List of Neighbours characters (1994)

Neighbours is an Australian television soap opera created by Reg Watson. It was first broadcast on 18 March 1985. The following is a list of characters that first appeared in the serial in 1994, by order of first appearance. Until 9 May, characters were introduced by the soap's executive producer, Alan Coleman. Thereafter, they were introduced by his successor, Stanley Walsh. The 10th season of Neighbours began airing from 20 January 1994. Frank Bren began appearing as [|Colin Taylor] in same month. Bren also played Colin's twin brother [|Alf]. March saw the arrivals of Len Mangel, Sally Pritchard and [|Stonefish Rebecchi]. Katerina Torelli made her first appearance in April, while [|Sam Kratz] was introduced in June. His grandmother Marlene Kratz began appearing in July. That month also saw the births of [|Louise Carpenter] and [|Zac] Willis. [|Serendipity Gottlieb] made her debut in August. Stonefish's brother Shane Rebecchi arrived in September. He was followed by the first two members of the Kennedy family: doctor [|Karl Kennedy] and his youngest son [|Billy]. Karl's wife [|Susan] and their elder children [|Malcolm] and [|Libby] followed in October. November saw Bianca Zanotti and Ling Mai Chan make their debut appearances.

Colin Taylor

Colin Taylor, played by Frank Bren, made his first appearance on 27 January 1994. The character was described as an "incurable chatterbox" and "irritating as hell" by a writer for Inside Soap. Writers later paired Colin with established character [|Marlene] Kratz. O'Sullivan said the pair "seem to hit it off in a big way" and that it was "definitely love". Marlene and Colin share similar interests and O'Sullivan thought it was nice that Marlene had someone of her own that cared for her.
Colin introduces himself to Philip and Julie Martin when they arrive at their holiday bungalow in Queensland. The Martins find Colin friendly, but his tendency to ramble irritates them. Colin reappears several months later as Doug Willis's roommate at the hospital. Colin takes a job at Philip's newsagency and competes against Karl Kennedy at the auction for Number 28 Ramsay Street but ultimately loses out. Colin makes several changes to the newsagency, and he forms a Barbershop Trio with Philip and Vikram Chatterji. Colin moves into Number 30 with Mark Gottlieb and Cody Willis. Colin's twin brother Alf comes to visit him. When Colin pursues a relationship with Marlene Kratz, he believes Alf is also trying to making advances towards her and they fight. Alf then admits that he is not interested in Marlene, as he is gay. Colin proposes to Marlene. They argue about what type of ceremony to have, as Marlene is Catholic and Colin wants a civil ceremony. Shortly after, Colin is offered a job as a translator by the curator of the Modern Ceramics exhibition, which is going on a world tour. Marlene ends their relationship, as she does not want to leave her family. Colin then leaves for Argentina, after his friends throw him a leaving party.
Colin received a nomination for Most Annoying Character at the 1996 Inside Soap Awards. Dave Lanning of The People was not a fan of the Colin/Marlene pairing, commenting that the writers must have been on magic mushrooms when they came up with the storyline. He stated, "Moonie Marlene, who had an invisible cat and disappearing garden gnomes, is being wooed by the terminally boring Colin Taylor, who always appeared in a straw boater originally; pioneered barber shop quartets, and is back from China – banging a gong and muttering in Mandarin. You honestly wouldn't script it." Matthew Clifton, writing for HecklerSpray, included the character in his feature on the "Best Ever Mid-90s Neighbours Characters". Clifton said, "Colin was pompous and irritating, a pastiche of a middle class bore who looked a lot like a paedophile. Colin actor Frank Bren also played his identical twin Alf, the more go-getting, handsome one, who turned out to be gay."

