List of Neighbours characters (2019)

Neighbours is an Australian television soap opera. It was first broadcast on 18 March 1985 and airs on digital channel 10 Peach. The following is a list of characters that appeared in the show in 2019, by order of first appearance. All characters are introduced by the shows executive producer Jason Herbison. Raymond Renshaw and Ivan Renshaw were introduced during the second week of January, followed by Vera Punt and Melissa Lohan. Claudia Watkins began appearing from March, followed by the arrival of Roxy Willis in April. Dean Mahoney and Vance Abernethy made their first appearances in May. June saw the introduction of Ebony Buttrose. Harlow Robinson made her debut in July, while Mackenzie Hargreaves began appearing from August. Scarlett Brady and Hendrix Greyson arrived in September, along with Prudence Wallace and [|Graham Isheev]. Mackenzie's father Grant Hargreaves was introduced in October.

Raymond and Ivan Renshaw

Raymond Renshaw played by Frank Magree, and Ivan Renshaw played by Michael Shanahan, made their first appearances on 11 January 2019. The Renshaws are a Sydney crime family. They have been mentioned several times since the arrival of Leo Tanaka in 2016, who reported Ivan and Raymond's money laundering to the police. Raymond's daughter Delaney Renshaw was introduced in December 2018. Conor McMullan of Digital Spy commented, "We tipped Neighbours Renshaw family storyline as one of the loose ends that the show needed to tie up earlier this year, and as 2018 draws to a close, they may be doing just that."
In late December, it was confirmed that Ivan and Raymond would be central to "a shock siege" storyline, as they come to Erinsborough to get revenge on Leo for his part in sending them to prison. Ivan tracks Leo down at The Waterhole and shoots at him, but Terese Willis takes the bullet instead. In the aftermath, Raymond is ushered into Harold Cafe as he tries to leave the complex, and he holds everyone hostage at gunpoint. During his piece about Neighbours channelling the work of filmmaker David Lynch, John Allison of The Guardian wrote about Raymond: "Let's not put too fine a point on this: he was dressed like Evil Cooper from Twin Peaks: The Return. That leather jacket! The hair! Even the shoes! Within 10 minutes of his appearance, he had ordered the execution of Robinson scion Leo Tanaka. And, to underscore the point, every evil pronouncement was accompanied by an atonal orchestral sting straight out of Twin Peaks notorious atomic bomb sequence."
When Delaney Renshaw returns to her hotel room, she finds Raymond and Ivan waiting for her, following their release from prison. Ivan leaves the room while Raymond talks with Delaney and learns that she came to Erinsborough to see Leo Tanaka, as she fell in love with him while he was working at Raymond's club in Sydney. She then tells him that Leo was the one who went to the police about his money laundering, not Mannix. Raymond and Ivan decide to shoot Leo, and Raymond tells Ivan to get Leo alone so there are no witnesses. Ivan finds Leo in The Waterhole and fires the gun, but Terese Willis jumps in front of Leo taking the bullet. Ivan flees the scene and calls Raymond to tell him what happened. Raymond leaves Delaney and comes down to the complex, where he spots Leo and the police. He enters Harold's Café and the customers assume he is just a hotel guest. Mark Brennan and Ned Willis find Ivan on Power Road trying to break into a car. Mark confronts him and Ned tackles him to the ground.
Raymond tries to leave the café, but Elly Conway tells him to stay put as the police are continuing to sweep the area for Ivan's partner. She later tells him that he can go, but he notices that she does not tell anyone else and realises that she knows the police are looking for him. He pulls out his gun and orders Elly to collect all the phones, Yashvi Rebecchi to lock the door and Chloe Brennan to barricade it. He then hears Kirsha Rebecchi on the phone to the police. He orders everyone to get on the ground, and asks the police to get him a van. Elly convinces him that he cannot take all the hostages with him, and he eventually lets an older couple and the children go. She tells him to just take her with him, but Chloe argues that he should take her instead. Raymond fires the gun at the ceiling and tells them to shut up. Leo comes to the café and Raymond lets him inside, where he confronts his role in sending him and Ivan to prison. Leo asks him to think about Delaney, but Raymond refuses to listen and raises his gun to shoot just as the police come inside and tackle him to the ground. Raymond is arrested and is later shown handcuffed in the police station.

Vera Punt

Vera Punt played by Sally-Anne Upton, made her first appearance on 23 January 2019. Upton's management confirmed her casting in the recurring guest role on 14 January 2019. Vera is the sister of Valerie Grundy, who died the previous month. Daniel Kilkelly from Digital Spy reported that Vera arrives on Ramsay Street to retrieve her sister's dog Regina Grundy. He added that Vera takes Regina and this causes an argument with her new owners David Tanaka and Aaron Brennan, who threaten legal action. Of her character, Upton commented, "She just says it how it is. Shows like Neighbours need characters like Mrs Punt who have got a bit of an edge and unpredictability about them." Joanne Hawkins of said Vera has been described as being "so despicable, you can't help but love her."
Aaron Brennan and David Tanaka spot Vera with Regina in Ramsay Street and ask her where she found their dog, but Vera tells them that Regina belongs to her. David and Aaron explain that they have been looking after Regina since Vera's sister died. When she refuses to give the dog back, David calls her a dognapper. Aaron later talks with Vera about how he and David have fallen in love with Regina, and he offers to buy her. Vera tells him that Regina was bequeathed to her, and if he wants Regina then they will have to go through a judge. David and Aaron eventually decide to let Regina go with Vera, who presents them with a vets bill before leaving for Bendigo. Vera later meets with Melissa Lohan about selling Valerie's house. She then walks through the Lassiter's complex where Leo Tanaka is vandalising a Valentine's Day display. He throws a large floral display which hits Vera and knocks her to the ground. Leo's family see that she is okay and ask her not to call the police. Sheila Canning talks with Vera and asks her not to sue Leo. She mentions that his father Paul Robinson is actually the one with the money, and implies the accident could have happened to anyone with all the decorations hanging up, so Vera sues Lassiters. Vera comes to Lassiters to hear a public apology from Leo, but he gets into an argument with Paul and Terese Willis, causing Vera to leave. Vera later expresses her disgust when Roxy Willis strips off while she rides a mechanical bull on grounds of the Lassiters complex. Vera attends a charity bachelor auction at The Waterhole and buys Aaron for $275.

Melissa Lohan

Melissa "Mel" Lohan, played by Jacqui Purvis, made her first appearance on 25 January 2019. Mel is Chloe Brennan's former girlfriend, who producers introduced as part of an on-going exploration of Chloe's background, bisexuality, and unrequited love story with Elly Conway. The former couple had a bad break up, with Pengilly explaining "When Mel left Chloe initially it was really vindictive and vengeful and she left her in a dangerous situation." Mel was branded a "villain", "ruthless" and "sinister" by Charlie Milward of the Daily Express, after he observed her efforts to secure a job with the Robinson Pines development. Milward also said that Paul Robinson could be in danger, as Mel begins to "stir up trouble". While bemoaning the show's tendency to have a "guest villain of the week", Conor McMullan of Digital Spy thought Mel could have been "a great recurring character, or better yet a regular, but her unfortunate decision to commit arson might just get in the way of that." McMullan also praised Purvis, saying she played Mel "brilliantly". The character departed on 4 March.
Mel comes to Erinsborough to visit her former girlfriend Chloe Brennan, after receiving an invitation from Chloe's brother Aaron Brennan. She initially watches Chloe, Aaron and Elly Conway decorating the local pub, The Waterhole, and approaches Elly to comment that she and Chloe look like they are more than friends, but Elly tells her she is engaged to Chloe's brother. Mel comes to Ramsay Street to see Chloe, who shuts the door on her and refuses to talk to her. Mel tells Aaron that she is remorseful for stealing from Chloe and leaving her in debt, so he arranges for them to talk. Mel apologises to Chloe for leaving her and tells her she will pay her back. Chloe and Mel agree to be friends again. Mel reads about the Robinson Pines housing development and introduces herself to Paul Robinson in the hope of securing a job as a sales agent, but Paul turns her down as his daughter Amy Williams has a team in place. Mel later comes by to see Chloe, who is about to send out an email invitation to the Robinson Pines sale, and she manages changes the time while Chloe is out of the room. The following day, Mel comes by the sale and helps Amy and Paul out by talking to potential investors, leading Paul to offer her a job as sales manager. Chloe kisses Mel and they spend the night together. Mel soon learns that Chloe is in love with Elly, but agrees to keep it to herself. She also convinces Paul to extend Robinson Pines and she meets with Lucas Fitzgerald to discuss selling his garage.
During an outing to the beach, Chloe tells Mel that she has been diagnosed with Huntington's disease. Mel's supportive response leads Chloe to give their relationship a second chance. Mel purchases an office in the Lassiters complex, and pays Heath Kabel to turn away business at the garage. When he tells her that the apprentice Bea Nilsson is rebooking the cancelled job, she asks for his keys and starts a fire at the garage with a faulty power board, unaware that Bea is sleeping inside a van. Bea accuses Mel of starting the fire, after seeing her giving money to Heath. Lucas later agrees to sell the garage, along with other Power Road business owners. Chloe also accuses Mel of starting the fire, after learning that she threw out a faulty power board from Number 24. Mel denies everything, but Chloe tells her that she no longer trusts her and ends their relationship. Mel replies that no one will want Chloe when she becomes sick and leaves. Elly confronts Mel the following day for almost killing her sister, but Mel accuses her of undermining her relationship with Chloe, and threatens to tell Mark about the kiss. Elly says that if Mel loves Chloe, she will keep it to herself and leave, which she does. Mel is later found and arrested in South Australia, after Heath makes a deal with the police.

