List of Flame of Recca characters

This is the list of characters that have appeared in Flame of Recca. This list is heavily based on the manga, but relevant information based on the anime series are also noted.


Team Hokage

;Recca Hanabishi:
;:, Caitlynne Medrek
;:, Mayumi Asano


; : Renge is a clone produced in Mori's lab using Kurei's and Kurenai's genes. Her personality is of a naive little girl, and thus she follows Mori Kōran's orders without question because she sees him as her "papa." Among all the clones they created, Renge is the only one considered to be successful because she is the only clone that developed flame powers. She is eventually defeated and humiliated by Kurei, terrifying her and making her run to Mori for protection. Mori, who had then fused with the Tendō Jigoku, betrays her and kills her through allowing the Tendō Jigoku to devour her in order to absorb her flame powers. She only appears in the manga and the Flame of Recca video games.


The Uruha is a group of composed of skilled warriors hired to protect and assist Kurei in his missions. The Uruha is divided into several smaller groups, and some of them are more loyal to and/or exclusively serve Mori Kōran while the others remain loyal to Kurei.
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; : A manga-only character, J-Keeper is a gigantic armored warrior initially believed to be a member of the Jūshinshu who fights with a giant mace. He killed Magensha on orders from Kurei, and later attacked Koganei and Saicho. When Joker intervened, he suggested a team-up only to betray and critically injure Saicho. Joker then easily stopped one of J-Keeper's attacks and cut him to pieces, saying J-Keeper is nothing more than a placeholder for the real member of the Jūshinshu: Joker himself.

Uruha Jūshinshu

The Jūshinshu is composed of the ten strongest warriors in the Uruha. Most of the members of the Jūshinshu competed in the Ura Butō Satsujin as captains of different subdivisions of the Uruha. Kurei's team, Uruha Kurenai, consists of four members of the Jūshinshu, and they were the undisputed champions of the Ura Butō Satsujin for three years.

Uruha Maboroshii (Uruha Illusion)

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; : Shiju is an experimental result of Genjuro's twisted experiments that is labeled a chimera, and eats all the opponents he defeats. He is defeated by Koganei.

Uruha Kurogane (Uruha Iron)


Uruha Oto (Uruha Sound)

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Uruha Rai (Uruha Thunder)

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Uruha Ma (Uruha Devil)

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Uruha Kurenai (Uruha Scarlet)

Uruha Kurenai is composed of its captain, Kurei, and four other members of the Jūshinshu.
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Other Jūshinshu

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Uruha Hokage (Uruha Shadow)

The Uruha Hokage is composed of Kurei, Raiha, Neon, and Joker. It was formed after the Ura Butō Satsujin in order to go after and battle Mori Kōran.