Len Mangel

Leonard G. "Len" Mangel, played by John Lee, made his first appearance on 16 March 1994. Len is Nell Mangel's former husband, who was often mentioned during the early years of the programme, but never seen. He returns to Erinsborough "out of the blue" and romances Helen Daniels, as he wants to steal her widow's pension. An Inside Soap columnist branded Len an "evil conman", and commented, "Poor old Helen – it looks as if she's headed for a fall – again!"
Len is the former husband of Nell Mangel and father of Amanda Harris and Joe Mangel. After Len's granddaughter Jane suspects Nell has killed him, it is eventually revealed that Len has left Nell for another woman. Len files for divorce and wants to sell Number 32 Ramsay Street and split the proceeds between them. Nell refuses and blackmails Len by threatening to follow him wherever he goes if she should lose the house.
Seven years later, Len returns to Erinsborough after Michael Martin and Doug Willis find some old war medals and a trombone case with the initials L.G.M inscribed on it, while renovating an old house. Len reveals he used to live in the house and the case and medals belong to him. He lets Michael keep all the medals except for the Flying Cross. Len then meets up with his former neighbour Helen Daniels, who he has not seen in many years and they reminisce about old times. Len mentions he had left Nell because of her incessant nagging and moved in with Mary Pengelly who turned out to be just as bad and faked his death to get away from her and planned to reappear to scare her, but Mary had died before Len had the chance. He also mentions he has since reconciled with Joe but Amanda will not forgive him for leaving Nell. Helen is initially appalled at Len's justification for his actions but continues to see him, much to the chagrin of Helen's granddaughter, Julie.
Len attempts to con some money out of Helen by suggesting she invest in Outback Tours. Despite warnings from her family, Helen is undeterred. When Michael returns Len's jacket to an address on his driving license he meets [|Gwen Childs], who warns him that Len is not to be trusted, as he conned her into putting her money into a joint account and emptied it. Gwen thinks Len may do the same to Helen. Michael warns Helen, who continues not to listen, so he and his sister, Debbie, set a trap for Len. When Len is caught, he tries to explain himself to Helen, and she sends him packing.
A writer for BBC Online, which hosted an official Neighbours website, said Len's most notable moment was "Trying to scam money out of Helen by trying to get her to invest in a dodgy business called Outback Tours." Len was also included in the BBC's list of twenty favourite obscure Neighbours characters to help celebrate the show's 20th anniversary. Len's off-screen presence and the reason why viewers did not get to see him were noted. In her book The Neighbours Programme Guide, Josephine Monroe commented "Poor old Len Mangel was so henpecked by his witch of a wife Nell that he never dared show his face in Ramsay Street!"

Sally Pritchard

Sally Pritchard, played by singer Brenda Webb, made her first appearance on 23 March 1994. Pritchard's casting was announced in January 1994. Brett Thomas of The Sun-Herald reported that she was initially contracted for six weeks. Webb liked the short duration, as she wanted to concentrate on her music career. She stated, "I don't think I'd like to work any longer than six months on a soapie because I feel I'd get stale doing the one character; plus I want to move on to bigger and better things." Sally was introduced as Erinsborough High's new Japanese language teacher, and a friend of Gaby Willis. Sally's student Rick Alessi develops a crush on her, and they soon begin a romantic relationship.
Sally's friend Gaby Willis helps her get a job teaching Japanese at Erinsborough High. Gaby also introduces Sally to Rick Alessi, a student at the school. He develops a crush on Sally and decides to take Japanese as an extra subject. Sally develops feelings for Rick, but assures him that nothing can happen as she is his teacher. Rick makes the decision to leave school and becomes a bar man at The Waterhole. He uses his salary to buy an engagement ring and proposes to Sally. She tells him it is too soon, but agrees to think about it. Sally talks to Gaby and her flatmate [|John Muir] about Rick's proposal, and John advises her to break up with Rick. Sally later tells Gaby that she is scared at what Rick might do next, as he is not behaving very rationally. Sally asks Gaby to let Rick down gently on her behalf. John suggests that they pretend to be a couple to put Rick off. Sally accepts a job in Japan and before she leaves, she tells Rick that she cannot marry him, as she does not feel the same way as he does.