Claudia Watkins

Claudia Watkins, played by Kate Raison, made her first appearance on 29 March 2019. The character was introduced as the estranged mother of Finn Kelly. During another guest appearance in December, Claire Crick of What's on TV called the character a "trouble-making mum". Raison reprised the role again in April 2020, following Finn's exit. Claudia's arrival in Erinsborough also facilitated the return of former recurring character Samantha Fitzgerald. Johnathon Hughes of the Radio Times branded the character a "tough cookie", "calculating" and "menacing". He observed that due to Elly Conway's history with Claudia's sons "there's not much love lost between the ladies". Anasta agreed with the assessment and she told him "From the moment Claudia arrives, Elly is the only one fully on her guard. She tells the rest of the Kennedys she only ever visits when she wants something. From what she knows of the family's backstory, Shaun was the good side – Finn and Claudia are definitely the bad!" Anasta admitted that she was a fan of Raison from her time in E Street and A Country Practice. She commented, "We've worked together quite a bit as Elly and Claudia over the last year, lots of intense two-hander scenes. I've learnt a lot from her, she's just beautiful."
After she is contacted by her son Finn Kelly's doctor Karl Kennedy, Claudia comes to Erinsborough. Karl offers to take Claudia to see Finn, who has recently woken from a coma and has amnesia, but she tells him she is only in town to collect her younger son, Shaun Watkins. Claudia admits that she had little to do with Finn when he was growing up, and calls him a psychopath. Shaun convinces his mother to stay and see Finn, by threatening to stay in town. Upon seeing Finn waiting for her, Claudia changes her mind and runs off. She meets Susan Kennedy and asks her what her agenda towards Finn is. She then tells Susan that she is absolved for pushing Finn off the cliff, but Susan wants to discuss Finn's childhood. Claudia explains how his stepfather, Errol thought he was evil. Claudia visits Finn and asks that he severs ties with Shaun and his lawyer, before he drags them down with him. Claudia attempts to offer Susan compensation money, but Susan rejects it and gives Claudia a photo album and a letter from Finn that he wrote while he was being held hostage in Columbia, which prompts Claudia to visit Finn once more. She asks about his lawyer's skills and then tells him that she has kept a photo. Claudia says goodbye to Shaun and tells him to get Finn's lawyer to send the bills to her.
At the end of the year, Claudia visits Finn and Elly Conway, who is carrying Shaun's child, wanting to make amends following Shaun's death in an avalanche. Finn discovers that she paid both Dean Mahoney and a private investigator to dig up dirt on Elly's past. Claudia asks him to watch Elly and report back to her, but Finn refuses. She then reveals that she was behind the fire that destroyed the evidence in his case. Recognising that Finn has feelings for Elly, she informs his girlfriend and Elly's sister Bea Nilsson. Following Finn's death, Claudia returns to Erinsborough and meets her granddaughter Aster Conway and begins scheming to get custody, knowing that Elly has been charged with voluntary manslaughter. She hires Samantha Fitzgerald as her lawyer, later finding out that Sam has history with the Kennedys, and begins trying to discredit the family. Claudia and Samantha assist Angela Lane, and other members of Erinsborough High's PTA, when they call for Susan's resignation to compile more stress on her. Claudia blackmails Elly's judge into giving her a custodial sentence, but she is blindsided by Elly's decision to take Aster into the prison with her. She pays Andrea Somers to start a prison riot, so Elly will change her mind about keeping Aster with her. Claudia witnesses Susan lashing out at one of her students Mackenzie Hargreaves and she confronts Susan, declaring that she wants custody of Aster. Claudia sets down roots in Erinsborough, buying the penthouse and attempting to buy Chloe Brennan's island, where Finn committed a series of crimes. She gathers evidence about Susan's mental instability and claims the Kennedys and Bea cannot look after Aster as well as she could, which convinces the judge to give her temporary custody of Aster.
After much consideration, Chloe and her husband Pierce Greyson decide to sell the island to Claudia, but the Chloe chooses to keep a close eye on Claudia, realising that her bid for custody of Aster was a scheme. Claudia enlists the help of other Ramsay Street teens Hendrix Greyson, [|Harlow] Robinson and Mackenzie to assist her in setting up the camp. Chloe and her brother Aaron Brennan overhear Claudia speaking to a police officer and discover that she was responsible for the fire that destroyed the evidence in Finn's case. When Aaron confronts Claudia, she offers him assistance in his goal to become a foster parent in exchange for his silence. Aaron rejects this but pretends to accept so that Chloe, Susan and Bea can search the penthouse for evidence of her bribing the officer. When she returns, Claudia discovers that they are trying to find evidence against her, and decides to flee the country on her private jet, which was carrying the rest of her household goods from Geneva. Upon reaching the airport, she discovers that Shaun was rescued a few days before and flew on the jet after finding out she was in Melbourne. He tells Claudia that he survived in a hut with a sprained ankle on limited rations for six months and then demands to know why Aster is with her, forcing her to confess. As Bea and Susan arrive, Shaun convinces her to confess her crimes to the police. Although she initially refuses, Claudia decides to do so after Samantha rejects her for not leaving the country. Shaun then tells Claudia he will never forgive her. Elly later visits Claudia before she is remanded and Claudia reiterates her belief that Elly killed Finn and is not a proper parent for Aster. Furious, Elly tells Claudia that she will never see Aster again and Claudia is charged.

