List of Hiberno-Saxon illuminated manuscripts
Hiberno-Saxon manuscripts are those manuscripts made in Ireland and Great Britain from about 500 CE to about 900 CE in England, but later in Ireland and elsewhere, or those manuscripts made on the continent in scriptoria founded by Hiberno-Scottish or Anglo-Saxon missionaries and which are stylistically similar to the manuscripts produced in Ireland and Britain. It is almost impossible to separate Anglo-Saxon, Irish, Scottish and Welsh art at this period, especially in manuscripts; this art is therefore called Insular art. See specifically Insular illumination and also Insular script. For English manuscripts produced after 900, see the List of illuminated Anglo-Saxon manuscripts.
- Antwerp Sedulius
- Barberini Gospels
- Bibliothèque Nationale MS lat. 10861 Lives of Saints
- Gospels of Saint Gatien of Tours
- Ambrosiana Jerome
- Ambrosiana Orosius
- Bodleian Ovid
- Bodleian Philippus
- Book of Armagh
- Book of Cerne
- Book of Deer
- Book of Dimma
- Book of Durrow
- Book of Kells
- Book of Mulling
- Book of Nunnaminster
- Gospel Book
- British Library Add MS 36929 Psalter
- British Library Harley MS 1023 Gospel Book
- Gospels of Mael Brigte
- Cadmug Gospels
- Canterbury Gospels
- Cathach of St. Columba
- Codex Amiatinus
- Codex Bigotianus
- Codex Eyckensis
- Codex Usserianus Primus
- Codex Usserianus Secundus
- Cologne Collectio Canonum
- Cotton-Corpus Christi Gospel Fragment
- Cuthbert Gospel of St John British Library - for binding
- Cutbercht Gospels
- Durham Cassiodorus
- Durham Cathedral Library A. II. 10. Gospel Book Fragment
- Durham Cathedral Library A. II. 16. Gospel Book Fragment
- Durham Gospels
- Echternach Gospels
- Freiburg Gospel Book Fragment
- Gotha Gospels
- Harburg Gospels
- Hereford Gospels
- Karlsruhe Bede
- Leiden Pliny
- Leiden Priscian
- Leipzig Gospel Book Fragment
- Leningrad Bede
- Leningrad Gospels
- Leningrad Paulinus
- Lichfield Gospels
- Lindisfarne Gospels
- Lothian Psalter
- Macdurnan Gospels
- MacRegol Gospels
- Milan Theodore
- Rawlinson Gospels
- Ricemarch Psalter
- Royal Gospel Book
- Royal Irish Academy MS D. II. 3 Gospel of St. John
- Royal Prayer Book
- Salaberga Psalter
- Southampton Psalter
- St. Gall Gospel Book
- St. Gall Gospel of St. John
- St. Gall Priscian
- Stockholm Codex Aureus
- Stonyhurst Gospel - for binding
- Stowe Missal
- Stuttgart Psalter
- Tiberius Bede
- Trier Gospels
- Turin Gospel Book Fragment
- Utrecht Gospel Book Fragment
- Valenciennes Apocalypse
- Vespasian Psalter
- Vitellius Psalter
- Wurzburg St. Paul