Stonefish Rebecchi

Kevin "Stonefish" Rebecchi, played by Anthony Engelman, made his first appearance on 31 March 1994. The character was introduced after a TV Week reporter revealed the show would be getting "a younger, livelier look" with some new characters under the age of eighteen. Engelman told an Inside Soap columnist that his first script said his character got his nickname because he looked like a stonefish. Another writer for the publication observed that Stonefish was happy when he was causing a stir in the classroom, and that he was likely to be involved wherever there was trouble. Stonefish arrives on Ramsay Street after hearing that Brett Stark is dating his girlfriend Sassy Patterson-Smythe. Engelman said he had a lot in common with his character, as he had a tough time at school too and did not have much luck with girls.

Katerina Torelli

Katerina "Katy" Torelli, played by Josephine Mitchell, made her first appearance on 18 April 1994. Mitchell was initially contracted for an eight-week guest stint. Mitchell was pleased to join another soap opera, having previously made appearances in A Country Practice and E Street. She also liked that Katerina was "such a positive character". Katerina has been disabled since birth and uses a wheelchair. Mitchell admitted that she found it hard acting in a wheelchair, and had to make it look as if she really was paralysed. During her research for the role, Mitchell turned to the Australian Paraquad Society for help. The actress thought the introduction of a disabled character was "just what the soap needs" and hoped it would get people talking about the issues raised. Katerina was introduced as a potential love interest for Mark Gottlieb and rival for Annalise Hartman. Mitchell said Katerina thinks Mark is "very cute" and goes out of her way to make Annalise jealous. Kevin Sadlier of The Sydney Morning Herald reviewed Mitchell's first episode as Katerina as part of the paper's "Television This Week" feature. Sadlier wrote "Katerina first appears as a mystery woman waving to Mark Gottlieb from a passing car as if they are old friends, causing pangs of jealousy in Annalise. Actually they really are old friends – from E Street!"
When Katerina sees Mark Gottlieb out driving with Annalise Hartman, she immediately develops a crush on him. She starts phoning him using the alias "KT", causing Annalise to become jealous. Mark learns KT is actually Katerina, who explains that she is impressed with his fundraising for the Paralympics and wants to work with him. Katerina develops a crush on Mark, and starts dedicating songs to him on the radio. Mark warns her that he will not cheat on Annalise. After a night out with Mark's friends, Katerina makes a suggestive comment to Mark, who tells her again that he loves Annalise. But when Annalise goes away, Mark kisses Katerina. She tells Annalise that she and Mark are in love. Mark confronts Katerina, who insists that she is destined to be with him. Annalise and Mark realise they need to get away from Katerina's obsessive behaviour, so they leave for his parents' farm.

Sam Kratz

Sam Kratz, played by Richard Grieve, made his first appearance on 13 June 1994. Neighbours was Grieve's first major television role and he relocated from his native Sydney to Melbourne, where the studio is located. Of being cast in a soap, he said "I'm thrilled with the way things have gone. I was very nervous when I first started because it was a long-running job but it's turned out well." Sam is sent to Ramsay Street by his grandmother, Marlene, to check out the house she has purchased. While he initially gets off to a rough start, Sam soon becomes a popular Ramsay Street resident. Grieve wanted to be more like his character. He said that he was more of a worrier than Sam, who he described as "friendly and laid-back". For his portrayal of Sam, Grieve earned a nomination for Most Popular Newcomer at the 1st National Television Awards in 1995.

Marlene Kratz

Marlene Kratz, played by Moya O'Sullivan, made her first appearance on 5 July 1994. She was introduced as the grandmother of Sam Kratz and the estranged mother of Cheryl Stark. Josephine Monroe, author of Neighbours: the first 10 years, said Cheryl had "demonized her mother in her mind" and wanted nothing to do with her. Monroe described her as a bit scatty and always ready for a scam or a bet. Marlene also became a love interest for Colin Taylor. A columnist for Inside Soap branded Marlene "the grooviest granny in Erinsborough, who throws herself into any worthy cause, and opens her house to every passing waif and stray." Alex Fletcher from Digital Spy made Marlene their "DS Icon" in January 2011. Fletcher stated that Marlene was "a crucial cog in the Golden Age of Neighbours in the '90s."