Ura Uruha

Ura Uruha is a new Uruha group formed by Mori Kōran to spy on Kurei whenever he acts suspicious. After Mori disbanded Kurei's Uruha, the Ura Uruha became core of Uruha. Its initial members are ex-Jūshinshu members Genjuro, Rasen, Mikoto and Kyōza Meguri, as well as the former Uruha Mokuren. It also recruited many new fighters. Since this group appears after the tournament, they do not appear in the anime, but they appear in the Flame of Recca FINAL BURNING PlayStation 2 game and the Flame of Recca GBA game.
; : Rasen is a Jūshinshu who does not appear until after the Ura Butō Satsujin, and by then he is serving under Mori Kōran as a member of the Ura Uruha. He wields the madōgu Kōkai Gyoku, which can erase anything at the expense of something of equal value belonging to its wielder. Because of his usage of Kōkai Gyōku, Rasen has lost his feelings, his mother, and his voice. He also loses his blood when he erases the flame balls produced by Nadare during his battle against Recca. Rasen mentions that he is searching for the moment wherein he would be erased as punishment for erasing his mother, but Recca defeats him and tells him to live on and to stop using the Kōkai Gyoku.
; : Kirin is Rasen's partner who uses two madōgu; the Hōkishin, which can shoot out an elongated mechanical arm, and the Shingan, which allows her to read her target's thoughts. She is in love with Rasen and acts as his voice through reading his thoughts and relaying them to whoever it is he wishes to speak to. Mikoto states that Kirin is known for her innocence and that she has never touched anything pornographic/erotic in her entire life.
; : Gaō is Sekiō's elder brother who is addicted to chocolate. He blames Sekiō's death on Kurei and Domon, and attempts to avenge his brother by attacking Domon. He wields the madōgu Sekikon, which allows him to manipulate stone and is the brother madōgu of Sekichū. He can also conjure a stone giant called Gasekiō. He is initially defeated by Domon in the Sealed Lands arc. He reappears in Sodom and is forced to make the ultimate decision of chocolate versus the memory of his dead brother. He chooses chocolate. Then, he is defeated by Koganei.
; : Hisui is a fierce woman as whose motivation to fight is to find a moment wherein she can die. During a training session to promote her into the ranks of Ura Uruha wherein the trainees had to fight in the dark with a mask to silence their voices tied around their mouth, Hisui ends up killing her own boyfriend. She wields the madōgu Shinryo Shintō, a pair of blade-tonfa that can be elongated at will. After being defeated by Fūko, Hisui gives one of them to her. After learning her boyfriend's death was actually orchestrated by Mori Kōran and that he enjoyed the event as it happened, she defects from Uruha. She is killed by Mori Kōran while she was protecting Fūko.
; : Sōkakusai wields the madōgu Tamasui no Tsubo, an urn that traps people inside it. He's known to be possessive/obsessive over girls, and whenever he gets rejected, he seals the girl in the urn. He is obsessed with Fūko and constantly stalks her, and eventually seals her inside the Tamasui no Tsubo. Raiha rescues Fūko and kills Sōkakusai.
; : Kamui is a homosexual, pedophilic cyborg who uses assorted mechanical weapons that he can attach to his arms. His mechanical weapons include extendable limbs, a laser, and a gattling gun. He says that he is in 'love' with Koganei and constantly stalks him. Koganei defeats him, but he reappears at SODOM, where he is defeated by Recca. He then says that he has fallen in love with Recca and ends up helping the Hokage.
;,, : Miruku and Kurumi are maids, and Mikuru is a robot. Miruku wields a mop that controls Mikuru and can produce a smokescreen, while Kurumi wields a broom that can fire a laser beam. They are defeated with ease by Domon, Aki, and Miki.
; : Marie is a dominatrix who wears a gown and lives in a large European-looking house full of torture devices. Her husband and 'pet', Pochi, is a gigantic man wielding an axe who does everything she asks him to. She wields the madōgu Sokubaku Benten, an elongating whip that resembles a cat-o'-nine-tails. She manages to trick Mikagami into drinking from a drugged teacup, and eventually straps him to a statue with the intention to make him her new 'pet'. She attempts to drug Domon, but because he drank from the same spot on the cup that Marie drank from, Marie's plan did not work. She commands Pochi to attack Domon, and she intervenes when Pochi begins to get overwhelmed. Recca arrives, and he and Domon manage to defeat Pochi and Marie. Mikagami straps her to the statue after she is defeated. She is freed by Team Kū member Fujimaru, and tricks him into becoming her new 'pet'.
; : Z is the leader of the zombies who fights for Mori under the orders of an unnamed scientist. He possesses a whistle to summon more zombies to aid him. The zombies are former human beings created through infusing their bodies with cells taken from Mori. Mori's cells don't mesh well with the human body, and it causes mutations and eats away at the human cells, which will ultimately destroy the zombie. The scientist created a sort of medicine to slow down this deterioration, and he gives this to Z and the other zombies as a reward for obeying his orders. Koganei convinces Z that he and his comrades are not disposable creatures as the scientist said, but they are still human despite their monstrous forms. This causes Z to betray the scientist and order the other zombies to stop attacking the Hokage and the Hokage's allies.
; : Karame is a mummy-like creature that works for the Uruha Shishiten member, Kadotsu. Karame possesses a Shikigami, has the power to control paper. He is defeated by Fūko.

