List of Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger characters
This is a list of characters for Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger, a Japanese tokusatsu television series, the first series in the franchise released in Japan's Reiwa period, and the 43rd entry of Toei's long-running Super Sentai series produced by TV Asahi. The series follows the knights of the Ryusoul Tribe as they fight against the Druidon Tribe, a powerful race of monsters who once ruled Earth before fleeing into space 65 million years ago and have returned to reclaim it.
The Ryusoulgers are members of the Ryusoul Tribe, an ancient race that has existed since the age of the dinosaurs who were originally warlike in the past. The Ryusoul Tribe made their home in an isolated mountain village in Aokigahara where they pass the Ryusoulger mantle from master to apprentice while safeguarding the temple holding the Kishiryu. When the Druidon Tribe return to Earth, the current Ryusoulgers are forced to leave their home. The Ryusoulgers use the RyuSouls with the bracelet-like Ryusoul Changers to transform, as well as the sword-like Ryusoul Ken sidearms to either access special abilities via the auxiliary RyuSouls or perform the Dino Slash finisher via their personal RyuSouls.After the Ryusoulgers acquired the Ryusoul Calibur, a legendary sword that previously served to maintain the seal on the Druidons' progenitor Eras, the one using it can transform into an armored and caped Noblesse form with two finishers: Extreme Dino Slash via their personal Ryusouls and Ultimate Dino Slash via the KyoRyuSouls.
The RyuSouls are key-like relics that hold the spirits of the Kishiryu and give the Ryusoulgers their powers. Each RyuSoul has two modes: Soul Mode and Knight Mode. When not in use, every auxiliary RyuSoul takes the form of a Blank Soul. By setting a personal RyuSoul into the Ryusoul Changer, the user will transform into their Ryusoulger form. By setting a personal RyuSoul into the Ryusoul Ken, a Ryusoulger can perform a finisher while setting an auxiliary RyuSoul allows them to form a unique Ryusoul Armor on their right arm via Dragon Armament. Every personal RyuSoul can also enlarge to form KishiRyuOh's head depending on the formation currently in use. An amber-based RyuSoul is called a Beginning RyuSoul.Change
- Red RyuSoul: Koh's personal RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Tyramigo and allows him to transform into Ryusoul Red.
- Blue RyuSoul: Melto's personal RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Triken and allows him to transform into Ryusoul Blue.
- Pink RyuSoul: Asuna's personal RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Ankyloze and allows her to transform into Ryusoul Pink.
- Green RyuSoul: Towa's personal RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu TigerLance and allows him to transform into Ryusoul Green.
- Black RyuSoul: Bamba's personal RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu MilNeedle and allows him to transform into Ryusoul Black.
- Gold RyuSoul: Canalo's personal RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu MosaRex and allows him to transform into Ryusoul Gold.
- GaiSoul: A RyuSoul that allows the user to don the Gaisoulg armor.
- Max RyuSoul: Koh's other personal RyuSoul that allows him to transform into Max Ryusoul Red.
- LupinSoul: A RyuSoul that allows the user to transform into a Lupinranger. Exclusively used in Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger VS Lupinranger VS Patranger.
- TsuyoSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Tsuyosouryu and grants the user enhanced attack power. First used in Super Sentai Strongest Battle.
- NobiSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Nobisouryu and allows the user to stretch any object. First used in Super Sentai Strongest Battle.
- OmoSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Omosouryu and allows the user to manipulate gravity.
- HayaSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Hayasouryu and grants the user enhanced agility and speed. First used in Super Sentai Strongest Battle.
- KataSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Katasouryu and allows the user to become invulnerable to any attack.
- KikeSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Kikesouryu and grants the user an enhanced sense of hearing.
- KusaSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Kusaasouryu and allows the user to produce a stinky gas.
- MieSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Miesouryu and grants the user enhanced eyesight.
- MukiMukiSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Mukimukisouryu and grants the user enhanced physical strength.
- ChiisaSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Chiisasouryu and allows the user to shrink anyone or anything down to smaller sizes.
- MabushiSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Mabushisouryu and allows the user to produce a powerful flash of light.
- MistSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Mistsouryu and allows the user to produce a mist.
- KaruSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Karusouryu and allows the user to make anyone or anything lighter in weight.
- GyakuSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Gyakusouryu and allows the user to turn anything back to its original state.
- KotaeSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Kotaesouryu and allows the user to put someone into a sleep-like trance that causes them to only tell the truth.
- MigakeSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Migakesouryu and allows the user to make anyone or anything slippery.
- KunKunSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Kunkunsouryu and grants the user an enhanced sense of smell.
- PukuPukuSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Pukupukusouryu and allows the user to inflate anyone or anything like a balloon.
- FueSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Fuesouryu and allows the user to create a duplicate of anyone or anything.
- KakureSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Kakuresouryu and allows the user to make anyone or anything invisible.
- MawariSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Mawarisouryu and allows the user to make anyone spin.
- NemuSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Nemusouryu and allows the user to put someone to sleep.
- KawakiSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Kawakisouryu and allows the user to evaporate any moisture.
- YawarakaSoul: An auxiliary RyuSoul that holds the spirit of Kishiryu Yawarakasouryu and allows the user to soften anyone or anything.
- KanaeSoul: A special RyuSoul with the power to grant wishes and was said to have contributed to the Sea Ryusoul Tribe breaking off from the main faction.
- MeraMeraSoul: Based on a Dimetrodon, this KyoRyuSoul holds the spirit of Kishiryu DimeVolcano. It enables access to the MeraMera Armor, granting the user fire-based abilities. When used in the Ryusoul Ken, a Ryusoulger can perform the Burning Dino Slash finisher.
- BiriBiriSoul: Based on a Spinosaurus, this KyoRyuSoul holds the spirit of Kishiryu SpinoThunder. It enables access to the BiriBiri Armor, granting the user lightning-based abilities. When used in the Mosa Breaker, Ryusoul Gold can perform the Final Thunder Shot finisher.
- ByuByuSoul: Based on a Tyrannosaurus, this KyoRyuSoul holds the spirit of Kishiryuzin.
- KagayakiSoul: Based on a Velociraptor, this KyoRyuSoul holds the spirit of Kishiryu ShineRaptor. It enables access to the Kagayaki Armor, granting the user light-based abilities and healing capabilities.
- KurayamiSoul: Based on a Velociraptor, this KyoRyuSoul holds the spirit of Kishiryu ShadowRaptor. It enables access to the Kurayami Armor, granting the user darkness-based abilities. When used in the Mosa Breaker, Ryusoul Gold can perform the Final Black Hole Shot finisher.
- CosmoSoul: Based on a Velociraptor, this KyoRyuSoul holds the spirit of Kishiryu CosmoRaptor. It enables access to the Cosmo Armor, which combines the abilities of the Kagayaki Armor and Kurayami Armor while granting the user the addition of cosmic-based abilities.
- DoshinSoul: Based on a Stygimoloch, this KyoRyuSoul holds the spirits of Kishiryu Pachygaroo and Chibigaroo. It enables access to the Doshin Armor, granting the user earth-based abilities and enhanced punching capabilities. When used in the Ryusoul Ken, a Ryusoulger can perform the Dino Sonic Blow finisher.
- HieHieSoul: Based on a Pteranodon, this KyoRyuSoul holds the spirit of Kishiryu Pterardon. It enables access to the HieHie Armor, granting the user ice-based abilities and flight capabilities. When used in the Ryusoul Ken, a Ryusoulger can perform the Blizzard Dino Slash finisher.
- Tyramigo: A red Tyrannosaurus that is Ryusoul Red's partner and one of the three Kishiryu sealed within the temple in the Ryusoul Tribe's village. In battle, Tyramigo is armed with the Knight Cannons on its shoulders, two artillery turrets on its back, the first facing forward and the second towards the rear, a drill on each shoulder, the Tail Whip and its jaws. When accompanied by its enlarged Red RyuSoul, Tyramigo can project flames from its mouth. Voiced by Masaki Terasoma.
- Triken: A blue Triceratops that is Ryusoul Blue's partner and one of the three Kishiryu sealed within the temple in the Ryusoul Tribe's village. In battle, Triken is armed with the Knight Sword blade on its snout.
