List of Futurama episodes

The American animated science fiction sitcom Futurama, created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company, aired on Fox from March 28, 1999, to August 10, 2003; Cartoon Network's Adult Swim aired reruns of the show from 2003 through 2007. Following a commitment from 20th Century Fox Television to produce four straight-to-DVD Futurama films, Comedy Central announced on June 23, 2006 that they were resurrecting the show and would air the films as new Futurama episodes after each film's DVD release. Comedy Central began airing Futurama reruns in January 2008 and broadcast on March 23, 2008. Following the four films, Comedy Central has broadcast a sixth season of twenty-six episodes, split over 2010 and 2011. A seventh season was announced in March 2011 and debuted in the summer of 2012.
The original 72-episode run of Futurama was produced as four seasons; Fox broadcast the episodes out of the intended order, resulting in five aired seasons.
As consequence, the show's canon is disrupted by the broadcast order. For example, Fox showed an episode featuring Cubert Farnsworth before the episode where he is first introduced and released from stasis. This was not intended by the show's creators.
More, different regions and networks use different ordering for the episodes. Some countries broadcast Futurama in the intended four-season order. In the UK, the first 13 episodes of the series' second run were released on DVD/BD as "season five", which is entirely different to the "season five" shown by Fox.
This list features the episodes in original production order, as featured on the DVD box sets.
The show aired its final episode on September 4, 2013.

Series overview

broadcast many episodes of the original four production seasons of Futurama out of order, resulting in five broadcast seasons. Comedy Central also chose to air the parts of season 6 and 7 out of order as well. This list follows the season box sets, which feature the episodes in the original, intended production season order, ignoring the order of broadcast.

Home media


Season 1 (1999)

Season 2 (1999–2000)

Season 3 (2001–02)

Season 4 (2002–03)

Season 5 (2008–09)

Season 6 (2010–11)

Season 7 (2012–13)


''Everybody Loves Hypnotoad''

Included on the DVD release of is a full-length 22-minute episode of Everybody Loves Hypnotoad, titled "Amazon Adventure", based on the fictional show produced by Hypnotoad. "Amazon Adventure" begins with an establishing shot of a house, before immediately cutting to Hypnotoad hypnotising the audience. Other establishing shots and advertisements are interspersed throughout the episode.

''Futurama: The Lost Adventure''

The Futurama video game was released shortly after the airing of the 72nd episode in August 2003. The game's story and dialogue was written by J. Stewart Burns, and the voice direction was by David X. Cohen. According to Cohen, the half-hour's worth of cutscenes in the game were originally written as "the 73rd episode of the original series." These cutscenes were compiled together and released as a bonus feature on the DVD release of . Renamed Futurama: The Lost Adventure, the episode tells of how the Planet Express crew prevented Mom from using Earth to take over the Universe.

''Futurama Live!''

Futurama Live! first aired on July 11, 2012 on Comedy Central following the original broadcast of the episode "Zapp Dingbat", the public were given the chance to participate in a live chat with the Futurama cast and crew. Several previews of then-upcoming Season 7 episodes were shown during the live stream, and several details about the season were revealed, including: returning appearances by the characters Guenter and Dr. Banjo in an episode of broadcast season 10, the debut of Lrrr's son, an episode about the origins of Scruffy, a three-part episode featuring 1980s-style animation, the status of Mars, and the possibility of "Möbius strip clubs". One lucky fan even won a prize.
A second episode of Futurama Live! was aired as a live Internet webcast event broadcast on September 4, 2013 on the Comedy Central website and the Nerdist YouTube channel as part of the Futurama series finale. It was broadcast in two parts, the first part was the pre-show hosted by Chris Hardwick and featured Futurama creator Matt Groening, series showrunner David X. Cohen and voice actors Phil Lamarr and Lauren Tom. The second part was the post-series finale webcast again hosted by Hardwick with Groening and Cohen and actors Maurice LaMarche and Billy West discussing the series finale and different aspects of the show.


Radiorama is a special podcast episode of Futurama made for the Nerdist Podcast to help promote reuniting the entire Futurama cast as well as special guest star Chris Hardwick as the villain, Klaxxon. The podcast was released on September 14, 2017. The episode was written by David X. Cohen, Ken Keeler and Patric M. Verrone.