List of Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives personnel

This is a list of personnel who participated in the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program under the Civil Affairs and Military Government Sections of the Allied armies between 1943 and 1946. "Expertise" attempts to indicate each person's background and suitability for MFAA at the time of their recruitment; many achieved even greater things in their later lives.
Adams, Edward ECaptainInterior architectSignatory of the Wiesbaden Manifesto
Albright, Frank PLieutenantArchaeologist
Amand, Marcel
Anderson, Harry A.Major
Apgar, HoraceT/Sgt.Assigned to MFAA in late 1945; worked as an investigator, involved in the retrieval and restitution of Jewish property
Appel, William BS/Sgt.
Archey, GilbertLt. Col.
Armstrong, Robert G.S/Sgt.
Arnold, John G
Avery, MyrtillaMedieval art, art history professor emeritus at Wellesley CollegeVolunteer assistant with the American Council of Learned Societies.
Baillie Reynolds, Paul KennethMajorClassics scholar and archaeologist
Balfour, Ronald EdmondMajorHistorian and Fellow at King’s College, CambridgeReported the theft of Michelangelo’s Madonna of Bruges. Killed at Kleve 10 March 1945.
Barancik, Richard M.Pfc.Post-war in 1946, Barancik studied architecture at the University of Cambridge and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts at Fontainebleau in 1947.
Baudouin, Frans
Beaufort, René
Bell, Harry E.Major
Bencowitz, IsaacCaptainChemist, linguist Joined MFAA April 1946
Bernholz, CharlesDriver and photographerJoined MFAA in Italy in January 1945
Bilodeau, Francis W.Pfc.
Bleecker, Paul O.Pfc.
Boardman, Edward T.Lieutenant
Boell, Jesse E.Assistant Director of the War Records Office, U.S. National Archives
Bonilla y Norat, Felix JosèLieutenantPainter, art professor University of Puerto Rico, art critic San Juan Star
Bonzom, Eugene
Boon, Karel Gerald
Born, Lester K.Major
Borouch, Edward J.T/4
Bovio, Flora
Bowie, Mrs. Barbara H.
Bradford, John S.P.Captain
Breitenbach, EdgarArt historian; native German speaker
Broerman, Paul
Brooke, Humphrey
Bryant, William C.Captain
Brye, Hubert de
Buchman, Julius H.Captain
Buckingham, Russell H.Pfc.
Bumbar, JuliannaLieutenantLt. Bumbar accompanied the Veit Stoss altarpiece and da Vinci's Lady with an Ermine back to Poland in 1946.
Burks, Bernard D.Captain
Busey, C.Captain
Callon, Margaret
Carr, Allan
Casson, StanleyLt. Col.
Chadwick, GordonCorporalArchitect
Chance, R.Captain
Charles, RolloCaptainArt academic at Ashmolean Museum at Oxford
Cheguillaume, M. J.
Chevigny, Prince
Child, Sargent Burrage
Christopher, William R.
Clarke, Roger A.Lieutenant
Clem, Harold J.
Conrad, DodaLieutenantMusicianAssigned to MFAA mid-1945
Cook, J. M.
Cook, James O.S/Sgt.
Cooper, DouglasSquadron LeaderArt collector and critic; fluent German speaker; interrogatorNoted for his discovery of the Schenker Papers and his investigation into Swiss complicity in the trading of looted artworks
Coremans, Paul B.Chemist and archivist
Corrigan, Gordon F.Sergeant
Cott, Perry BlytheLt. Cdr.Curator of European and Asiatic art at the Worcester Art Museum in Massachusetts
Coulter, J. HamiltonLt. Cdr.
Croft-Murray, EdwardMajorResearcherServed with MFAA in Italy and Austria from 1943
Davie, L.G.SgtArt historian and teacherServed with MFAA in Greece and Italy. Taught in London and Rye, Sussex
Davis, Clyde ICorporal
Davis, Richard S.LieutenantDirector of the museum and library at Cranbrook Academy of Art
Dawson, Eric A.Captain
de Beer, Esmond Samuel
De Vinna, Maurice A., Jr.
Defino, L.S/Sgt.