- Ankyloze: A pink Ankylosaurus that is Ryusoul Pink's partner and one of the three Kishiryu sealed within the temple in the Ryusoul Tribe's village. In battle, Ankyloze is armed with the Knight Hammer club mounted on its tail.
- TigerLance: A green Tigersaurus, a fictional dinosaur resembling a Smilodon, that is Ryusoul Green's partner. In battle, TigerLance is armed with the Knight Lance blade attached to its right side, perform energy strikes with its claws, and can move at super-speed.
- MilNeedle: A black Needlesaurus, a fictional dinosaur resembling a Miragaia, that is Ryusoul Black's partner. In battle, MilNeedle is armed with the Knight Needle spines on its back, allowing it to fire spike projectiles at its enemies.
- SpinoThunder: A gold, navy-blue, orange and silver Spinosaurus-based Kishiryu formed from Kishiryu DimeVolcano, MosaRex, and the AmmoKnuckles. In battle, SpinoThunder can shoot lightning from its mouth or the sail on its back.
- *DimeVolcano: An orange and silver Dimetrodon-based auxiliary Kishiryu. Due to its high power and its short temper when a person answers its quizzes incorrectly, the Ryusoul Tribe sealed it away in a separate location. Despite this, it was frightened of people fearing it. Before the Ryusoulgers found it, its only friend was Haruto Watanabe, a boy recovering from an eye operation who wasn't afraid of him; even after seeing him once his eyes fully recovered. In battle, DimeVolcano is armed with the flaming Knight Fan sail on its back, the Knight MeraMera Sword tail blade, and can breathe fire from its mouth. DimeVolcano is voiced by Wataru Takagi.
- *MosaRex: A navy-blue and gold Mosasaurus-based Kishiryu that is Ryusoul Gold's partner and master as well as DimeVolcano's brother. MosaRex harbored a hatred for the Land Ryusoul Tribe following their civil war 65 million years ago until it learned to accept the Ryusoulgers and joined them. In battle, MosaRex is armed with the KnighTrident tail blade, two four-shot missile launchers under each front fin, and its massive jaws. MosaRex is voiced by Ryōta Takeuchi.
- *AmmoKnuckles: Navy-blue twin Ammonite-based auxiliary Kishiryu partnered with MosaRex.
- CosmoRaptor: A black and white Velociraptor-based Kishiryu formed from Kishiryu ShineRaptor and ShadowRaptor. The dual Kishiryu were stolen by the Druidon Tribe before they fled into space 65 million years ago. During that time, they fed on light and darkness, eventually gaining the ability to combine into CosmoRaptor and harness cosmic energy. In battle, CosmoRaptor can absorb energy from the universe, create wormholes, and wields the Cosmo Goggle visor formed from the component Kishiryu's crests.
- *ShineRaptor: A white Velociraptor-based auxiliary Kishiryu. In battle, ShineRaptor is armed with the Kagayaki Sword tail blade, can cast a healing light from its jaws, and travel at light-speed.
- *ShadowRaptor: A black Velociraptor-based auxiliary Kishiryu. In battle, ShadowRaptor is armed with the Kurayami Gun tail gun, and can form black holes from its jaws.
- Dinomigo: A dark-green and gold Ceratosaurus, and the first Kishiryu, created 65 million years ago by Valma to aid in his plans for world domination. This Kishiryu appears exclusively in Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger the Movie: Time Slip! Dinosaur Panic.
- Cobrago: Twin gold cobra-based auxiliary Kishiryu also created by Valma. In battle, the Cobrago wield the Knight ByuByu Swords and the Cobrago Heads. These Kishiryu appear exclusively in Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger the Movie: Time Slip! Dinosaur Panic.
- Pachygaroo: An olive-green and rust-orange Pachygaroosaurus, a fictional dinosaur hybrid based on a Stygimoloch and a kangaroo, that serves as an auxiliary Kishiryu. Pachygaroo is armed with the dual Knight Glove gauntlets on its arms and the Knight Thruster on its tail.
