Digimon Adventure is an anime series produced by Toei Animation. It began broadcasting in Japan on Fuji Television on March 7, 1999, and ended on March 26, 2000. The series was directed by Hiroyuki Kakudō and produced by Keisuke Okuda, featuring music composition by Takanori Arisawa and character designs by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru. The story revolves around a group of elementary school students known as the DigiDestined, who are transported to a parallel Digital World and find themselves in a quest to save it from evil forces with the help of their partner creatures. The series was followed in 2000 with a sequel titled Digimon Adventure 02. Digimon Adventure was broadcast with English dubbing in the United States on Fox Kids and in Canada on YTV. The series premiered on August 14, 1999, in the United States. Overall licensing of English-language material of the series was managed by Saban Entertainment, which was eventually acquired by The Walt Disney Company. Digimon Adventure has been compiled into DVD box sets by Bandai Visual and Happinet in Japan and by Cinedigm in North America. On August 1, 2013, the show became available for streaming in both its English and Japanese versions on Netflix in North America. Two pieces of theme music were used in the original version of the series. Kōji Wada's song "Butter-Fly" was used as the opening theme for the series, and Ai Maeda's songs "I wish" and "Keep on" were used as ending themes. The English opening featured an original composition by Paul Gordon. Digimon Adventure was licensed by Saban Entertainment in North America under the name Digimon: Digital Monsters. The show initially aired on Fox Kids and Fox Family Channel before distribution rights were sold to Disney through BVS and ABC Family Worldwide, later airing on Toon Disney and the rebranded ABC Family.
Episode list
Volume DVDs
Japanese release
Digimon Adventure was released as a 9-disc DVD boxed set by Bandai Visual on July 25, 2006, with each disc containing six episodes. Happinet also released its own 9-disc set on December 21, 2007. And a 8-Disc Standard Definition Upscaled Blu-ray set, in March 2015. Each disc contained 7 episodes. Also comes with a limited edition drama CD, and art booklet.
The first 20 episodes were released on four DVD sets by Maximum Entertainment between 2004–2008. The entire first season was released as one set on October 3, 2016 by Manga Entertainment.
Digimon: Digital Monsters - Volume 1
Digimon: Digital Monsters - Volume 2
Digimon: Digital Monsters Collection
Digimon: Digital Monsters - Subzero Ice Punch
Digimon: Digital Monsters - Complete Season 1
Australian release
Collection 1, containing 27 episodes was released on the August 17 in Australia by Madman Entertainment. Collection 2, was released on 11 October containing the remaining 27 episodes of the season.