Uruha Shishiten (Uruha Lion)

The Shishiten is the equal of Uruha Jūshinshu to Ura Uruha. They consist of 4 top elite members of Ura Uruha.
; : Aoi is a clone produced using Kurei's and Kurenai's genes. Due to his inability to generate flames, he is deemed a failure and feels incredibly jealous towards the only 'successful' clone, Renge. He wields a gun, but his true strength lies in the madōgu Shinryo Shikō, which enables him to alter one's memory. He also wields a sword attached to his right hand, but it is unknown if this is an unnamed madogu, or simply a basic weapon. He first appears in the Sealed Lands, where he easily defeated an injured Mikagami after the latter emerged victorious against Mokuren and Mikoto. After Rasen loses the will to fight, Aoi replaces him as the leader of the Ura Uruha. He eventually transfers to Nashikiri High School in order to befriend Yanagi and the others. This is because his mission was to kidnap Yanagi and erase her memory so that she could be 'absorbed' by the Tendō Jigoku, and the Shinryo Shikō can only tamper with the memories that both the target and the user are aware of. Yanagi's kindness to him makes him doubt his loyalty to Mori. He is defeated by Recca, wherein he is actually found out to be a boy not a girl and he defects from the Ura following one's duty, but in acting according to your heart. Along with Hiruko, he defects from Uruha and joins the Hokage in the final against Tendō Jigoku.
; : The only polite warrior in the Shishiten. He owns the madōgu Ketsushu, which allows him to utilize his own blood as weapon or shield in a fight. He could create swords or shields from his blood. He is shown to suffer from anemia and has a lot supply of blood with the same blood type as his in his arena. But due to Shiguma's attack, almost all of his blood supply is destroyed. He is defeated by Domon when he failed to absorb Domon's blood. Domon save Hiruko from dying by giving him the remaining blood supply he can find. With a new conviction, he and Aoi defect from Shishiten and decided to ally himself with Hokage.
; : Kirito is a woman who wields the madōgu Rinne, which enables her to manipulate her own age and Nehan, a bracelet that allows her to control a beast called Shiguma. Her power over Shiguma makes up for her inability to fight on her own. After using Rinne too many times, Kirito has become unaware of her true self, and thinks that the only way to really find out is to destroy Rinne. However, she is afraid of turning out to be an old lady and not having Rinne to change her back to her younger self. Mori Kōran promised to reveal the truth if she served him, and so she does so. After witnessing Shiguma being defeated by Koganei and Joker, she fell into despair. In the end of the series, her fate is unknown.
; : Kadotsu is a sadistic warrior who enjoys killing, and claims that Magensha of Uruha Ma is always impersonating him. He is a formidable warrior, able to take down many opponents at once with just physical feats, but also utilizes the madōgu Mumyō and Mongamae, which open dimensional portals. He faces the remaining members of Uruha Ma and members Team Kū. He kills most of the Kū except Saichō, Kūkai, Fujimaru, and Daikoku. Kurei interrupts the battle and severely burns Kadotsu using the dead Kū members' souls as flame spirits. Kadotsu survives Kurei's attack and eventually battles with Koganei and Joker after Kirito is defeated. In an ensuing battle against Joker, both he and Joker are sucked into a black hole created by Joker's Taishaku Kaiten.

Supporting Characters (Present Day)

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; : Tsukino is Mori Kōran's wife, who is kind and gentle in contrast to her husband. Tsukino found Kurei after he was shunted into the present through the time portal. She was kind to him and Kurei obviously loved her, so after Mori used his own wife as a hostage so Kurei would follow his orders and become a heartless killing machine. There is a bomb implanted within her body that Mori has control of, but Raiha uses the power of Raijin to defuse it.

Team Kū (Team Sky)

Team Kū is a group of fighters who were the first opponents of Team Hokage in the first round of Ura Butō Satsujin. They used to be an honorable martial arts group, but later turned into a mercenary group due to financial crisis. The Kū eventually become one of Hokage's most prominent allies. In the manga, most of the Kū members' abilities are innate, with the exception of Saichō. In the anime, however, most of them wield a madōgu.
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The Twelve Referees

