List of Gravity Falls episodes

Gravity Falls is an American animated series created by Alex Hirsch for Disney Channel, and Disney XD. The series revolves around the various antics of two fraternal twins, Dipper and Mabel Pines, who were handed over to their Great Uncle Stan, who runs a tourist trap called The Mystery Shack, in the town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. They soon realize that the mysterious town holds plenty of secrets. When Dipper finds an old journal in the forest, their everyday lifestyle changes with odd things and creatures they encounter.
On March 12, 2013, the show was renewed for a second season. However, Disney did not officially confirm the second season until July 29, 2013. That was just four days before the season one finale, "Gideon Rises", aired. The second season premiered on August 1, 2014 on Disney Channel, and on August 4, 2014 on Disney XD.
On November 20, 2015, Alex Hirsch stated that the second season of the show would be the last, and would conclude with the final part of the three-part finale entitled "Weirdmageddon". The episode aired on February 15, 2016.

Series overview


Season 1 (2012–13)

Season 2 (2014–16)


The five short series, Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained, Mabel's Guide to Life, Fixin' It with Soos, TV Shorts and Mabel's Scrapbook, aired between the first and second season of Gravity Falls.

Short overview

''Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained'' (2013)

''Mabel's Guide to Life'' (2014)

''Fixin' It with Soos'' (2014)

''Public Access TV'' (2014)

''Mabel's Scrapbook'' (2014)

Behind-the-scenes special

TitleOriginal air dateU.S. viewers