List of Greyfriars School characters

This is a list of original characters found in the Greyfriars School stories by Charles Hamilton, writing as Frank Richards.

Greyfriars School Staff

The Remove is the home of the main protagonists in the stories, including the Famous Five, Billy Bunter, and Herbert Vernon-Smith. It is frequently described in the stories as a "numerous" form, and with good reason: over the 53-year period of publication, it is estimated that more than 80 schoolboys passed through the form. Most of these arrived as a central character in a particular storyline, and disappeared shortly afterwards, having either been expelled or simply not mentioned again.
The following list of members of the Remove is that published in The Magnet No. 1,659. Of the 39 characters in the list, it is noteworthy that it took the author 559 weeks to assemble 38 of them.
There are few mentions of a First form at Greyfriars and none at all after the early era of The Magnet.

Highcliffe School