The referees in the Ura Butō Satsujin are composed of twelve women who represent the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. Tatsuko, the referee representing the Dragon is in love with Recca and is jealous of Yanagi. Nemi, representing the Rat, replaces Tatsuko as referee during the battle between Hokage and Uruha Maboroshii and also acts a commentator in the latter fights. Enna, representing the Monkey, oversees the battle between Fūko and Mikoto wherein Mikoto injures her in order to distract Fūko and win the match. The other referees include Inuko, Yōko, Umi, Ushino, Inoko, Toraha, Satomi, Midori, and Amagi.


is a team that participated in the second Ura Butō Satsujin and were defeated by Uruha Kurenai. The team is composed of Yashiro, Karin, Gaia, and Chigusari. During their battle against Uruha Kurenai during the second Ura Butō Satsujin, Karin is killed by Noroi due to orders given by Kurei despite the fact that they were already giving up. They participated in the third Ura Butō Satsujin to avenge their fallen comrade, but Gaia and Chigusari die in their battles. Yashiro, being the only surviving member of the team, forfeits to the Hokage during the pre-semifinal match before dying shortly afterward.

From the Past

Hokage Clan

The is clan renowned for their production and use of madōgu, which are mystical weapons that have various powers ranging from the manipulation of elements to increasing its user's strength. The Hokage clan was exterminated during an attack made by Oda Nobunaga on the clan's village in 1567. The Hokage leaders are known as Flame Masters because of their innate ability to control the element of fire. Each Flame Master is born with this ability, and are traditionally succeeded by one who is also born with this ability. In the case of the eighth Flame Master Ōka, his two sons are born with this ability. In the Hokage tradition, this meant that one of the children was born with a cursed flame, and should be terminated. The Hokage elders assumed that Kurei was the cursed child since they thought that he had an evil soul and attempted to kill him, but Kagerō, Recca's mother, stopped them from doing so.
The madōgu are mystical objects created by the Hokage that grant their users special abilities, such as allowing their users to manipulate certain elements and enhancing their user's strength/skills. Two madōgu creators were mentioned in the manga: Kokū, who creates madōgu to protect the clan and their loved ones, and Kaima, who creates madōgu solely for killing.

Flame Dragons

The are entities that manifest themselves in selected Hokage leaders, each dragon possessing its own unique flame abilities/techniques. Each dragon is an embodiment of the soul of a previous flame master who died with regrets and/or without being able to fulfill his/her mission.
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; : Reina is Kurei's blood mother who had been Kagerō's rival since they were young. She often fights alongside Kagerō for Ōka's sake, but in the anime, she is shown to absolutely despise Kagerō. She is later taken by Ōka as his consort and gives birth to Kurei. She defends Kurei when he is about to be killed by the Hokage elders, and winds up being exiled along with her son. Although she dislikes Recca, she doesn't hate Ōka for the decision. When the village is razed by Nobunaga's soldiers, Reina rescues Kurei from the prison and sends him off alone, so she wouldn't be a burden to him. Her last words are that Kurei must live and be strong, and that as long as he lives, Hokage would never perish.
; : Kaima is Kokū's rival and the other creator of madōgu. Kaima is a madman who desires to create weapons to kill. He is eventually killed by his fellow kinsmen, but he transfers his spirit to his last creation: Tendō Jigoku. He is very similar to Mori Kōran in terms of personality.

Other characters

; : She possesses the power to heal any wounds and is the previous incarnation of Yanagi. She is in love with her attendant Koheita, but upon his death, she chose to commit seppuku, with Ōka preventing the Takasugi clan from entering the Sawaki clan's castle.
; : Koheita is a vassal of the Sawaki Clan and a childhood friend of Sakura, who is also deeply in love with her. He is the one who recommends that the Sawaki clan enlist the aid of the Hokage to assassinate Takasugi Jyugorō Masakane, the leader of the Takasugi clan. Unfortunately, he dies in the war that ensued after the Hokage failed to assassinate Takasugi. It is heavily implied that Recca is his reincarnation.
; : The leader of the Takasugi clan. He is a greedy, ambitious warlord who demands that the Sawaki clan surrender Sakura to him in marriage in exchange for the clan's safety. After the Sawaki and Hokage fail to assassinate him, he moves in to destroy the clan. He succeeds, but when he attempts to capture Sakura himself, he and his army is obliterated by Ōka and his seven Flame Dragons.