Louise Carpenter

Shannon Louise "Lolly" Allen made her first appearance on 25 July 1994. Louise was originally played by Tessa Taylor from her on-screen birth, with Jiordan Tolli taking over the role a few months later. Cheryl Stark gives birth to Louise on the same day as Gaby Willis gives birth to her son Zac. Louise came to be more commonly known as "Lolly". She was presumed to be Lou Carpenter's daughter, until her biological father John Allen got in contact, after Cheryl's death. Tolli departed the cast in 2001. The character was reintroduced in 2006, with Adelaide Kane taking over the role, after winning the Dolly "Neighbours Next Big Stars" competition. For her portrayal of Lolly, Kane was nominated for the Logie Award for Most Popular New Female Talent in 2008.

Zac Willis

Shannon Zachary "Zac" Willis, played by Jay Callahan, was born on screen during the episode broadcast on 25 July 1994. Zac is the son of Gaby Willis and Jack Flynn. Blakely thought motherhood would be an eye opener for Gaby, saying "She thinks she can juggle work and home life and the baby will look after himself. She's going to get a real shock when she realises how difficult it's going to be to bring up a child."
Gaby becomes pregnant after a brief relationship with her flying instructor, Jack Flynn. Shortly after she announces her pregnancy, Cheryl Stark also announces she is pregnant. Gaby gives birth to a healthy baby boy, while Cheryl gives birth to a daughter who is premature. Gaby names her son Shannon, but Cheryl also uses the name for her daughter. While registering the birth, Gaby's father Doug Willis names his grandson Zachary, after his grandfather. Gaby is not happy, but realises she likes the shortened version of the name, Zac. Jack returns and says he wants to be a part of his son's life. When Gaby gets a job in Darwin, Jack decides to move there with her and Zac. Shortly before they leave, the Willis family hold a naming ceremony at Number 28 and Gaby plants a tree for Zac.
Josephine Monroe, author of Neighbours: The First 10 Years, commented that it was "in true Neighbours style" that both Gaby and Cheryl went into labour at the same time.

Serendipity Gottlieb

Serendipity "Ren" Gottlieb, played by Raelee Hill, made her first appearance on 25 August 1994. She was among several new characters under the age of eighteen to be introduced after a TV Week reporter revealed the show would be getting "a younger, livelier look". The show's casting director Jan Russ noticed Hill in a cafe, while she was on a break from filming Blue Heelers, and asked her to audition for the role. Serendipity is the younger sister of Stephen and Mark Gottlieb. Unlike her brothers, she enjoyed living in the hippy communes with her parents when she was a child and retained her beliefs. She is described as "one of life's free spirits" and is ruled by her heart rather than her head. Serendipity was less conservative than the other Ramsay Street residents and she "brought a breath of fresh air" into Mark's life.

