List of My Gym Partner's a Monkey episodes

My Gym Partner's a Monkey is an American animated television series created by Julie McNally-Cahill and Timothy Cahill that aired on Cartoon Network. It premiered with the segments "Inoculation Day" and "Animal Testing" on Cartoon Network as a sneak peek on December 26, 2005, during the channel's "Sneak Peek Week" block, airing alongside other two Cartoon Network original series Ben 10 and Robotboy, and acquired Canadian YTV series Zixx, before making its official series premiere on February 24, 2006. The series aired four seasons with 56 episodes in total.

Series overview


Pilot (2003)

My Gym Partner’s a Monkey had one pilot created for Cartoon Network by Julie and Timothy Cahill, one made in late 2003 shared the same name of the TV series.

Season 1 (2005–06)

The first two seasons are the shortest seasons in terms of half-hour episodes, with a total of 13 of them. Each of them containing 25 episode segments. Both of them also consist of a half-hour special each.

Season 2 (2006–07)

Season 3 (2007)

Seasons 3 and 4 are the longest seasons in terms of half hour episodes, with a total of 15 of them. They also both also consist a TV movie. This season is the longest season in terms of episode segments, with a total of 26. It also contains a half-hour special like the previous two seasons.

Season 4 (2007–08)

This season is the shortest season in terms of episode segments, with a total of 24 of them. It also contains three half-hour specials, witch also makes it the only season with more than one half-hour special.

Shorts (2006–08)