List of Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ characters

This is a list of fictional characters from the Japanese science fiction anime television series Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ. Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ picks up where Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam left off with Haman Khan, regent to Mineva Lao Zabi, planning an invasion of Earth. It continues to follow Bright Noa and the ship Argama as well as introduce several new characters.



;Judau Ashta
;Iino Abbav
;Elle Viano
;Beecha Oleg
;Mondo Agake
Roux Louka
An A.E.U.G. recruit serving on the Argama, Roux Louka becomes the pilot of Zeta Gundam when Judau Ashta changes over to the ZZ Gundam. A regular soldier and older than Judau and his counterparts, her patronizing attitude towards them initially causes friction, but eventually an unfaltering bond of trust forms between them. Despite feelings enemy pilot Glemy Toto has for her, Roux kills him in their final confrontation. After the war she joins the Jupiter Fleet along with Judau.
;Elpeo Ple
;Bright Noa
;Hayato Kobayashi
;Kamille Bidan
;Fa Yuiry


Neo-Zeon (Axis)

;Haman Karn
;Mineva Lao Zabi
;Mashymre Cello
;Chara Soon
;Glemy Toto

Other characters

;Leina Ashta
;Sayla Mass
;Yazan Gable