Shane Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi made his first screen appearance on 8 September 1994. The character was originally played by Greg O'Meara until his departure on 25 July 1995. Shane is the elder brother of Stonefish and Toadfish Rebecchi. In March 2017, it was announced the character was being reintroduced as a regular cast member with Nicholas Coghlan taking over the role. Producers created a family for Shane and he returns to Erinsborough along with his wife Dipi, daughters Yashvi and Kirsha, and sister-in-law Mishti Sharma. Executive producer Jason Herbison commented, "Shane Rebecchi is one of the great untapped characters from Neighbours history. I'm delighted to welcome him back to Ramsay Street along with his beautiful wife, two children and sister-in-law. It's a great new chapter of the Rebecchi family." The character returned on 17 April.
Daniel Kilkelly of Digital Spy wrote that during his time away from Erinsborough, Shane moved to Bourke and sold farming machinery. He met and married local waitress Dipi, and they had three children together. Coghlan said that Shane comes to support Toadie during his "time of need", following his marriage breakdown. Of how Shane has changed in twenty years, the actor explained "He's no longer the loose cannon he once was – Shane believes in family above all else, and would do anything for his loved ones." Coghlan added that Shane is also trying to avoid some financial problems back home. Of Shane's reintroduction, a reporter for the Liverpool Echo commented, "another of Toadie's brothers, Shane, turns this week. He has a fish-related nickname too – Puffer – and it's 22 years since we last saw him. Now he's about to make a very big splash indeed."
Shane enters a pool competition at The Waterhole, along with Rick Alessi and Sam Kratz. During the contest, Shane's friend bumps the table causing him to sink his shot, giving him the win. Sam's grandmother, Marlene Kratz refuses to pay out due to the cheating and a brawl ensues. When Shane's family buy 32 Ramsay Street and move in, Shane begins stealing from the neighbours. When Shane gives a stranded Marlene and Helen Daniels a ride to an art market, Helen notices a few stolen goods in the back of his van. Shane then panics and drives off, leaving the women stranded once more. He is eventually arrested and the family move out of Number 32. Several months later, Shane escapes from prison and asks for Stonie to hide him at Number 32, where he is lodging with Malcolm Kennedy and Danni Stark. Stonie reluctantly agrees, but is annoyed when Shane spends the money he gives him on cigarettes. After being convinced to give himself up, Shane is eventually arrested and sent back to prison.
Over twenty years later, Shane returns to Erinsborough to see Toadie, after being sent to check up on him by their mother Angie. He and Toadie are reunited on Ramsay Street, and Shane meets his niece Nell for the first time. After catching up, Toadie invites Shane to an Easter picnic for Nell. Shane soon realises that he saw Toadie's estranged wife Sonya kissing Mark Brennan earlier that day, and he tells Toadie. Shane meets with his sister-in-law, Mishti, who asks if he has told Toadie everything. Shane tells her he is planning to. Shane buys the lease for Harold's Café and announces that he and his family are moving to Erinsborough. He also rents Number 32 from Paige Smith. Shane's wife Dipi and their two daughters Kirsha and Yashvi arrive in Erinsborough and they are pleased with the house and the business. Shane and Mishti share several conversations that they keep from Dipi. Shane invites Toadie to move in with him, following the break down of his marriage. Shane eventually admits to Dipi that he lost a lot of their money working on his solar-powered lawnmower invention, and he accepted a loan from Mishti. Aaron Brennan agrees to help market the lawnmower for Shane, which they name Rolli, and they find an investor, who agrees to manufacture them. Dipi overhears Shane and Mishti discussing an incident that occurred in Sydney. Shane tells Dipi that while he was staying at Mishti's home, she began threatening to get justice for her deceased fiancé, and Shane had to stop her from leaving with her police service weapon. Dipi works out that Mishti gave Shane the loan on the condition that he kept the incident from her. Shane reassures Dipi that he loves her by writing and performing a bush ballad for her. Shane bonds with Karl Kennedy when they join the Livability Committee and brainstorm ideas for a community compost bin. After Karl is removed as head of the committee, Shane is chosen in his place.
Shane falls out with Karl when he accuses him and his grandson Ben Kirk of writing graffiti around the town. Yashvi soon owns up to doing it. While promoting the Most Livable Suburb campaign and Rolli, Shane loses control of the lawnmower and it goes into the daycare centre. The manufacturer pulls the plug on the Rolli deal, while the mayor asks him to step down as head of the Livability Committee. Shane fights with Karl after accusing him of sabotaging the lawnmower. Kirsha suffers hearing loss after she accidentally drops a sparkler into a box of Yashvi's fireworks. Shane struggles with Kirsha's condition, and admits that he feels like he has failed as a parent. Shane and Dipi learn that Kirsha's hearing is not improving. Shane and Yashvi help Kirsha to learn Auslan, and Shane invents a device that allows her to feel the vibrations from the music at the local Variety Show. Shane suffers a dislocated thumb and a torn tendon in his hand, after he pushes Kirsha out of the path of Jimmy's bike, which hits him instead. Amy Williams recommends Shane speaks with entrepreneur Levi Jansen about his urine-powered generator. Levi cancels their meeting and leaves town. Shane gets drunk, and when he learns that it was Gary's fault that Levi left, he confronts him in the street. Shane kicks over the bins and snaps Gary's fishing rod, forcing Mishti to arrest him. He apologises to Gary and decides to focus on inventing.
Shane acts on some poor business advice from Leo Tanaka, and he loses a potential customer for his generator. Shane takes adult education classes in a bid to finish Year 12. Sheila Canning accuses Shane of cheating when he come top in a biology test, but he insists that while he considered it, he did not cheat. Sheila later offers Shane a job at The Waterhole as a barman. Shane decides to promote his new urine-to-water generator at Dipi's investor lunch, without telling anyone. When he admits the water they have been drinking was previously urine, Paul pulls his investment from Dipi's musical venture.

Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, played by Alan Fletcher, made his first appearance on 20 September 1994. The character and his family were created by the storyliners, who wanted to bring the show back to its roots, as most of the houses on Ramsay Street were filled with misfits and distant relatives. Karl was introduced as a General Practitioner, which gave him immediate links with the other characters. Alan Fletcher previously appeared in the show as mechanic Greg Cooper for three weeks in 1987. When the role of Karl became available, Fletcher auditioned in the same way as he had for Greg. Fletcher admitted that when he joined the show again he thought he would only be there for a year. Karl initially ran his own surgery in the Lassiter's Complex. He and his wife Susan were childhood sweethearts. Fletcher won Best Daytime Star at the 2016 Inside Soap Awards.

Billy Kennedy

Billy Kennedy, played by Jesse Spencer, made his first appearance on 27 September 1994. The character was introduced along with his mother, father and two older siblings by the show's storyliners, who wanted to take the show back to its roots, as it seemed that all the houses on Ramsay Street were populated with misfits and distant relatives. Spencer originally auditioned for the role of Brett Stark, but he was told that he was too young. The following year, he successfully auditioned for the role of Billy. Billy was described as being "sensitive" and "not as academically gifted as sister Libby" by Tony Johnston author of Neighbours: 20 years of Ramsay Street. Billy often gets into trouble with his best friend Toadfish Rebecchi. For his portrayal of Billy, Spencer received nominations for the Logie Award for Most Popular Actor in 1998 and 1999.

Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, played by Jackie Woodburne, made her first appearance on 3 October 1994. The character was introduced along with her husband and three teenage children by storyliners in an effort to bring the show back to its roots, as it seemed that all the houses on Ramsay Street were populated with misfits and distant relatives. Actress Ailsa Piper was initially considered for the role of Susan, before she was cast as Ruth Wilkinson. Woodburne received the role, and later revealed that she only intended to play the part for twelve months, but she soon fell in love with the show. Susan was given a teaching job at the local high school, giving her close links with the other characters. On her arrival, Susan was described as being good natured and more open-minded than her husband Karl Kennedy.

Malcolm Kennedy

Malcolm Kennedy, played by Benjamin McNair, made his first appearance on 3 October 1994. The character was introduced along with his parents and two younger siblings by storyliners, who wanted a "solid" family, as they felt that the houses on Ramsay Street were populated with misfits and distant relatives. After being cast as Malcolm, McNair relocated from his home in Sydney to Melbourne, where the show is filmed. He admitted that he had never watched Neighbours before joining the cast. Malcolm is the eldest of the Kennedy siblings. He is an athlete, and enjoys being in charge. He quickly gets involved in Ramsay Street "shenanigans". Shortly after his arrival, producers plotted a Romeo and Juliet style romance between Malcolm and Danni Stark. Caroline Milburn of The Age branded him a "larrikin."

Libby Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, played by Kym Valentine, made her first appearance on 3 October 1994. The character was introduced along with her parents and two brothers by storyliners, who wanted to bring the show back to its roots when it seemed that all the houses on Ramsay Street were populated with misfits and distant relatives. After being cast as Libby, Valentine relocated from Sydney to Melbourne, where the studios are located, when she was 17 years old. Josephine Monroe, author of Neighbours; The First 10 Years, described Libby as an opinionated girl, who is willing to make a stand on "any and every issue." She is a communist and her political views often frustrate her father, Karl Kennedy. Valentine enjoyed playing Libby's humorous and quirky personality traits. Libby was voted viewer's third favourite character in a 2002 poll run by Newsround.