Roxy Willis

Roxy Willis, played by Zima Anderson, made her first appearance on 29 April 2019. The character and Anderson's casting details were announced on 14 April 2019. Anderson had wanted to secure a role on Neighbours since she moved to Melbourne, where it is filmed, two years prior. Of joining the cast, Anderson stated "I've been so lucky with the role of Roxy, I've already found myself in a wide range of crazy situations from virtually the first scene which has been so much fun and really challenged me, I'm constantly learning."
Roxy is introduced as "a wild girl from the Northern Territory" and the niece of regular character Terese Willis. Although, Anderson pointed out that she is not actually related to Terese by blood. She is the daughter of Terese's former brother and sister-in-law Adam Willis and Gemma Ramsay. Anderson explained that Roxy's mother drops her off in Ramsay Street because she is "a little bit of trouble and Terese was the same when she was younger." Gemma hopes Terese can sort out Roxy's rebellious ways using her own experiences. The character will cause "chaos" from the start after Terese agrees to take her in. Anderson described Roxy as being "very fun and very naughty". She is also "full of heart", "bubbly", "sporadic and does whatever she wants." Both Anderson and her character have moved from a small regional area to the city of Melbourne, and the actress felt that she was able to bring something of herself to the part, saying "It's just that small town mindset of wanting to do bigger and better things. You just go all out, there is nothing stopping you." Roxy's older boyfriend Vance Abernethy will also join her in Erinsborough.
Roxy comes to Erinsborough with her mother Gemma, who hopes Terese Willis will take her in and get her to tone down her bad behaviour. They find Roxy laying on the bar at The Waterhole encouraging Leo Tanaka to take a shot from her belly button. Roxy tells Terese that she wants to change her life around, and Terese agrees to let her stay for two months. Roxy calls her boyfriend to tell him their plan has worked. She clashes with Terese's partner Paul Robinson and arouses the suspicions of her cousin Ned Willis, who asks her why she is really in Erinsborough and whether she has been going back to Abernethy Station to party. Roxy befriends Chloe Brennan after Terese asks Chloe to show her around. Terese gets Roxy trial shifts at The Waterhole and Lassiter's Hotel, but Roxy sets fire to the bar and goes through people's cases, resulting in Terese telling Roxy to find her own job. Roxy goes into business with Leo when they buy the Back Lane Bar together. Roxy sees Paul handing over money to Chloe and blackmails him into changing his mind about wanting her to leave. She later tells Terese that she got the money for the Back Lane Bar by betting on fixed horse races back in Darwin. Roxy's boyfriend Vance Abernethy arrives in town, and she tells Leo that her share of the money came from him, making Vance Leo's business partner. Roxy sets up a mechanical bull in the Lassiters complex to promote the bar, but Terese orders her to move it, so she has it shipped to Number 22, where she and Vance later find Terese taking a ride.
Terese tries to dissuade Roxy from dating Vance, but realises that Roxy is in love with him. Vance and Roxy take delivery of a race horse that they are selling. However, the deal falls through and they have to find a new buyer. Roxy persuades Paul to buy the horse as a gift for Terese. Vance suddenly leaves town and takes money from the bar, leaving Roxy heartbroken. Terese then admits that Vance is her first love, and she kept it quiet to protect Roxy. Roxy blames Terese for Vance's departure and becomes convinced that she was planning to run off with him. She begins partying and moves in with Leo at Number 32. When Roxy hears that Terese called her mother, she deliberately ruins an investors meeting by going topless. She later attempts to kiss Paul and ruin his relationship with Terese, but this leads to him being attacked by Vance. Upon discovering Vance's actions she initially tries to protect but later turns him in to the police.
Roxy later returns to Number 22 after briefly moving out and immediately clashes with Paul's granddaughter Harlow Robinson due to her previous actions. Terese attempts to defuse their feud by giving them her daughter Piper's old car Hermione. Though they continue to clash for several months, Harlow and Roxy later form a close friendship after Roxy comforts Harlow when her uncle David Tanaka needs a kidney transplant, even assisting her to connect with her father Robert Robinson. Roxy also forms a bond with Harlow's mother Prue Wallace. Roxy discovers that she is a possible kidney match for David, but she is scared to tell anyone. She later confides in Shane Rebecchi. David learns she was a match after Robert donates a kidney to him, and Roxy admits that she was scared to come forward. He forgives her, but Paul is angry with her.
Roxy later develops feelings for Kyle Canning after he kisses her. Their feelings become stronger after they head to Pierce Greyson's island to celebrate Elly Conway's birthday. Roxy later discovers that Prue and Kyle's father Gary Canning were both killed by Finn Kelly and assists Harlow and Kyle as they process their grief for their respective parents. When Kyle attends a grief session and commences a relationship with Jessica Quince, Roxy becomes jealous and attempts to warn Jessica off Kyle. She later goes to Darwin to clear her mind, and upon returning discovers that Kyle and Jessica have broken up. Roxy later admits to Kyle that she is still unsure about whether she wants a relationship with him, and then sees him on a date with Jamie Spiteri. Roxy meets Levi Canning at The Waterhole, where they have a drink and share a kiss. The next day, Roxy learns that Levi is Kyle's cousin and Kyle learns of the kiss between them. Roxy volunteers to clear up Pierce's island and comforts Kyle, who struggles being back in the place his father died.
Roxy tells him that she needs a reason why they can't be together, before returning back to Erinsborough. Kyle tells her that he doesn't have a reason why they can't be together and wants to start a relationship with her. They kiss and start a relationship, but Roxy convinces Kyle to tell Sheila about their relationship before they could make it offical.

Dean Mahoney

Dean Mahoney, played by Henry Strand, made his first appearance on 2 May 2019. The character and Strand's casting were announced in the June 2019 edition of Soap World. Dean is introduced as the son of [|Dr Dora Dietrich] and billed as a "disobedient student". Their reporter stated that Dean is a pupil at Erinsborough High and he clashes with his pregnant teacher Elly Conway. Elly disciplines Dean which prompts him to concoct a revenge plan. He reveals that he is Dora's son and knowing that Elly is a patient of Dora's, he accesses Elly's medical records and discovers that she has lied about her pregnancy. Dean tells Elly that he will not reveal the truth aslong as she does as he asks. The reporter added that Dean would force Elly to break the law and subsequently attract a second blackmailer. The character returned on 5 December, as he stalks Elly and admits responsibility for her losing her job.
After Dean is given a detention by his teacher Elly Conway, he tries to argue his way out of it and Yashvi Rebecchi tells him to give Elly a break. Elly notices Dean has not completed an assignment, and when he calls her a drainer, she increases his one detention to a weeks worth. When Dean goes to the hospital to meet his mother Dr Dietrich for lunch, he learns that Elly is her patient and looks at her file. Back at school, Dean reveals to Elly that he knows she is lying to her husband about her baby and wants a high grade on the assignment he has not done. Elly warns him that what he has done is illegal, and threatens to report him. Dean notices Elly and her husband having breakfast and makes a point of coming over and bringing up the subject of their baby. He later receives a B grade for his assignment, which makes Yashvi suspicious. When she confronts Dean, he pours a drink over her head and Elly gives him another week of detention. Dean then blackmails Elly into buying him alcohol for outdoor education camp, but he does not get anything, after Elly is caught and later hospitalised. Dean then steals a picture of her ultrasound scan to continue his blackmail, drawing Finn Kelly's attention. Finn pays Dean to transfer to another school.

Vance Abernethy

Vance Abernethy, played by Conrad Coleby, made his first appearance on 16 May 2019. The character and Coleby's casting was announced on 18 April 2019. Of his joining the cast, Coleby said "It's been amazing! They're a great bunch of people who are so lovely to work with. Rebekah Elmaloglou and I get along really well – I'm having such a good time!" Chris Edwards of Digital Spy reported that Vance "is set to stir things up from the moment he sets foot onto Ramsay Street." Vance is the older boyfriend of Roxy Willis, and a former boyfriend of Terese Willis, who "led her down a wild path back in the day." Coleby explained that Vance and Roxy's relationship is "spicy" and "affectionate". They share "a deep connection, and a very fun one." Vance is aware of how Terese and Roxy are related, and he enjoys the memories of his relationship with Terese, but he think she is living a lie. Coleby added that Vance would get under her skin and clash with her partner Paul Robinson.
Vance comes to Erinsborough to meet up with his girlfriend Roxy Willis, who reveals to Leo Tanaka that her share of the money used to purchase half of the Back Lane Bar came from Vance, making him Leo's new partner. To get Leo on side, Vance puts a stop to Roxy's plan to give the bar an outback theme. Vance later comes face to face with his former girlfriend Terese, after Roxy takes him home to meet her aunt. He is also reacquainted with Ned Willis, who introduced him and Roxy. Terese realises that Roxy does not know that they dated, and Vance says he does not want to ruin Roxy's fresh start. He assures Terese that he loves Roxy. Terese also decides to keep their connection a secret from Roxy and her partner Paul Robinson. Vance takes delivery of a race horse that he and Roxy are selling to fund their life together, however, their buyer pulls out of the deal. Leo realises that the horse is stolen and that Roxy does not know. Vance attempts to find a new buyer for the horse, but Roxy sells it to Paul for a low price. Ned also learns that the horse is stolen and tells Terese, who gives Vance a week to break up with Roxy and leave town. She then convinces Paul to cancel the sale. Vance finds another buyer for the horse and tells Leo that he is leaving town without Roxy. While saying goodbye to Terese outside Lassiters Hotel, Vance tells her she will always be his first love and they share a hug.
When Terese learns Vance has sold the horse to Pierce Greyson, she goes to the stables and threatens to call the police if he does not cancel the sale. Vance knows she is bluffing as she cares for him still. Instead Paul calls the police upon learning from Leo that Vance stole money from the bar. Terese tells Vance to run, and refuses to leave with him when he asks. Weeks later, Vance returns to town after learning of a kiss between Roxy and Paul, who he attacks. Roxy insists that she made advances towards Paul out of revenge. Gary Canning is blamed for the attack on Paul, but Roxy feels increasingly guilty about letting an innocent man take the fall for Vance's crime. She asks him to confess if he really loves her, and Vance finds the police waiting for him as he attempts to leave the backpackers' hostel.