DeWald, Ernest T.Lt. Col.Professor of Art at Princeton UniversityJoined MFAA in Italy in 1943
Dewitt, Roscoe P.MajorArchitect
Dignam, Celia
Diraimondo, Charles J.T/4
Dixon-Spain, J.E.Squadron Leader
Dlugosz, Louis F.T/4
Doane, Gilbert HarryDirector of Libraries and Director of Library School at University of Wisconsin - Madison
Doman, Andrea
Donn, D.L.
Doubinsky, Elie J. B.
Downey, GlanvilleLieutenant
Dreyfus, Carle
Duchartre, P. L.
Dunbabin, T. J.
Eden, Peter
Ellis, R. H.Captain
Enthoven, Roedrick E.Captain
Ermatinger, Charles J.T/4Clerk
Estreicher, KarolMajorArt historian
Ettlinger, Harry L.T/4 Sgt.Native German speaker
Faison, S. Lane, Jr.Lt. Cdr.Professor and department head at Williams College
Farmer, Walter I.CaptainArchitect; interior designerSignatory of the Wiesbaden Manifesto; MFAA's first director
Fleetwood-Hesketh, P.
Fleischner, CharlesLt. Cdr.Art historianJoined MFAA in 1946
Florisoone, Michel
Ford, Dale V.Lieutenant
France, Leys A.Captain
Francois, Michel
French, T. W.
Fujishiro, Motoko
Fuller, A.Captain
Gabriel, Richard F.Pfc.
Gallagher, Charles F.
Gangnat, Philippe
Gardner, PaulLt. Col.Architect; Director of the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and Mary Atkins Museum of Fine ArtsCommanded the MFAA in Italy
Gear, WilliamMajorArt historian and artistJoined MFAA in mid 1945 and supervised the return of artworks from the Berlin Art Collections
Giuli, ThomasCaptain
Glass, Robert
Goldberg, S. L.T/5
Goodison, John W.
Gould, CecilCaptain
Granger-Taylor, Jerry
Graswinckel, Dr. Dirk P. Jr.MajorWent on to become National Archivist of the Netherlands 1946-1953 and at the request of UNESCO organised and convened the first meeting of the International Council on Archives in 1948.
Grier, Harry D.CaptainArchitect; director of the Frick CollectionJoined MFAA mid 1945
Grinbarg, Morrie S.Lieutenant
Hald, WilliamPfc.
Hall, Ardelia R.Joined MFAA in 1945
Hammett, Ralph W.CaptainProfessor of architecture at the University of Michigan 1931-19651943-1945, England and France, Senior MFA&A Officer at G-5 SHAEF
Hammon, StrattonLt. Col.architect
Hammond, MasonLt. Col.Classics professor at Harvard University; expert in Italian culture; Italian speaker
Hammond, N. C. L.Lt. Col.
Hancock, Walker K.CaptainHead of the sculpture department at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Hansen, Robert W.T/4Professor Emeritus of Art at Occidental College
Harboard, Felix
Harris, Clyde K.LieutenantPainter and arts graduate
Hartigan, John D.Major
Hartt, FrederickLieutenantScholar of Italian artJoined MFAA in Italy in 1944
Harvey, John
Hathaway, Calvin S.CaptainAssociate curator at the Cooper Union Museum for the Arts of Decoration in New York.
Hauschildt, Kurt F.Lieutenant
Haynes, Denys E. L.
Hayward, John F.
Heinrich, Theodore A.LieutenantArt curator, administrator and collectorJoined MFAA mid 1945
Henderson, Harold G.Lt. Col.President of the Japan Society in New York
Henraux, A. S.
Henry, AlfredT/5
Hensley, Richard G.Major
Higgins, Stephen
Hocart, RaymondLt. Col.Professor and crystallographer at the University of StrasbourgServed with the French equivalent of the MFAA, the Commission de Récupération Artistique, in 1945
Holland, Eleanor S.
Hollis, Howard C.
Horn, Walter W.LieutenantProfessor at the University of California at Berkeley; native German speakerDirected the discovery of the crown jewels of the Holy Roman Empire in a walled up passage of the bunkers under Nuremberg
Horne, J. AnthonyLt. Col.Director of the Dallas Museum of Fine ArtsJoined MFAA in 1946 as its Deputy Chief
Howard, Richard FosterLt. Col.Director of the Dallas Museum of Fine ArtsIn July 1946, joined MFAA Office of Military Government for Germany as Deputy Chief. A few months later, he succeeded Maj. Bancel LaFarge as Chief.