Bianca Zanotti

Bianca Zanotti, played by Annie Gagliardi, made her first appearance on 11 November 1994. Bianca was introduced as a teen runaway, who was found sleeping rough in Marlene Kratz's bric-a-brac shop. She tells Sam Kratz that she is "an ex-offender who is trying to go straight". Bianca adds that she cannot find anywhere to live or work, so Sam allows her to stay at the shop.
After she is discovered sleeping in the bric-a-brac shop by Sam Kratz and Serendipity Gottlieb, Bianca tells them that she was thrown out of her house by her stepfather. She also tells them that she served time in a detention centre after she stole a car with some friends. Bianca is initially wary of Sam, and she reveals that she has been harassed by guys in the past. Sam asks Bianca to help him out with his handyman business. Sam's grandmother Marlene takes pity on Bianca, and invites her to move in with her. Bianca befriends Malcolm Kennedy. When he tries to make advances towards her during a date, she punches him and he invents a story that he fended off muggers that attacked them. An incensed Bianca tells the truth, which humiliates Malcolm. Bianca becomes close with Brett Stark who helps her fill out an application for college. When Bianca's mother, Claudia Marcusani reappears in her life, things are initially frosty between them, but Bianca decides to give her mother another chance and move back home with her. Before she leaves, Bianca gives Brett a kiss and a passionflower, asking him to keep it alive for her.
Of Bianca's time in the show, David Banks of The People observed, "Call her the tiddler who got away if you like, but Bianca's departure set some kind of record for a woman from Neighbours. No sex, no seductions, no real romance – just a solitary kiss from Brett Stark makes her the first nubile maid to escape from Ramsay Street without so much as a grope to remember the boys by."

Ling Mai Chan

Ling Mai Chan, played by Khym Lam, made her first appearance on 23 November 1994. Ling Mai is Lou Carpenter's daughter. Oliver told the show's producers that he believed Lou was old enough to have been conscripted for the Vietnam War and could have fathered a child over there. However, a similar storyline had already been done with Jim Robinson, so the producers suggested something else instead. Lou learns he fathered a daughter after a brief relationship when he was twenty-one. An Inside Soap columnist observed, "the fruit of Lou's affair was a beautiful daughter Mai Ling who has now grown up to be a sophisticated university tutor." Lou is surprised when Ling Mai gets in contact and he arranges to meet her in secret, which leads his partner Cheryl Stark to think he is having an affair. The character was referenced in 2013, when Lou is persuaded to get back in contact with her. After Lou sends Ling Mai an email, she asks him to visit her in Cambodia. The storyline was inspired by Oliver's real life trip to the country.
Lou Carpenter receives a letter from Ling Mai informing him that she is his daughter, and wants to meet him. Lou initially keeps Ling Mai a secret from his partner Cheryl, who follows him one day and sees him meeting with Ling Mai. Cheryl assumes Lou is having an affair with Ling Mai, until Lou tells her that Ling Mai is his daughter. Cheryl invites Ling Mai to dinner, and she befriends Cheryl's son Brett Stark. Lou shows her his used car business and offers a car to make up for the birthdays he has missed. Lou and Cheryl's relationship becomes strained and Lou moves in with his daughter. Ling Mai tries to talk to Cheryl, before she and Cheryl's mother Marlene Kratz get the couple to reconcile.
Lou pays for Ling Mai's university funding, and tries to get her a show at the local radio station. He also takes her to the beach, so he can teach her how to swim. Ling Mai later tells Lou that she is leaving Australia, as her boyfriend, Bin, has come over from Hong Kong and has proposed to her. Lou thanks her for getting in touch and meeting him. On Boxing Day 2003, Lou receives a congratulatory telegram from Ling Mai for his wedding to Trixie Tucker. He visits her the following year, while he is in Hong Kong. Nine years later, Lou decides to get back in contact with Ling Mai and learns she is living and working for a charity in Cambodia. He flies out to spend a few months with her.