Ebony Buttrose

Ebony Buttrose, played by Christie Hayes, made her first appearance on 7 June 2019. Hayes's casting was announced on 24 March 2019. Of joining the cast, the actress stated,"I am so lucky to join the cast of Neighbours, it's a dream come true. Literally a dream I had a while back I was working on the series and now I am! I was beyond excited and cried when I found out I had the role because I love acting. It is the best professional experience I have had in television and I love waking up every day to play my character." Hayes's character will become involved in a "complex" love triangle, and it was later confirmed she is Pierce Greyson's fiancée. A reporter for Inside Soap wrote that Pierce's former girlfriend Chloe Brennan would be suspicious of Ebony and learns she has lots of secrets. Hayes said Ebony had "a lot of layers to her."
Ebony comes to the Back Lane Bar to meet her fiancé Pierce Greyson, and walks in on him being kissed by Chloe Brennan. She asks what is going on and Pierce tells her it is a misunderstanding. The following day, while having breakfast in The Waterhole, Ebony spots Chloe and invites her over for a coffee, where she tells Chloe about how she met Pierce at a charity gala. Ebony convinces Pierce to buy them a house while they are staying in Melbourne. Terese lets Ebony have Chloe as her personal concierge, as she sets up an office for her perfume business. Ebony makes Chloe move a chair around the room several times, before warning her that she will not be getting Pierce back and not to make an enemy of her. Chloe tells Ebony that she is concerned about Pierce bankrolling her perfume line and Ebony thinks she is calling her a golddigger. Pierce asks Ebony about Chloe, knowing that things will be awkward between them, but she says that if he gives them some space she will befriend Chloe. Pierce and Ebony buy a house together, but she tries to keep him away from it, telling him that it needs to be decorated.
Chloe learns that Ebony's crystal perfume bottles are actually made of glass, and finds records of bank transfers from Ebony to a private account. Ebony admits that she is taking some of the money she gets from Pierce and giving it to her sister, [|Crystal Buttrose], who is a single mother and staying at the new house. Ebony also reveals that she has not told Pierce about her sister. Chloe helps to find Crystal a place to live, and after Pierce catches her at the house, she asks Ebony to talk to him, but Ebony wants to wait until after the wedding. However, she eventually tells Pierce about Crystal and the money. She explains that she initially saw him as a way to a better life, but she fell in love with him and was scared of losing him if he knew about her family situation. Pierce asks Ebony to sign an agreement in which she agrees to commit to their marriage, without profiting from it, or he will give her $250,000 to walk away. Ebony signs the agreement, but her feelings of insecurity over Chloe and Pierce's friendship emerge. She asks Chloe if she is in love with Pierce, but Chloe assures her that she does not have to worry. Ebony later witnesses Pierce and Chloe hugging, and she decides to take the cheque Pierce offered her and leaves town.

Harlow Robinson

Harlow Robinson, played by Jemma Donovan, made her first appearance on 15 July 2019. The character and Donovan's casting details were announced on 26 March 2019 via the show's social media. She commented, "I am so happy and very honoured to be a part of a series which has been enjoyed by generations." Donovan's father Jason Donovan played Harlow's relative Scott Robinson, while her grandfather Terence Donovan played Doug Willis. Executive producer Jason Herbison stated that Donovan did "a fantastic audition" and her family connection was "an unexpected surprise". The role of Harlow was written for Donovan, and the character's storyline is similar to her own story of moving to Australia from the UK.
Harlow is a member of the show's Robinson family, who were introduced in the first episode in 1985. Simon Timblick of the Radio Times said that Harlow's place within the family would be revealed in the coming months. Shortly before her arrival, it was confirmed that Harlow is Paul Robinson's granddaughter, and Robert Robinson's daughter. Paul and his son David Tanaka meet Harlow at the prison where Robert is held. She misses out on the chance to meet her father, but is invited back to Erinsborough by David. Tina Burke of TV Week described the character as "quick witted and complicated", while Donovan stated that Harlow is "very head strong, and I enjoy playing that type of character who knows what she is doing and likes to get involved and Harlow seems to have those qualities."
As Harlow waits inside the prison where her father, Robert Robinson is being held, she meets David Tanaka and Aaron Brennan, who are also waiting to see Robert. They do not get a chance to talk to Robert, who leaves when his father Paul Robinson enters the room. Harlow tells David, Aaron and Paul that she is Robert's daughter, and that her mother met him while backpacking in Tasmania. They invite her to stay with them in Erinsborough. Paul introduces Harlow to his fiancée, Terese Willis, who she instantly bonds with, and invites her to live with them, after she says she wants to get to know Paul for herself. Paul initially struggles to talk to Harlow about Robert, but he eventually gives her a letter he wrote to his son that explains their relationship. Terese's niece Roxy Willis takes an instant dislike to Harlow and the two girls struggle to get along. Harlow enrols at Erinsborough High and befriends Yashvi Rebecchi. After Paul is attacked, Roxy claims that Gary Canning is responsible. Harlow notices that Gary's mother Sheila Canning is nervous and soon finds that she has hidden a bloodied crowbar in her recycling bin. Harlow hands it into the police, who arrest Sheila. Roxy soon confesses that her former boyfriend attacked Paul. Harlow later calls out Roxy's immature behaviour when she realises Roxy has not apologised to Gary.
Terese gives Harlow and Roxy the use of her daughter's car, Hermione, causing them to clash again when Roxy gives it a make-over. After Roxy tries on Terese's wedding dress and rips it, Harlow tells Terese what happened, but is surprised when Terese accepts that it was just an accident. When Roxy confronts her for telling Terese, Harlow throws food at her and they fight. They are interrupted by the arrival of Harlow's grandmother, Gail Lewis. Gail plans to take Harlow to Tasmania with her, after seeing how bad the relationship between her and Roxy is. She changes her mind when she learns that Harlow is doing well in school and wants to stay in Erinsborough. Harlow discovers Roxy has a casual relationship with Mark Brennan and blackmails Roxy into doing her chores and giving her custody of the car. She also learns that Gail was involved in a conspiracy against Paul and encourages Gail to go and be with her daughter New York. She later tells Ned Willis that she thought Gail came to Erinsborough to get to know her. Ned encourages her to say goodbye to Gail properly. While Terese and Paul are honeymooning in London, they decide to meet Harlow's mother, Prue Wallace. Harlow tries to put them off and tells Amy Williams that Prue is in a cult. After Mark publicly humiliates Roxy, Harlow and Sheila encourage her to end the relationship, which she does.
Harlow repeatedly clashes with Hendrix Greyson, who attempts to sabotage her presentation at school. During the school dance, Harlow confronts Hendrix for kissing [|Olivia Lane] in front of his date Mackenzie Hargreaves to tutor her.
Harlow develops a crush on Hendrix, which he soon notices. He shows up to her home shirtless and tries to seduce her in a classroom in order to get her to admit it. Harlow denies liking him. While practising her driving lessons with Terese, Harlow accidentally hits and kills Clementine, a cat that Hendrix had grown fond of. He accuses Harlow of killing Clementine deliberately, knowing that she was allergic to her. Harlow holds a funeral for Clementine and invites Hendrix to say goodbye. He apologises to Harlow for being harsh and they almost kiss. Harlow overhears Paul and Gary arguing about Prue returning to Erinsborough and she is angry that Gary did not tell her. Hendrix comforts Harlow and they share a kiss. When Prue arrives, Harlow struggles to trust her, but she attends a welcome barbecue with Paul and Terese. There, Gary and Pure announce they are engaged. Harlow and Gary's son, Kyle Canning are opposed to the engagement and the wedding, which is happening at the Lassiter's Wedding Expo. Harlow and Hendrix talk about their kiss and she gently rejects him, preferring them to stay frenemies, which he accepts. Hendrix later tells her that he wants to earn her trust and asks her out on a date, which is a success. Prue convinces Harlow to be there at her wedding, but while planning the hen party, Harlow discovers an email from the Restoration Order to her mother and she realises that Prue lied about leaving the Order. She confronts Prue, before being comforted by Hendrix.
Harlow and Hendrix decide to travel to his father, Pierce Greyson's island in secret, where some of their friends and neighbours have gathered for Elly Conway's birthday. They tell Paul and Terese that they are staying with friends, and set up camp away from the others. Harlow sends Gary a text message about Prue's lies. Harlow feels pressured to have sex by Hendrix and they argue. She leaves and comes across Bea Nilsson, who is trapped in a mineshaft with a broken leg. Harlow jumps down to help, but she also becomes trapped. Finn returns to check if Bea is still alive and finds Harlow with her. He throws several rocks at them and then drops a snake down, which bites Harlow when she and Bea try to catch it in a rucksack. Gary finds them and attempts to rescue them, but he is killed by Finn, who later pushes Elly into the mineshaft. The others eventually find them and are forced to jump into the mineshaft to escape a fire that engulfs the island. After being rescued, Harlow is taken to Erinsborough Hospital and placed in an induced coma. Shortly after she wakes up, Harlow listens to a voicemail from Prue that ends with an explosion. Paul tells her that Prue is dead, having been killed by a bomb that Finn had left for Paul's sister Lucy Robinson. Harlow repeatedly listens to Prue's voicemail, and is devastated when Paul accidentally deletes the message. Mark Brennan tells Harlow that the police have a copy of the message that she have when the investigation is over.
Roxy hosts a memorial party for Prue, and later that night, Harlow and Hendrix have sex. Harlow tells Terese and Roxy that she regrets it, which Paul overhears. He accuses Hendrix of taking advantage of Harlow, and she apologise to Hendrix. Her relationship with Paul is strained. After getting some advice from David, Harlow apologises to Paul and the reconcile, until she learns Paul tried to make Aaron hide stolen goods. Harlow moves in with Hendrix after Paul brings up her grief for Prue in front of Pierce and Chloe Brennan. Paul begs her to move back home, but she refuses and deems him untrustworthy. They later apologise to each other, and Paul allows her to stay over with Hendrix for two nights a week and accompanies her to a gynaecology appointment for a contraceptive implant. While setting up for Mackenzie's 18th birthday party, Hendrix tells Harlow that he will be partying in clubs once he graduates, which leads Harlow to worry that he might lose interest in her. Harlow tries to impress Hendrix by being cool and admits that she does not want lose him, as she already lost Prue. Hendrix tells her not to worry, as he likes her for who she is.