- *Chibigaroo: An olive-green and rust-orange Pachygaroosaurus-based auxiliary Kishiryu and the child of Pachygaroo. Chibigaroo is voiced by M·A·O.
- Pterardon: A light-blue and white Pteranodon-based Kishiryu that fled into space to avoid being sealed and left in a temple only to end up being sealed in its egg-like Pit Mode; losing access to its abilities and falling into Earth's oceans. MosaRex discovered it and left it in Oto's care, who nicknamed it Pii-tan. After being freed, it regained its ice-based abilities, can fire a sub-zero ice beam from its Pterardon Head, achieve space flight, and wields both the Knight Edge wings and the HieHie Claw on its tail. It can also combine with Tyramigo to become the dragon-like Ptyramigo. Pterardon is voiced Takeshi Kusao.
Ryusoul Combinations
KishiRyuOh is Tyramigo's humanoid form when combined with an enlarged Red RyuSoul. KishiRyuOh can use the Joint Change system to rearrange Tyramigo's drills, turrets, the Tail Whip, or the Tyramigo Head onto different parts of its body for increased combat versatility; such as performing the Tail Crash whip attack). Its finisher is the Tyra DynaBite.- KishiRyuOh Three Knights is the primary combined mecha formed when KishiRyuOh, Triken, and Ankyloze come together. Its finisher is the KishiRyuOh Final Blade.
- *KishiRyuOh Triken is an alternate arrangement consisting of Kishiryu Triken, KishiRyuOh, Ankyloze and an enlarged Blue RyuSoul. In this form, KishiRyuOh receives a boost in its swordsman skills. Its finisher is the Triken Strike.
- *KishiRyuOh Ankyloze is an alternate arrangement consisting Kishiryu Ankyloze, KishiRyuOh, Triken and an enlarged Pink RyuSoul. In this form, KishiRyuOh Ankyloze is armed with the Knight Hammer focuses on its strength without a combat style. Its finisher is the Ankyloze Bomber.
- KishiRyuOh TigerLance: A speed-oriented formation composed of KishiRyuOh Three Knights, TigerLance and an enlarged Green RyuSoul. This form utilizes speed in combat, in addition to wielding the Knight Lance with immense swordsmanship skills. Its finisher is the Tiger Sonic Lancer.
- KishiRyuOh MilNeedle: A strength-oriented formation composed of KishiRyuOh Three Knights, MilNeedle and an enlarged Black RyuSoul. This form relies on its strength and fights in the style of a sumo wrestler using the dual Knight Mace in oshidashi-style thrusts. Its finisher is the Needle Crusher.
- KishiRyuOh Five Knights: The secondary combined mecha composed of KishiRyuOh, Triken, Ankyloze, TigerLance and MilNeedle. It wields both the Knight Lance and the Knight Shield. It can perform several specialized attacks: the Tyranno Burst, the Knight Lance Tiger Slash, the Triken Cutter, the Ankyloze Shot, the Needle Attack, the KishiRyuOh Final Cannon, and the Five Knights Drop Strike. Its finisher is the Five Knights Ultimate Slash.
- *KishiRyuOh Five Knights Blue: An alternate arrangement with Triken, Tyramigo, Ankyloze, TigerLance, MilNeedle, and an enlarged Blue RyuSoul.
- *KishiRyuOh Five Knights Black: An alternate arrangement with MilNeedle, Tyramigo, Ankyloze, TigerLance, Triken, and an enlarged Black RyuSoul. It can perform several specialized attacks: the Tiger Boomerang with TigerLance's tail, the Triken Cutter with the Knight Sword, the Ankyloze Hammer with the Knight Hammer, and the Needle Attack with MilNeedle's tail and Tyramigo's drills. Its finisher is the Five Knights Black Ultimate Slash.
- KishiRyuOh DimeVolcano is the combined form of KishiRyuOh, DimeVolcano, and an enlarged MeraMeraSoul. In this form, KishiRyuOh is armed with the dual Volcano Cannons mounted on its shoulders, the Knight MeraMera Sword, the Knight Fan, and gains fire-based abilities. Its finisher is the Volcano Slash.