Howe, Thomas Carr Jr.Lt. Cmdr.Director of the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco
Huberman, HarrySergeant
Huchthausen, Walter J.CaptainDirector of the Department of Design at the Boston Museum School of Fine Art; member of the faculty at the University of MinnesotaKilled by gunfire April 1945, while working to salvage an altarpiece in Germany
Hutchinson, Lucy
Hyslop, G.Captain
Jacka, Pauline
Jaffe, Hans C. L.
Jaujard, Jacques
Jenkinson, HilaryArchivist at the Public Record Office
Jennings, R. J.Pfc.
Johnson, Lorin K.Sergeant
Kates, George N.
Kavli, GuthormCaptain
Keck, Sheldon W.LieutenantArt conservator
Keezer, Marcellus B.
Kelleher, Patrick J.Captain
Keller, DeaneCaptainProfessor at the Yale School of Fine Arts
Kern, Daniel J.Lieutenant
Keyes, James H.
King, Donald BeesonFlt. Lt. Intelligence officer, linguistSubsequently Keeper of Textiles, Victoria and Albert Museum, London; President, Centre International d'Etudes des Textiles Anciens
Kinzie, Joseph R.Capt
Kirstein, Lincoln E.Pfc.Founder of the New York City Ballet; driver, writer and translator
Koberstein, Freeman G.T/4
Koch, Albert C.LieutenantArchitect, widely traveled, did engineering work with Edward D. StoneWent on to develop Techbuilt and Techcrete prefabricated stuructures.
Koch, Robert A.LieutenantProfessor of fine arts and archeology at Princeton University
Kormendi, AndreS/Sgt.
Kovalyak, StephenLieutenant
Kuhlke, Richard H.LieutenantJoined MFAA mid 1945; honored by Poland for his work with the MFAA
Kuhn, Charles L.Lt. Cdr.Director of the Busch-Reisinger Museum; professor at Harvard University
La Boulaye, Paul de
Lacey, George T.Captain
LaFarge, L. BancelMajorArchitectReceived honors from the United States, France, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and the Netherlands for his service with MFAA
Langui, EmileA curator at the Ghent Museum of Fine Arts; Secretary to the Minister of Public Works
Lardner, W. C.Cpl.
Larwood, James B.Captain
Lazarev, Professor Viktor
Lee, Sherman E.LieutenantCurator of Far Eastern Art at the Detroit Institute of ArtsServed with MFAA in Japan; received the Order of the Sacred Treasure and the Legion of Honor
Lehmann-Haupt, HellmutCurator of rare books at Columbia University; assistant professor of book arts at Columbia’s School of Library Service; visiting lecturer at Smith College and at the University of Illinois; native German speakerJoined MFAA in 1946
Lemaire, Raymond
Leonard, StewartBomb-disposal expert; director of the Zanesville Art Institute in OhioHead of MFAA in Bavaria in 1947; strongly disputed the return of certain artworks to Italy and consequently resigned from MFAA in 1948
Lesley, Everett Parker Jr.CaptainScholar and expert on the decorative arts; professor at the University of MinnesotaCo-author and signatory of the Wiesbaden Manifesto
Lindsay, Kenneth C.SergeantArt history professor at Binghamton University
Lovegrove, William A.LieutenantSculptor and diplomatSignatory of the Wiesbaden Manifesto; subsequently worked with the French Commission de Récuperation and received the French Legion of Honor
Lucia, A. P.Sergeant
Maehler, WolfgangPvt.
Markham, S. F.Major
Markus, WernerPvt.
Marriott, BasilCaptain
Mast, Gerald
Maxse, Fred, H.J.Captain
McCain, William D.Captain
McDonnell, A. J. L.Lt. Col.
McDowall, E.
McGinn, Elizabeth A.T/5
Meekings, Cecil A.F.Major
Merrill, KeithCdr.AdministratorRecruited to MFAA in 1945 as deputy to Lieutenant Lamont Moore to assist with the shipment of 202 German-owned paintings to Washington for safekeeping. This project was the object of protests in the Wiesbaden Manifesto
Merrill, Richard P.Pfc.