Mackenzie Hargreaves

Mackenzie Hargreaves, played by Georgie Stone, made her first appearance on 30 August 2019. She is the show's first transgender character, and the second trans actress to portray a trans character on Australian television. Stone's casting was announced on 23 March 2019. She had approached the show about introducing a transgender character in 2018. She wrote a letter to executive producer Jason Herbison with some ideas and received a response two hours later. Following an audition, Stone was cast in the role and she worked with the producers for eight months to ensure that parts of her own story would be included in the character's storyline. Of her casting, Stone stated "I am so excited to be joining such an iconic show. Neighbours is all about telling stories we can connect to, stories that reflect our society today. It has progressed so much since it first began, which is why I thought it was time to have a trans character on the show. I can't wait for everyone to meet her!" Herbison added that during her audition, he became aware that Stone "would be able to tell the story truthfully and authentically". Stone explained to a columnist for The Australian Women's Weekly that she knew her character's story would have to have drama, but she helped to "ensure it's truthful at the same time" by including various experiences that trans people go through, including coming out, relationships, and shame due to bullying.
Stone began filming her scenes in June 2019, with her initial storyline running for two months. Mackenzie is connected to a member of one of the shows families and will attend Erinsborough High. Stone revealed that she has filmed a kissing scene, and commented, "She's absolutely the character I wish I had seen as a kid." Shortly before her introduction, Stone gave more details on Mackenzie's fictional background, explaining that her father rejected her from a young age and her mother, who was supportive, died a few years ago. Mackenzie has had a rough time and is not very trusting of people as a result. Stone added that her character is "a bit world weary, a bit cynical, a bit hardened by her experiences." Lisa Woolford of The Advertiser described the character as "sweet, kind, compassionate and intelligent", whilst also noting that "her defences are up and she doesn't trust people". Stone's performance was praised by Bridget McManus of The Sydney Morning Herald, who noted that she was making "a sterling go of her debut acting gig", while also commending the storyline as "a landmark step in the right direction for Australian television".
Stone reprised her role in the November 2019 spin-off series , which takes place during the Year 12 exam period and explores various issues that affect teenagers at school. On 19 October 2019, it was announced that Stone would be promoted to the regular cast in early 2020, following a positive response to the character, the storyline, and Stone's performance. Stone expressed her delight at the news and looked forward to exploring Mackenize further. Herbison planned to develop the character so that "transgender doesn't even warrant the batting of an eyelid", something he deemed to be a "powerful" movement. Mackenzie returned to the series from 4 February 2020.
Mackenzie moves to Erinsborough to stay with her aunt, and is enrolled at the local high school, where she befriends Yashvi Rebecchi and Harlow Robinson. When Yashvi fails an English test, Mackenzie suggests that she asks to resit it and explain the reason why she failed. Yashvi is sure she knows Mackenzie from some where, but Mackenzie assures her that they have never met and she has never lived in Bourke, where Yashvi and her family are from. However, Mackenzie later hides a Bourke keyring in her pocket, which later falls out in the cafe owned by Yashvi's parents. Fellow student Richie Amblin asks Mackenzie to the school dance, but she turns him down as she might be gone by the time it happens. Mackenzie later comes to Yashvi's father Shane Rebecchi and tells him that he used to know her mother, Sarah, and he was the reason she wanted to go to Erinsborough High. She asks him to find her father Grant Hargreaves, who she has not seen in years. When Yashvi suspects that Mackenzie is Shane's love child, he asks her to tell his family who she is. Mackenzie explains to Yashvi that she used to know her as Michael, and she tells the Rebecchi family that she has always known that she was a girl, but her father struggled to accept her, so she and her mother moved away. Now, she wants her father in her life. Yashvi apologises for jumping to conclusions.
Mackenzie panics when someone overhears Yashvi mention that she is trans, as she was bullied at her last school. Yashvi works out that it was Richie and accidentally outs Mackenzie while arguing with him. Mackenzie rejects Yashvi's apology, as she feels Yashvi does not know what she is apologising for. She also tells Principal Susan Kennedy that she plans to stay at the school. Mackenzie later explains to Yashvi that not only did she out her, but she said that Mackenzie used to be a boy, which she finds offensive as she has always been a girl. She accepts Yashvi's apology, but asks for some time. Mackenzie and Yashvi reconcile after Yashvi tries to remove some transphobic graffiti from the girls' toilet door. Shortly after, Mackenzie finds a threatening note in her locker and Susan suggests Mackenzie use the disabled toilets, until the culprit has been found. Yashvi leads the students in a protest against the injustice, which Richie joins, much to the disdain of his friend [|Ollie Sudekis]. Susan realises that she has made a mistake and apologises to Mackenzie. Ollie makes transphobic comments to Mackenzie, resulting in Shane pushing him up against a wall. Mackenzie is grateful for Shane's support.
At Sheila Canning's birthday party, Mackenzie meets and flirts with Hendrix Greyson. She tells him that she is transgender, and he says it does not change anything, before they kiss. Shane gets a strong lead on Grant's whereabouts, and Mackenzie tells him about the day her father burnt all her feminine belongings. Shane later admits that he told Grant she was transgender. Shane's wife Dipi Rebecchi finds Mackenzie at a butterfly house, and convinces her to come back to Erinsborough. Mackenzie tells her that she cannot forgive Shane and will not speak to him again. Hendrix manipulates Mackenzie into asking him to the school formal. Shane and Dipi inform Mackenzie that Grant is coming to Erinsborough. Mackenzie's first interaction with her father is awkward, as he calls her by her old name. Grant says that Mackenzie is and always will be male to him, causing her to walk out. Yashvi and Harlow comfort her, and when she meets with Grant again, he makes an effort by calling her Mackenzie. She invites him to the school dance, but he fails to turn up and leaves town. Mackenzie neglects Hendrix to spend time with Yashvi and Harlow, and she later sees him kissing Olivia Lane. Shane dances with Mackenzie during the father-daughter dance. She forgives him and assures him that Grant's views are not his responsibility. Mackenzie asserts that although she has not reconciled with her father, she still feels like she has found family in Erinsborough.
In the spin-off Erinsborough High, Mackenzie and Richie admit their feelings for each other and begin dating, despite her concerns about Richie being more sexually experienced than she is. Before she can tell him that she has not had gender-confirmation surgery, Richie tells her that he knows as he did some research, and he still wants date her. The following year, Mackenzie helps Harlow with her unexpected feelings for Hendrix. She contemplates studying law after finishing school, and asks Toadie Rebecchi for advice. Mackenzie attends The Waterhole's Mardi Gras party and tells Hendrix to treat Harlow right, after learning they have feelings for each other. Mackenzie's aunt Trish Symington plans to move to Fremantle, but Mackenzie refuses to go and decides to ask the Rebecchis if she can stay with them, however, she realises that they are grieving for their friend, Gary Canning and decides not to approach them. Roxy Willis helps Mackenzie convince Trish that she is living at Number 22, while she secretly stays in Trish's apartment. As she struggles alone, Roxy suggests Mackenzie gets a housemate and Mannix Foster moves in. Mackenzie is suspicious of Mannix when he puts a lock on his bedroom door and wants to be informed if guests are coming over. While Harlow is visiting, the police raid the apartment and Mackenzie learns that Mannix is a criminal. Shane and Dipi invite Mackenzie to stay with them and she accepts.
As Mackenzie prepares to turn 18, she also plans to have her gender-confirmation surgery. Upon learning that her planned date may affect her VCE completion, she seeks guidance from Susan. Susan, however, is incredibly stressed and recommends her to the careers adviser at Erinsborough High. When Mackenzie attempts to explain her plight, Susan inadvertently lashes out at her, much to Mackenzie's horror. Susan later apologises and, on Mackenzie's advice, starts seeing a counsellor to assist with her grief. Mackenzie, Harlow and Hendrix help Claudia Watkins, setting up a camp on Pierce Greyson's island. On Mackenzie's 18th birthday, she laments that neither of her parents will be there, and starts to worry as Richie is late to her party. However, Richie finally arrives and reads out a poem he wrote for her, putting her at ease.
Mackenzie becomes distressed when Grant sends her a friend request, unsure whether she should accept or not. On the advice of Kyle Canning, she accepts his request and later learns that he is returning to Erinsborough. Mackenzie makes an effort to accommodate Grant, although voices her anxiety to Susan about having to juggle her dad's feelings on top of her school work and upcoming surgery. Mackenzie's fears are alleviated when Grant attends the Pride festival at Lassiters, meeting Richie for the first time and finally referring to her as his daughter in front of Courtney Act. Mackenzie and Grant's relationship continues to improve when he helps her get a job working for Toadie at Rebecchi Law. However, Mackenzie's decision to enter the Writers Festival with a reading of her old diaries makes Grant uncomfortable. When she discovers Grant's name on one of Toadie's legal files, and his true intentions for returning to Erinsborough to get free legal advice from Toadie, Mackenzie becomes distraught. She decides to withdraw from the Writers Festival and accuses Grant of not making an effort to accept her for who she really is, asserting that it would be better that they weren't in each others lives. However, she overhears Grant reading aloud one of her diaries, and forgives him when he says he is proud to be her father. Grant later reveals to Mackenzie that he had a relationship with another woman after leaving Mackenzie's mum, and that Mackenzie has a brother and sister. Mackenzie is at first hurt that she was unaware she had siblings, but she quickly decides that she wants to meet them, hoping to repair their relationship with Grant.
Upon returning home the day before her gender-confirmation surgery, Mackenzie helps Shane and Dipi fix their relationship by having them read one of her diary entries. She is initially excited once the day arrives, but is hurt when Richie seems to question her intentions for having the surgery. Richie reassures Mackenzie that he understands her intentions and tells her he loves her, which she reciprocates. Once Mackenzie comes home from hospital, she asserts that this is the first day of the rest of her life.

