The Children's Book Council of Australia Awards was started by the Children's Book Council of Australia in 1946 with one category. The awards have grown and now there are five categories in the Book of the Year Awards and numerous other awards presented annually by the National Office and CBCA branches in each State and Territory. The winner of the inaugural award received a flower, "a camellia". In more recent times the awards have been funded through Government grants, and lately by individual and corporation donations and sponsorships. The CBCA decided in 1995 to establish an Award Foundation to secure the funding for these awards for the future.
Nan Chauncy Award – a national biennial award presented to recognise a person’s outstanding contribution to the field of children’s literature in Australia.
The CBCA Book of the Year awards are a literary award. Recognising that children themselves may have differing opinions on the books, the CBCA support several awards which seek to poll the views of children themselves.
Books I Love Best Yearly — CBCA Queensland Branch.
Canberra’s Own Outstanding List — Libraries ACT have been convening the COOL Awards since 1991.
Kanga — The CROW Award was a South Australian popular choice award. After 1998 it went into recess, in 2003 it was briefly resurrected as the Kanga Awards by a consortium of bookshops, government and enthusiast bodies.
Kids Own Australian Literature Awards — The KOALA Awards for NSW children are managed by a volunteer committee.
Kids' Reading Oz Choice — Managed by the City of Darwin Libraries.
West Australian Young Readers' Book Awards — Was started by members of the CBCA Western Australia Branch, but is now run by a separate committee.
Young Australian Best Book Awards — The YABBA Awards is operated and managed by a volunteer committee.
Young Reviewer of the Year Awards
Queensland Young Reviewer of the Year Award
Victoria Young Reviewer of the Year Award
Western Australia Young Reviewer of the Year Award