List of Darling in the Franxx episodes
Darling in the Franxx is a 24-episode anime series co-produced by Trigger and CloverWorks, directed by Atsushi Nishigori, with Nishigori and Naotaka Hayashi handling series composition, Masayoshi Tanaka designing the characters, Shigeto Koyama acting as mechanical designer, Hiroyuki Imaishi serving as action animation director and Asami Tachibana composing the music. The opening theme song, titled "Kiss of Death", is sung by Mika Nakashima and produced by Hyde, while the several ending themes, titled "Torikago", "Manatsu no Setsuna", "Beautiful World", "Hitori", "Escape", and "Darling", are performed by XX:me, a unit consisting of the series' main female casts—Haruka Tomatsu, Kana Ichinose, Nanami Yamashita, Saori Hayami, and Shizuka Ishigami. Crunchyroll is simulcasting the series, while Funimation is streaming it with an English dub. Aniplus Asia is simulcasting the series in South East Asia.Episodes