The series focuses on the four mobile suit pilots of the paramilitary organization Celestial Being. The pilots, referred to as Gundam Meisters, pursue the complete eradication of armed conflict mainly through the deployment of the revolutionary Gundam units in aggressive armed interventions. ; Setsuna F. Seiei ; Lockon Stratos ; Allelujah Haptism ; Tieria Erde
Crew of the ''Ptolemaios''
Supporting the Gundam Meisters is the crew of the Ptolemaios led by Sumeragi Lee Noriega. At the end of the first season, the Ptolemaios was severely damaged and many of its crew were killed. During the second season, the new Ptolemaios II enters service crewed by the surviving members of the original Ptolemaios. They are later joined by Saji Crossroad and Soma Peries, the latter after recovering her memory as Marie Parfacy. ; Sumeragi Lee Noriega ; Feldt Grace ; Christina Sierra ; Lichtendahl Tsery ; Lasse Aeon ; Joyce Moreno ; Ian Vashti ; Mileina Vashti ; Linda Vashti
The Gundam Meisters and the crew of the Ptolemaios face many opponents from the three major powers, the Union, Human Reform League, and AEU during their armed interventions in the first series. In the second series, the Gundam Meisters find opposition in the form of new and returning enemies during their battle against the Earth Sphere Federation's A-Laws and the Innovators.
First season
The World Economic Union, also referred to as the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations, is a supranational politico-economic community consisting of the Organization of American States, Australasia, and Japan. It controls the first-completed of the three orbital elevators, located in South America. ; Graham Aker ; Billy Katagiri ; Howard Mason ; Daryl Dodge ; Ralph Eifman
Human Reform League
The Human Reform League is a supranational political-economic community consisting of several countries on the Asian continent which includes China, India, Russia and the ASEAN nations. It controls the second-completed of the three orbital elevators located in the South Pacific. ; Sergei Smirnov ; Soma Peries
The Advanced European Union, or AEU, is a supranational politico-economic community consisting of Iceland, the islands of the Barents Sea, Greenland, Anatolia, European Russia and the entirety of the traditional continent of Europe. Its institutional makeup is comparable to that of the real-world European Union. Despite the AEU's control of the presently incomplete orbital elevator tower in Africa, it possesses no member states on the continent. ; Patrick Colasour ; Kati Mannequin
; Ali Al-Saachez ; Alejandro Corner
Second season
The Autonomous Peace-Keeping Force, or A-Laws, is the primary antagonistic organization of the second series. Officially, their mission is to further unify nations by rooting out anti-government resistance. But their ideals and tactics are a facade of brutal oppression. Their actions trigger the emergence of some anti-Federation forces, like Katharon, and Celestial Being, which returns after four years. Many characters from the first series join the A-Laws, including Graham Aker, Billy Katagiri, Soma Peries, Patrick Colasour, Kati Mannequin and Louise Halevy. ; Andrei Smirnov ; Barack Zinin ; Arthur Goodman ; Homer Katagiri ; Arba Lindt
At the start of Celestial Being's armed intervention, Ribbons Almark, from behind the scenes, leads a group consisting of six individuals known as Innovades, beings created by Aeolia Schenberg to pose as Innovators. Supposedly essential to Aeolia's plan, Ribbons claims that they are "the future of mankind" while they are actually impressions of the true Innovators that would manifest within humans. Considered to be existences that surpass normal humans, they are beings created through means of heavy gene manipulation and nanotechnology. They are characterized by their advanced ability to use quantum brainwaves and directly interface with Veda, as well as their agelessness and androgyny. Tieria Erde is also an Innovade, but has sided with Celestial Being, and a number of other Innovades were shown participating in ordinary life worldwide in the final episode of season 2. ; Ribbons Almark ; Regene Regetta ; Revive Revival ; Hiling Care ; Bring Stabity ; Divine Nova ; Anew Returner
Awakening of the Trailblazer
; Descartes Shaman ; Mina Carmine ; ELS
Other characters
; Marina Ismail ; Shirin Bakhtiar ; Klaus Grad ; Louise Halevy ; Saji Crossroad ; Kinue Crossroad ; Gundam Throne Meisters/Team Trinity Although Trinity's past and origins remain a mystery in the show itself, the official Mobile Suit Gundam 00 novels state that the three siblings were created by Ribbons Almark, who used parts of his own DNA to engineer human beings with several Innovator-like traits. As a result, they are able to perform otherwise impossible tasks such as interfacing with Veda and using quantum brainwaves. But unlike the Innovades, the Trinity siblings have significantly less androgynous appearances.