Scarlett Brady

Scarlett Brady, played by Christie Whelan Browne, made her first appearance on 9 September 2019. Whelan Browne's casting and her character details were announced on 17 June 2019. She admitted that was lucky to get the role and was unsure as to how it happened. She commented, "I'd auditioned a couple of times in the past. Perhaps I just seemed like a 'Scarlett' – which you can decide is a compliment after you meet her." Milly Haddrick of New Idea said Scarlett was "a troubled woman with a very dark past." Whelan Browne concurred and called her character "very complex". Scarlett comes to Erinsborough with an agenda concerning a male character. Whelan Browne added that Scarlett has had her share of "pain and struggles", and she hoped viewers would have some sympathy for her, even if they shake their heads at her actions.
After his flight is delayed, Ned Willis comes across Scarlett, who is wearing a wedding dress and crying at a bar in the airport. He hands her a tissue and decides to keep her company. Scarlett explains that her fiancé Rex called off their wedding in the middle of the ceremony, and she has maxed out her credit card paying for a flight home. Ned buys them some drinks. Scarlett sees Ned's phone passcode as he enters it, and later deletes a text message about an available flight. Before Ned leaves for a hotel, they take a selfie together. A week later, Scarlett comes to Erinsborough and Ned notices her in the local cafe. She tells him that she is on a personal tour of the country and thought she would start with Erinsborough after he told her about it. Realising that Ned works at Lassiters Hotel, Scarlett mentions that she has plenty of hospitality experience. She later places a suitcase behind porter [|Trevor Nugent], causing him to trip over. With Trevor hospitalised, Ned offers Scarlett a job covering his shifts. To thank him, Scarlett buys them lunch, which is interrupted by Ned's girlfriend Yashvi Rebecchi. After they leave, Scarlett looks at a scrapbook, which contains information about her failed wedding and deceased family, and admires the selfie she took of herself and Ned. When Scarlett mentions that she is lonely, Ned gives her a tour of the area and they book dinner for three at The 82. Scarlett attempts to cause trouble between Ned and Yashvi by bringing up their age gap, before mentioning that she and Ned met at the airport, which upsets Yashvi as Ned did not tell her.
Scarlett tries to befriend Yashvi and moves into the spare room at Number 32 Ramsay Street. She spies on Ned while he showering and takes photos of him. After learning about how protective Ned can be around his former girlfriend Bea Nilsson, Scarlett sabotages Bea's microphone lead and calls Ned to The Waterhole on the pretext of a mix up with his shifts. Just as he goes to leave, Bea receives an electric shock. Ned helps break the connection and takes her to the hospital, making him late to meet Yashvi. Scarlett gives Yashvi an edited version of what happened to Bea and plays up Ned's involvement in helping her, which leads to them taking a break from their relationship. Scarlett uses the opportunity to get closer to Ned, and she learns that Bea has developed a heart arrhythmia from the electric shock. Scarlett soon declares that her former boyfriend Rex is stalking her, and Ned offers to stay over at Number 32 for the night. When she learns Yashvi is coming over, Scarlett lays down next to a sleeping Ned on the couch, so Yashvi catches them together. Yashvi then breaks up with Ned. Scarlett claims Rex has threatened her, and she later pays someone to throw a brick through the kitchen window, so Ned will stay with her. Scarlett initiates a kiss between them and they have sex, but Scarlett notices that Ned regrets it. She then tells Yashvi what happened and pretends to be attracted to Kyle Canning to make Ned jealous.
Paul Robinson learns that Scarlett has lied about working in hotels and attempts to fire her, but she reveals that she found a hidden camera in one of the rooms and will go to the press if he does. Scarlett pretends that she has lost her phone at The 82 and while she and Ned are looking for it, he is struck by a speeding motorbike and suffers a dislocated shoulder. Scarlett insists that Ned moves into Number 32 and she soon seduces him. Yashvi confronts Scarlett about her former boyfriend [|Scott Mayfair], who says that she tried to kill him, but Scarlett insists that Scott is lying. She then convinces Ned to leave town for a country B&B. To celebrate Halloween, Ned and Scarlett dress up, but Ned is thrown when Scarlett wears a wedding dress and starts talking about their future. Scarlett tells Ned they are meant to be together, but when he tries to leave, she stabs him with a cheese knife. She then chases Ned through the maze, as Bea and Yashvi enter to rescue Ned. Scarlett slashes Yashvi's leg, while Bea helps Ned to escape. He collapses by a tree, where Scarlett finds him and attempts to kill him. Yashvi tackles her to the ground and Scarlett is arrested. At the police station, Paul turns up to goad Scarlett, who replies with "trick or treat". Paul later learns that the footage from the hidden camera has been given to the press.

