List of Death in Paradise episodes
Death in Paradise is a British and French crime drama created by Robert Thorogood. The show is set in the fictional Caribbean island of Saint Marie, and is filmed in Guadeloupe. The series focuses on a detective inspector and his police team solving murder mysteries on the Caribbean island. The programme's main cast has included Ben Miller, who starred as DI Richard Poole from 2011 to 2014, Kris Marshall, who portrayed DI Humphrey Goodman from 2014 to 2017, Ardal O'Hanlon, who portrayed DI Jack Mooney from 2017 to 2020 and Ralf Little who currently plays DI Neville Parker, Gary Carr who portrayed sergeant Fidel Best from 2011 to 2014, Sara Martins, who starred as detective sergeant Camille Bordey from 2011 to 2015, Joséphine Jobert from 2015 to 2019 in the role of DS Florence Cassell, Don Warrington who has starred as commissioner Selwyn Patterson since the first episode, Danny John-Jules, who played officer Dwayne Myers from 2011 to 2018, Tobi Bakare who currently portrays officer JP Hooper and Élizabeth Bourgine, who has played the character Catherine Bordey since series one.
Death in Paradise was first announced on 9 December 2010 by the BBC; commissioned by controller of BBC Drama Commissioning Ben Stephenson. It was revealed that the show would be produced by Red Planet Pictures and Atlantique Productions, in association with BBC Worldwide and Kudos Film and Television for BBC One and France Télévisions. The idea for Death in Paradise came from Robert Thorogood, whose idea was formed after reading a report of a suspected murder in the Caribbean during the Cricket World Cup. Filming for the first series began in spring 2011, with the first series airing between October and December 2011. On 11 January 2012, Stephenson announced that a second series comprising eight episodes had been commissioned. The second series ran from January to February 2013. Since then, Death in Paradise has been recommissioned each year, and aired in January of each following year.
A ninth and tenth series were announced at the conclusion of series eight on 28 February 2019Series overview
Series 2 (2013)
Series 3 (2014)
Series 4 (2015)
Series 5 (2016)
Series 8 (2019)
Series 9 (2020)