- KishiRyuOh CosmoRaptor is the combined form of KishiRyuOh, CosmoRaptor, and an enlarged CosmoSoul. This formation is armed with the Kagayaki Sword and the Kurayami Gun, and gains light, darkness, and cosmic abilities. Its finisher is the KishiRyuOh Cosmic Breaker.
- KishiRyuOh Pachygaroo is the combined form of KishiRyuOh Three Knights, Pachygaroo, Chibigaroo, and an enlarged DoshinSoul. In this form, KishiRyuOh is armed with the dual Knight Gloves and gains enhanced punching strength, boxing skills, and earth-based abilities. Its finisher is the Boost Break Blow.
- KishiRyuOh Jet is the combined form of KishiRyuOh, Pachygaroo, Chibigaroo, Pterardon, and the enlarged spare Red RyuSoul. This formation retains KishiRyuOh Pachygaroo's boxing skills and earth-based powers, while combining them with Pterardon's ice-based powers and flight. Its finisher is the KishiRyuOh Blizzard Inferno.
- KishiRyuNeptune CosmoRaptor is the combined form of KishiRyuNeptune, CosmoRaptor, and an enlarged CosmoSoul. In this form, KishiRyuNeptune is armed with the Kagayaki Sword and the Kurayami Gun, and gains cosmic-based abilities. Its finisher is the KishiRyuNeptune Cosmic Breaker.
- *KishiRyuNeptune ShadowRaptor is the combined form of KishiRyuNeptune, ShadowRaptor, and an enlarged KurayamiSoul. This formation is armed with the Kurayami Gun and commands darkness-based powers. Its finisher is the KishiRyuNeptune Black Hole Cannon.
Gigant KishiRyuOh
Kishiryuzin is the combined form of Dinomigo, the Cobragos, and an enlarged ByuByuSoul. This formation is comparable to KishiRyuOh in speed and agility, but its swordsmanship skills and strength are far superior. It is also armed with the dual Knight ByuByu Swords and can fire the Flame Beams from the Cobrago Heads. This combination appears exclusively in Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger the Movie: Time Slip! Dinosaur Panic.YokuRyuOh
YokuRyuOh is Pterardon's humanoid form when combined with an enlarged HieHieSoul. Being the sleekest of the Ryusoulgers' mecha, YokuRyuOh can achieve flight, temporarily transform its surroundings into an icy region, and wields the HieHie Claw on its right arm, the Knight Edge wings, and the Pterardon Head. It can also perform the YokuRyuOh Blizzard Storm attack. Its finisher is the YokuRyuOh Blizzard Claw Strike.King KishiRyuOh
King KishiRyuOh is the strongest of the Kishiryu combinations, able to fight in any environment due to the Red RyuSoul combining with Tyramigo, MosaRex, and Pterardon. Able to move at light-speed, it uses the Knight Edge wings, the Knight Boarder pads, the Pterardon Head, Tyramigo Head and the MosaRex Head as weapons. King KishiRyuOh's finisher is the King KishiRyuOh Big Bang Evolution.Allies
;Ui Tatsui;Naohisa Tatsui
;Master Red
;Master Blue
;Master Pink
;Master Green
;Master Black
Druidon Tribe
Warfare Tribe Druidon are a race of evil monsters lead by chess piece-themed generals who existed alongside the Ryusoul Tribe and sought world dominion before they were forced to flee into space during the extinction event that killed the dinosaurs. 65 million years later however, having continued their campaign on various planets, the Druidon return to Earth to resume their conquest of it. The Druidon were later revealed to have been created by Eras as a means to exterminate her previous creation, the Ryusoul Tribe, after they became warlike and aggressive. However, the originally benign Druidon also became corrupted, leading Eras to make the decision to destroy both. The surviving Druidon members turn on Eras and aid the Ryusoulgers in the final battle, later departing to Kleon's planet of origin.;Eras
;Drunn Soldiers
The Minosaurs are mythical creature-themed monsters spawned from a human's negative emotions, and drain the host's life energy in order to reach their larger dragon-like full-grown Complete Body. Some occur naturally while others are produced by Kleon targeting ideal organisms or objects with strong negative emotions.- Dragon Minosaur: A wild Minosaur with fire breath, shockwave generation, energy manipulation, and lightning generation that stalked the Ryusoul Tribe's village. When the Druidon returned to Earth, it went on a rampage, killing Masters Blue and Pink before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Three Knights.