Hendrix Greyson

Hendrix Greyson, played by Benny Turland, made his first appearance on 13 September 2019. The character and Turland's casting was announced on 1 September. Hendrix joins the regular cast, as the estranged son of Pierce Greyson. He arrives in Erinsborough, having been expelled from boarding school, just as his father is reconciling with his love interest Chloe Brennan. Pierce tells Chloe that he had very little involvement in Hendrix or his sister's upbringing, leading him to struggle with his resentful and "suave" son. Hendrix later makes romantic advances towards Chloe.
Hendrix meets his father, Pierce Greyson's girlfriend Chloe Brennan when she turns up at Pierce's house looking for him. Hendrix reveals that he is Pierce's son, and that he and his younger sister have been living in Sydney with their mother. They find Pierce at the Lassiters complex, and he apologises to Chloe for keeping Hendrix a secret. Pierce stops Hendrix from buying alcohol at the local bar and confronts him about being expelled from his boarding school. Pierce tells him that his mother wants him back home, but soon agrees to let him stay for a few days. Hendrix tells Chloe that they should try and get along, before making a romantic advance towards her. Pierce struggles to get Hendrix into a private school, as they are put off by his bad reputation. Hendrix continues flirting with Chloe, who tells him to stop his inappropriate behaviour. He also clashes with Harlow Robinson. Pierce and Hendrix spend an afternoon playing golf and bonding, but Hendrix throws his new clubs in the lake when Pierce forbids him from going to Noosa with his friends. Hendrix and some friends gatecrash Sheila Canning's birthday party at Number 22 Ramsay Street. He meets and flirts with Mackenzie Hargreaves. When she tells him that she is transgender, Hendrix admits that it does not change anything and they kiss. Seeing that Hendrix has no remorse about gatecrashing the party, Pierce orders Hendrix to give him his phone and credit card. Hendrix then secretly calls the bank and asks them to send a replacement.
Hendrix manipulates Mackenzie into asking him to the school dance, and he hosts a pre-dance party at Lassiters Hotel. Hendrix kisses Olivia Lane, after Mackenzie neglects him to spend time with Harlow and Yashvi Rebecchi. When Harlow confronts him, Hendrix kisses her and she slaps him. Pierce confronts Hendrix about consent and the mess left behind at the hotel room, which prompts a drunk Hendrix to grab a microphone and declare Pierce is a bad father. Pierce gets Hendrix a cleaning job at the hotel to cover the damage done to the room, but he leaves halfway through his shift. Pierce tries to get Hendrix interested in his winery business, but when he takes a phone call from Chloe, Hendrix steals his car keys and takes his car for a joyride. He accidentally spills soda in his lap, causing him to lose control of the car and he crashes into a marquee at Lassiters, injuring Harlow. Pierce threatens to report him to the police, but when Harlow's grandfather Paul Robinson confronts Hendrix, Pierce takes the blame, saying he asked Hendrix to park his car. Hendrix apologises to both Pierce and Harlow. After Hendrix learns from Harlow that Pierce is having breakfast with Chloe instead of spending time with him, he steals the Melbourne Cup trophy and puts it in the boot of Harlow and Roxy Willis's car. Harlow works out that Hendrix is responsible and Chloe confirms that he was caught on CCTV, so Pierce confronts him. He tells Hendrix that he has been nothing but trouble since he arrived and everyone would be better off if he had not come to Erinsborough.
At the Melbourne Cup, Hendrix was devastated when Pierce propose to Chloe, as he has feelings for her. Hendrix learn that Chloe has Huntington's disease and is furious at Pierce for not telling him. Hendrix steps in for Pierce for the wedding rehearsal, and while planning the wedding, Hendrix kisses Chloe, who pushes him away. Hendrix moves out and move in with the Kennedys. On the day of the wedding, Hendrix decide to return to Sydney. As he catches the bus, Pierce runs after him and begs him to come back. Hendrix returns with Pierce for the wedding. After Chloe and Pierce gets married, Hendrix tells them that he's not moving back with them, and prefer to stay with the Kennedys. Pierce convince Hendrix to attend the New Year's Eve Party with Yashvi and he agrees to go out. Hendrix and Yashvi began to get along, but she later reconciles with her ex-boyfriend Ned Willis. The following year, Hendrix's mother, Lisa arrives to town. Hendrix is horrified that his mother has been lying to him about Pierce not wanting him as a baby. Hendrix is even more angry when Lisa wanted another baby with Pierce. Hendrix is told by Karl Kennedy that Harlow has a crush on someone, and Hendrix assumes it is him. He decided to test her, by showing up her house, shirtless and doing push ups in the school hallway, shirtless. Hendrix freak out when Harlow tries to kiss and seduce him, but she admits that she does not like him that way.
Hendrix is devastated when Clementine, the Willis' cat that he had a close bond with, was accidentally killed and run over by Harlow and he blames her for her death, and also blames Chloe's brother Mark Brennan, who mistook her for sneaking inside and let her run outside. Harlow invites Hendrix to Clementine's funeral and he attends with her. After the funeral, Hendrix apologises for being harsh and she gives him one of Clementine's toys. They almost kiss, but she sneeze at him. Pierce convince Hendrix to ask Harlow out. Hendrix tries asking her out, but fails to. Hendrix attends to the Waterhole Mardi Gras party with Pierce and Chloe. Mackenzie, who knows about Harlow and Hendrix's moment, she tells him to treat Harlow right. Hendrix comforts Harlow, after her confrontation with Gary Canning, about her mother's return to Erinsborough. They later share a kiss.
Hendrix notice Harlow has been avoiding him, after their kiss and Harlow explains that she's been stress out about her mother's return. The following week later, Hendrix and Harlow talk about their kiss and she gently rejects him, prefer to stay as frenemies and Hendrix accepts her decision, but is hurt. But after some encouragement from Chloe, Hendrix ask Harlow on a date and wants to earn her trust. Harlow agrees to go out with him. Their first date became a success and they start a relationship. Hendrix meets Harlow's mother, Prue Wallace and he later comforts Harlow after her argument with her mother, before witnessing a fight between Gary and his son Kyle Canning. As Chloe and Pierce departed Erinsborough with Kyle, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson and Finn Kelly to his island, he and Harlow decided to go on the island. Hendrix and Harlow told their families that they'll be staying over at their friends. They then arrived on the island after getting a boat ride with Harry Sinclair.
Hendrix comforts Harlow, who felt guilty for not telling Gary about the truth of her mother. The next day, after spending the night on the island, Hendrix and Harlow almost had sex, but Harlow freaks out and runs away. Hendrix began to worry for Harlow's whereabouts and goes to Pierce's camp, only to find out that she isn't there. When the island was set ablaze by Finn, Hendrix was ordered by Pierce to go with Chloe, but Hendrix refuses, not wanting to leave Harlow, but leaves, as Pierce made a promise to him that he will find her. After being rescued, Hendrix learn that Harlow had been trapped in a mineshaft with Bea, by Finn and was bitten by a poisonous snake. As Harlow is placed in an induced coma, Paul blames Hendrix for Harlow's endangerment and refuses to let him see her. Struggling to stay away from Harlow, Hendrix tries to call Prue for advice, but quickly learn from Ned that Prue was killed in an explosion by Finn and he got a few advices from Mark and Chloe. Hendrix sneaks into the hospital to see Harlow, and is surprise to see her away from her coma. Paul confronts Hendrix, if he told her about Prue and Gary's deaths and Hendrix says that it is not his place to say and he does not want to hurt Harlow.
Hendrix comforts Harlow when she learn about Prue's death and apologises to her for not telling her in the first place. Hendrix later told Susan about Prue's death, causing her to break down. Hendrix continues to support Harlow, and he comforts her when Paul accidentally deleted Prue's final voice message to Harlow from her phone. Hendrix attends to Prue's memorial party and that same night, he and Harlow had sex. The next day, Paul who overheard Harlow confessing to Roxy and Terese about her night with Hendrix, confronts and accuses Hendrix for taking advantage of Harlow, threatening him to stay away. Harlow apologises to Hendrix for Paul's behaviour. Hendrix, Roxy and Harlow witnessed Mackenzie's criminal housemate, Mannix Foster walking out of the Willis household and he tackles Mannix to the ground until cops arrive.
Hendrix continues to support Harlow when she still clashes with Paul. Harlow later moves in with Hendrix and his family after overhearing Paul's argument with Chloe and Pierce about the two having a sleepover. The next day, after having a meeting with both of their families, Hendrix and Harlow agrees on Paul's idea for letting them stay over two nights per week. Hendrix, Harlow and Mackenzie helps Claudia Watkins, set up a camping lodge on the island. While setting up Mackenzie's 18th Birthday Party, Hendrix tells Harlow that he'll be going out partying once he graduates, which Harlow became concern that Hendrix will no longer have interest in her and tries to impress him, by being cool. Harlow confess to him that she does not want lose him, as she already lost Prue. Hendrix tells her not to worry, as he likes her and prefers to date her for who she is. Hendrix tries to help Karl and Susan reconcile by leaving a gift supposedly from Susan for Karl in his house. Hendrix overhears Karl and Susan arguing in her office, and notices that the flowers that Harlow left on Susan's desk are in the trash. Hendrix admits he bought and left the gifts. Hendrix is concerned when Pierce and Chloe appear to be fighting and Pierce tells him off, but later apologises. Hendrix befriends Emmett Donaldson, who is staying with Aaron and David. When Emmett runs away, Hendrix reasons with Emmett and convinces him to give Aaron and David another chance.