Methuen, Lord AnthonyMajorArchitect
Miller, Robert M.T/3
Minet, Marcelle
Mitchell, CharlesCaptain
Monroe, Robert
Moore, LamontLieutenantCurator of the education department of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.
Morey, Jonathan T.Captain
Munby, A. N. L.
Munsing, Stefan P.Interior designer
Murray-Baillie, HugheCaptain
Mutrux, E. J.Captain
Myers, Denys P.T/5Architectural historian
Newton, Henry C.Colonel
Newton, NormanLt. Col.Landscape architecture professor at Harvard UniversityDirector of the sub-commission for the MFAA in Italy, from 1942 until 1946. In Italy, he was made Commander of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Grand Officer of the Crown of Italy and received the Star of Italian Solidarity
Nicholls, John F.Captain
Norins, Leslie H.Captain
Norris, E. ChristopherSquadron Leader
Ossorio, Frederic E.Second LieutenantJoined MFAA in 1946 as a civilian with a military rank
Parkhurst, Charles P.LieutenantNational Gallery of ArtSignatory of the Wiesbaden Manifesto; made Chevalier of the Legion of Honor
Pascale, D.Cpl.
Peck, Edward S.
Peebles, Bernard M.S/Sgt.Professor emeritus at the Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
Pennoyer, Albert SheldonCaptainPainter
Perry, LionelMajor
Phillips, EwanCaptain
Phillips, John MarshallCpl.Director of the Yale Art Gallery; silver expertIdentified Hermann Göring’s prized Vermeer painting as a fake by Han van Meegeren
Pilliod, Henri E.
Pinsent, Cecil R.Capt
Plaut, James SachsLt. Cdr.Director of the Institute of Modern Art in BostonDirector of the Art Looting Investigation Unit
Pleasants, Frederick R.
Plumer, James Marshall
Pomrenze, Seymour J.Col.Archivist
Popham, AnneJoined MFAA in 1945
Popham, Walter D.Captain
Posey, Robert K.CaptainArchitectPosey discovered Nazi artworks repository in the salt mine at Altaussee. For his remarkable work with MFAA, he was awarded the Legion of Honor and the Order of Leopold
Poste, Leslie I.LieutenantLibrary and archives specialist
Potts, Georgiana
Preston, StuartT/Sgt.
Prinet, Jean
Prochaska, Ladislav L.Pvt.
Propst, Kenneth H.Captain
Fine arts graduate

During WWII, Propst accepted an assignment as the first Monuments Man in charge of the MFAA Branch of the Office of Military Government for Bavaria, Regierungsbezirk Oberfranken and Mittelfranken. Propst conducted inspections of churches, castles, and repositories in the area surrounding Ansbach and Nuremberg, including Schloss Plassenburg.
Putrux, Edward J.Captain
Puyvelde, Leo van
Quessenberry, Mary ReganMajorFine arts graduate
Rae, Edwin C.CaptainScholar of medieval Irish sculpture and architecture
Ratensky, SamuelLieutenantArchitectSignatory of the Wiesbaden Manifesto
Reeds, James A.SergeantMedical student at the University of Iowa; German speaker
Reeds, John N.T/5Chairman of the chemical engineering department at California State University in Long Beach
Risom, Ole C.Pvt.
Ritchie, Andrew CarnduffDirector of the Albright–Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York
Rivoir, James J.First Sgt
Robertson, G. H.Major
Roell, David C.
Rogin, MartinLieutenant
Rorimer, James J.CaptainCurator of the Cloisters, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
Ross, Marvin C.CaptainExpert on Byzantine, Russian and 18th century French art; curator of Medieval and Decorative Arts at the Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore, Maryland
Ross, MalcolmMajor
Ross, Michael
Rousseau, Theodore, Jr.Art expert; French speakerServed with ALIU; subsequently became curator of paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
Rouvier, Jean
Sage, R. W.Lieutenant
Sakin, Eugene
Sami, RoubenCplDeputy director of Offenbach Archival Depot, once the centralized collection point for the return of books and manuscripts taken by the Nazis
Sampson, SelenaT/5
Sanchez, Manuel
Sattgast, Charles R.Capt
Sawyer, Charles H.Pfc.Director of the Worcester Art Museum in Massachusetts
Scarff, John Henry
Scarpitta, Salvatore C., Jr.Seaman, 2nd ClassSculptor; Italian speakerJoined Italian section of MFAA after escaping from internment in Italy
Schmidt, Gerlot W.S/Sgt.