- Basilisk Minosaurs: A series of lesser Minosaurs spawned from unknown hosts who mainly serve as minor enemies. One was seen being easily destroyed by Ryusoul Green and Black while a second one was seen being easily destroyed by Ryusoul Gold.
- Unicorn Minosaur: A Minosaur possessing the Unicorn Saber on its right hand that Kleon created from the negative emotions of professional fencer Takanori Mishima before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh. Voiced by Tomohiro Asaeda, who also portrays its host.
- Medusa Minosaur: A Minosaur armed with the Cobramberge sword that Kleon created from Ui's negative emotions before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Three Knights. Voiced by Mana Kinjo.
- Kraken Minosaur: A Minosaur with water gun arms that Kleon created from the negative emotions of neglectful father Tetsuya Shirota before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh TigerLance. Voiced by Masato Mitani, who also portrays its host.
- Cerberus Minosaur: A Minosaur with venomous fangs that Kleon created from the negative emotions of local animal health center employee Sanae Hiiragi before it was destroyed by Ryusoul Black's Dino Slash.
- *Cerberus Minosaur : The elder brother of the previous Cerberus Minosaur who was also created from the negative emotions of Sanae Hiiragi, before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Five Knights.
- Cockatrice Minosaur: A Minosaur capable of producing a loud screeching noise that Kleon created from the negative emotions of Planet Cepeus' Princess Fita before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Five Knights.
- Minosaur: A Minosaur that uses shields to absorb and redirect kinetic energy Kleon created from the negative emotions of boxing student Kenta Mori before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Ankyloze. Voiced by Ōshirō Maeda, who also portrays its host.
- Minosaur: A Minosaur with various water-based abilities, such as teleportation through water and forming water shields. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of host Kazuma Kuta. Though it overpowered the primary Ryusoulgers, it was later destroyed by Ryusoul Gold's Final Thunder Shot. Voiced by Yōsuke Yokota, who also portrays its host.
- -themed Minosaur with enhanced leaping capabilities and magnetic abilities via its red and blue horns that allow it to fire attraction and repelling beams respectively as well as a combined purple magnetic energy beam. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of DON Jiro, star of a series of web videos, before it was later destroyed by MosaRex. Voiced by Yōhei Kaneshige, who also portrays its host.
- Minosaur: A Minosaur capable of absorbing and utilizing people's wishes, duplicating and reassembling itself, withstanding nearly any attack put against it, and producing energy blasts. Unlike most of the other Minosaurs, Kleon created this one from a wishing stone that grew to resent hearing people's wishes without breaks. After it grew larger than past Minosaurs, it was destroyed by Gigant KishiRyuOh.
- Arachne Minosaur: A Minosaur that wields a whistle capable of teleporting people away to a special detention room. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of frustrated elementary school teacher Misako Iimura, who had a hatred for rulebreakers, before it was destroyed by Gigant KishiRyuOh. Voiced by Yukari Taki, who also portrays its host.
- Grimoire Minosaur: An inorganic Minosaur capable of bringing anything it draws in its sketchbook to life as well as trapping people in said sketchbook by drawing them. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of young artist Shōtarō before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Five Knights and KishiRyuNeptune.
- Necromancer Minosaur: A Minosaur capable of generating illusions, levitating, and bringing the dead back to life by replacing them with something living. It was born from the negative emotions of Master Pink upon her death, who the monster temporarily resurrected. It was later destroyed by KishiRyuOh CosmoRaptor.
- Minosaur: A multi-eyed Minosaur with omnidirectional vision, a kindness stealing laser it can fire from its center eye, purple lasers it can from the ten eyes surrounding the center one, pincers that can fire energy bolts, and increased durability. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of a woman named Chika Sudō, who desired kindness, before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Pachygaroo.
- Beelzebub Minosaur: A microscopic Minosaur with a whip-like tail and the ability to transfer any damage it takes to whoever it wraps said tail around. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of frustrated husband Ranto Itō before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Pachygaroo.