Prudence Wallace

Prudence "Prue" Wallace, played by Denise van Outen, made her first appearance on 20 September 2019. Van Outen's casting and character details were announced on 12 June 2019. She initially filmed alongside cast members Stefan Dennis and Rebekah Elmaloglou while they were in London, before flying out to join them and the rest of the cast at the show's Melbourne studios. Of her casting, Van Outen said "I am thrilled to be joining the cast of one the world's most iconic shows, Neighbours. To be asked is a privilege and I am very excited to get to work on a really fun storyline first in London and then heading over to Melbourne. I can't say too much just yet but my character Prue is heading to Ramsay Street to stir things up and I can't wait!"
Prue is the "enigmatic" mother of Harlow Robinson, who was introduced earlier in 2019. Van Outen described Prue as "a lot of fun, I like the fact she is a little bit out there as well so I can play around with the character. She is a bit mischievous which is really interesting to portray." Harlow's guardians Paul and Terese decide to meet with Prue while they are honeymooning in London, but Harlow tries to deter them, knowing that Prue is a member of a cult. Prue "isn't in any rush" to have Harlow back with her and cut the meeting short. She then meets with [|Graham], who asks Prue to end contact with her daughter. Johnathon Hughes of Radio Times called the character "flaky, flighty" and "a hard woman to pin down". Following a brief departure, Van Outen returned in March 2020. Prue's departure aired on 18 March, as she was killed-off in a bomb explosion. Van Outen told Daniel Kilkelly of Digital Spy that she always knew her stint with the show would be short, and she was fine with Prue's death. She said, "If I was going to be part of a big episode, I wanted it to be something quite dramatic, as you want people to talk about it." She added that there was still a chance Prue could return in the future.
Prue meets with her daughter, Harlow's grandfather Paul Robinson and his wife Terese Willis in a London park to find out more about them. Prue asks after Harlow, and learns that she has not mentioned Prue much. Prue explains that she is in the wellness industry and tells Paul and Terese about the philosophies she lives her life by. Prue notices a man, Graham, watching her and cuts the meeting short. As she walks off, Graham asks how it went and Prue tells him that Paul and Terese seem kind and are looking after Harlow. He then tells her that it is time to let Harlow go because if she is not with them, she is against them. Prue sends Harlow a text asking her not to worry if she does not hear from her for a while. Just over a month later, Prue comes to Erinsborough and voices her disapproval about Harlow's living arrangement, as Paul and Terese's hotel has been caught up in a sex tape scandal. Harlow defends them, but when Paul comes home drunk and Prue learns Ned Willis is recovering from a stab wound, she wants to remove Harlow from the house. However, Prue is convinced to stay at Number 22. She later shames Paul's daughter Amy Williams for being in the sex tape. Prue befriends Gary Canning at The Waterhole and they go on several dates. Harlow worries that her mother has forgotten her, but Prue makes sure to prioritise her and they start to reconnect.
Prue receives phone calls from the Restoration Order demanding payment, and she is tempted to steal from the till at The 82, but Gary catches her. She explains that the Restoration Order has helped her reach her full potential as a woman and mother, but she is worried that she will lose it all if she cannot pay the monthly fee. Gary asks to hear more about the Order and he later lends her the money she needs. Prue also attempts to convince Harlow that they could make a good life for themselves in London. When she catches Terese drinking wine, knowing that she is an alcoholic, Prue asks her to support her plan to take Harlow home to the UK and Terese agrees. Harlow decides to leave with Prue, unaware that her mother is still in the Restoration Order and planning on having her join. However, as they stop at a milk bar, Harlow recalls Prue telling Terese to "trust in the process" and realises that she is still in the Order. Prue tries to defend her intentions and the Order, but Harlow tells Prue that she will not be joining up. She begs her mother to stay in Erinsborough with her, but Prue leaves her outside the shop and flies back to London.
The following year, Prue returns to Erinsborough claiming that she has left the Restoration Order. She tries to repair her relationship with Harlow. During a barbecue at the Cannings, Prue and Gary announce that they are engaged, shocking Harlow and Gary's family. After attempting to rebuild her relationship with Harlow, it is revealed that Prue did not leave the Order – rather, she was forced out due to a lack of finances. Upon finding out, Gary calls off the wedding and decides to join his son on the glamping trip. Prue takes the box containing their honeymoon destination and follows him in her car. She pulls over when she gets lost and leaves Harlow a voicemail. She then opens the box, looking for champagne, and is killed instantly by a bomb planted by Finn Kelly.

Graham Isheev

Graham Isheev, played by Richard Arnold, appeared on 20 September 2019. Arnold's casting details were announced alongside that of Denise van Outen, who plays Prue Wallace. Arnold makes a one episode appearance in scenes set and filmed in London. He commented, "I always knew my career would hit a 'dead end' eventually, but I never dreamed it would do so in such spectacular fashion joining the cast of Neighbours, home to the most famous cul-de-sac in television. G'Day Britain!" Arnold's character, Graham "exerts an unhealthy influence over Prue." Simon Timblick of What's on TV branded him "a shady character".
Graham watches Prue Wallace meet her daughter's grandfather Paul Robinson and his wife Terese Willis in St James's Park. As Prue walks past him, Graham asks her how the meeting went and she says that Harlow is being well looked after. Graham then tells Prue that it is time to let Harlow go because if she is not with them, then she is against them. Prue agrees.

Grant Hargreaves

Grant Hargreaves, played by Paul Mercurio, made his first appearance on 8 October 2019. Mercurio's casting was announced on 29 September, while the character has been mention on-screen several times. Grant is Mackenzie Hargreaves's estranged father. His friend Shane Rebecchi has been trying to track him down on Mackenzie's behalf, as she hopes to reconcile with him. As Grant and Mackenzie meet for the first time since she transitioned, Grant "immediately slips up" when he calls Mackenzie by her old name. Seeing Grant's ignorance, Shane calls out his behaviour and tells him to support his daughter. When Grant meets with Mackenzie again, he asks that they start over and calls her by her real name.
After learning that Shane Rebecchi has been trying to get in contact with him, Grant calls him to say that he is coming to Erinsborough. Grant goes to Harold's Cafe, where he meets Shane's wife Dipi Rebecchi and is reunited with his daughter Mackenzie. He calls her by her old name, Michael, and reveals that he thought about contacting her after her mother died, but he was busy with work and was worried about what he would find if he did. Grant admits that he still thinks of Mackenzie as a boy, causing her to leave. Shane comes to see Grant and says that he regrets telling Grant to put a stop to Mackenzie dressing as a girl when she was young. Shane berates Grant for his attitude towards Mackenzie, leading Grant to ask her if they can try again and calls her Mackenzie for the first time. Mackenzie tells Grant about the Be You Ball and invites him to partner her for the father-daughter dance. He asks to think about it, but later turns up at the Rebecchi's home in a suit. He spends time with the other parents, while their children go to a pre-dance party. Grant leaves the house at the same time as the others, but he does not turn up at The Pavilion. Shane finds Grant at the cafe and tells him that he will miss the dance if they do not leave soon. Grant says that he cannot go, as dancing with his son in a father-daughter dance is wrong. He refuses to change his mind and asks Shane to explain it to Mackenzie. He also asks that Shane tells her he is sorry, and he leaves for Barham.
Months later, Shane contacts Grant about Mackenzie's 18th birthday and learns that Grant has been injured in a workplace accident. Shane tells Dipi that they need to help, as Grant is broke. He also wants to tell Mackenzie the news, but Dipi tells him not to get involved as Grant has already hurt Mackenzie. Shane later sends Grant some money, and Grant comes to Erinsborough. He apologises to Mackenzie for not attending the school dance and for missing her 18th birthday, which Mackenzie accepts when Grant says he wants to get to know her. Grant meets with Shane's brother Toadfish Rebecchi to discuss a WorkSafe claim. Toadie tells Grant that he will take on his case pro bono. After spending the afternoon together, Mackenzie asks Grant to stay in town longer. Dipi confronts Grant about his relationship with Mackenzie and whether he is going to hurt her again. He tells her that he is trying to accept Mackenzie. He attends the Lassiters Pride event, where he meets Mackenzie's boyfriend Richie Amblin, and refers to Mackenzie as his daughter for the first time.
