of the solar year. See also תרי"ג and רמ"ח
- שמנה עשרה, ש"ע - the amidah, or standing prayer, lit. 18
- שליח ציבור, ש"ץ - prayer leader, lit. emissary of the community
- שבת קודש, ש"ק - the Holy Shabbat
- שקלא וטריא, שקו"ט - discussion, give and take, lit. take and give
- תורה שבכתב, תושב"כ - the Written Torah. See also תושבע"פ and תנ"ח
- תורה שבעל פה, תושבע"פ the Oral Torah. See also תושב"כ
- תשבי יתרץ קושיות ואביות, תיק"ו - it stands unresolved, lit. the Tishbite will answer questions and problems
- תורה נביאים וכתובים, תנ"ך - the Bible, lit. "Torah , Prophets and Writings." See also נ"ך
- תנא קמא, ת"ק - the first Tanna
- תרי"ג - 613, usu. indicating the 613 mitzvot. Also used to indicate the 613 corresponding organs and veins of the human body. See also רמ"ח and שס"ה
- תקיעה תרועה תקיעה, תר"ת - a series of shofar blasts
- תקיעה שברים-תרועה תקיעה, תשר"ת - a series of shofar blasts
- תקיעה שברים תקיעה, תש"ת - a series of shofar blasts
- תפילה של יד, תש"י - the arm tefillin
- תפילה של ראש, תש"ר - the head tefilin