Schoonbrood, Jack
Selke, George A.MajorJoined MFAA in November 1945 as Acting Chief of the Education and Religion Office for Land Salzburg. In this position, he worked alongside Monuments Men Capt. Charles R. Sattgast and Lt. Col. Ernest T. DeWald to facilitate the recovery and return of works of art and other cultural objects looted by the Nazis and stored within the jurisdiction of the United States Forces, Austria. Participated in the movement of the Hertziana Library Collection from the Hallein salt mines, the transfer of Polish works of art and books from Schloss Fichhorn to the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point, and the removal of a collection of Tibetan artifacts from Schloss Mittersill. Subsequently, Chancellor of the University of Montana.
Shepherd, Dorothy G.
Shipman, Fred W.
Shrady, Frederick C.LieutenantSculptor known for his religious works; French speaker
Sickman, LaurenceMajorCurator of Oriental art, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City
Sizer, TheodoreMajorDirector of the Yale University Art GalleryJoined MFAA in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Britain; made Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy
Skelton, Dorothy G.S.Artist and educator
Skelton, R. A.
Skilton, John D., Jr.LieutenantCurator at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.Received the German Merit Cross 1st Class
Smyth, Craig HughLieutenantResearcher at the National Gallery of Art in WashingtonConcurred with the Wiesbaden Manifesto. Received the U.S. Army Commendation Medal, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor and the Netherlands Medal for Service to the States
Sponenburgh, Mark R.CaptainSculptor, historian, and educator
Stach, Jochem
Standen, Edith A.CaptainSecretary to the Widener Collection at Elkins Park, PennsylvaniaCanadian born, took US citizenship in 1942
Steer, Kenneth, CBECaptainAssistant Archaeologist with the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of ScotlandJoined MFAA in June 1945
Steiner, WalterLieutenant
Stopek, HarryT/5
Stout, George L.Lt. Cdr.Head of the conservation department at Harvard University’s Fogg Art MuseumWorked in northern Europe for MFAA until July 1945; posted to Japan in October 1945
Stroell, Miss Barbara
Taper, BernardLieutenant
Taylor, Mrs. Katharine W. W.
Thornton, Asa M.Captain
Tierney, Patrick LennoxSpecialist in Asian art history and Japanese art; Japanese speakerA close collaborator with MFAA in Japan although never a member; recipient of the Order of the Rising Sun
Tregor, Nison A.Captain
Tucker, Eve
Valland, RoseCaptainEmployee of the Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume in ParisRegarded as a hero by many, Valland secretly documented during the German occupation, at personal risk, transfers of French artworks to Germany. Her records assisted the return of many items to their legitimate owners. Subsequently a member of the French Commission de Récupération Artistique. She received the Legion of Honor, the Medal of the Résistance, and was made Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters, Presidential Medal of Freedom, Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Subsequently appointed "curator".
Van Der Haut, Hendrik
Van Nisse, Verschoor
Van Nortwick, William B.Captain
Vanderbilt, Paul
Vanuxem, Jacques
Villeret, Bulla deMajor
Vlug, Jan
Vorenkamp, AlphonseLt. Col.Professor of art at Smith College in Northampton, MassachusettsReceived the Order of the Dutch Lion
Vrecko, Frant
Vries, Dr. A. B. de
Vroom, Dr. N. R. A.
Wagstaff, G. F. T.Captain
Walker, WilliamCpl.
Ward-Perkins, John BryanLt. Col.Chair of archaeology at the Royal University of MaltaWorked to protect ancient Roman sites of Lepcis Magna and Sabratha in Libya. Subsequently, worked for MFAA in north Africa and Italy. Post-war, he was named Director of the Allied sub-commission for Monuments and Fine Arts in Italy
Warner, Langdonarchaeologist
Waterhouse, Ellis K.MajorArt historianJoined MFAA in 1945; identified the painting "Supper at Emmaus", previously attributed to Vermeer, as a fake.
Watson, Hon. Mark
Waugh, Sidney BlehlerCaptainSculptor and designerWorked in north Africa and Italy, often under fire; received the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Croix de Guerre and was made Knight of the Order of the Crown of Italy