- Poltergeist Minosaur: A Minosaur capable of poisoning anything it touches. Unlike most of the other Minosaurs, Kleon created it from the negative emotions of several unwanted things before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Pachygaroo.
- Dullahan Minosaur: A "high-spec" Minosaur capable of producing a blinding flash that only affects women and wields two arm blades. Kleon created it from self-centered, self-proclaimed "high-spec" surgeon, Atsushi Miura. After overpowering the Ryusoulgers and fighting Gaisoulg, it was destroyed by Ryusoul Red.
- Fairy Minosaur: A flying, non-humanoid Minosaur capable of entrancing people into a dancing frenzy. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of an unnamed trumpet player before it was destroyed by YokuRyuOh.
- Minosaur: A Minosaur capable of moving at superhuman speeds. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of racecar driver Saki Kōda, who wanted to change herself to meet others' expectations, before it was destroyed by King KishiRyuOh.
- Gnome Minosaur: A Minosaur capable of burrowing underground and shooting missiles from its head. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of physician and overprotective mother Kyōko Taniguchi before it was destroyed by King KishiRyuOh.
- Charybdis Minosaur: A hydrokinetic Minosaur capable of summoning and bending water as well as storing it in a water tank on top of its head. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of Gachireus, who wanted to prove himself to Pricious, before it was destroyed by Max Ryusoul Red and Noblesse Ryusoul Gold.
- Minosaurs: A series of Minosaurs capable of transforming into mist and using this form to place people in their worst nightmares so it can absorb their fear. The first Satan Minosaur was created by Kleon from the negative emotions of a cursed mirror that reflected fear before it was destroyed by King KishiRyuOh. The second Satan Minosaur was created by Kleon from Melto's negative emotions while they and Asuna were swallowed by Eras, using the Minosaur to break free before Eras destroys it.
- Ghost: A Minosaur that wields a pen-style staff in combat. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of playwright Tamada, who wanted to write a best-selling play, before it was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Five Knights Black and KishiRyuNeptune.
Other Minosaurs
- Progenitor Minosaur: An ancient Minosaur with time traveling capabilities created from the negative emotions of Yuno, daughter of Valma and member of the ancient Ryusoul Tribe. It was destroyed by KishiRyuOh Five Knights. This Minosaur appears exclusively in Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger the Movie: Time Slip! Dinosaur Panic.
- Griffin Minosaur: A Minosaur capable of flying. Kleon created it from the negative emotions of Ganima Noshiagalda, a Chimera-themed Gangler remnant who wanted to be freed from his confinement. It was destroyed along with the host by the Ryusoulgers, Lupinrangers, and Patrangers. This Minosaur appears exclusively in Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger VS Lupinranger VS Patranger.
Space entities
Gaisoulg is an animated suit of armor that was created by the ancient Ryusoul Tribesman Valma during his people's war with the Druidon. However, it was sealed away when it became sentient after absorbing an excessive amount of hatred and developed an insatiable craving for a strong opponent to battle and possess. Five centuries before the events of the series, Gaisoulg was unsealed by Master Green when he was forced to wear the armor in order to fend off a Druidon attack. Master Green then left the planet for deep space to protect everyone, though Gaisoulg outlived its host and sought out new suitable hosts across the cosmos before the events of Super Sentai Strongest Battle, targeting Super Sentai warriors before being willingly worn by the sorceress Rita so she could destroy the Super Sentai. After she was defeated, the armor ended up in the possession of Nada, who proceeded to challenge both the Ryusoulgers and the Druidon.The armor arms its wearer with the Ryusoul Ken-like Gaisoul Ken sword, a shield, as well as the memories of its past wearers. The Ryusoulgers eventually expelled the hatred that maintained Gaisoulg, purifying it so Nada could use it to help the Ryusoulgers. After Nada sacrificed himself to save Koh, the Gaisoulg armor was transformed into the Max Ryusoul Changer, which allows Koh to become Max Ryusoul Red.
Regardless of the wearer, Gaisoulg is voiced by Tomokazu Seki.
Movie-exclusive characters