List of New York State Senators

This is a complete list of members of the New York State Senate, past and present. Members currently serving in the Senate as of January 2020 are listed.
Catherine M. Abate1995–199827Democratic1947–2014
Peter A. Abeles1919-192022Republican1886-1952
Chauncey M. Abbott1862-1863251822–1863
Frank Abbott1874101828–1893
David H. Abell1860–1861301807–1872
Gary Ackerman1979–198312Democratic1942–
Donald R. Ackerson1973-1974381921-
Joseph Ackroyd1907–190836Democratic1847–1915
Charles H. Adams1872–1873131824–1902
Eric Adams2007–201320Democratic1960–
Levi Adams1818–1821Eastern1762–1831
Peter C. Adams
Platt Adams1848–1849101792–1887
William E. Adams
Joseph Addabbo Jr.|2009-15Democratic1964-
John Addison 1797-1800Middle
Frank F. Adel191921884-1967
Abraham Adriance1802-1806Middle1766-1825
George B. Agnew1907-1910171868-1941
Edward J. Ahearn1931-193214Democratic1891-1934
John F. Ahearn1890-19026, 8, 10Democratic1853-1920
Fred Akshar|2015-52Republican
Daniel G. Albert1956-19622Republican
Marisol Alcantara2017-2018Democratic
James S. Alesi1996-201255Republican1948-
Orson M. Allaben1864-186514Democratic1808-1891
Jotham P. Allds1903-191026, 27, 37Republican1865-1923
David Allen 1815-1819Eastern
Ethan B. Allen
Mark W. Allen
Norman M. Allen
Stephen Allen
Victor M. Allen
William Allison1782–1786Middle
Charles Alt
Henry S. Ambler
George A. Amedore, Jr.|2015-46Republican1969-
Cheney Ames
DeHart H. Ames
Samuel Ames
Floyd E. Anderson
Warren M. Anderson1953-1988Republican1915-2007
Carl Andrews
George H. Andrews
Wilkes Angel
Joseph Annin
Benjamin Antin
Bob Antonacci2018-201950Republican
Julius A. Archibald
George F. Argetsinger
James Arkell
Christian H. Armbruster
Thomas Armstrong
William W. Armstrong
Abraham Arndt
Elisha Arnold
Frank B. Arnold
Joseph Aspinall
William Waldorf Astor
Russell Attwater
Darrel Aubertine2008-201048Democratic1953-
Arthur J. Audett
Martin S. Auer
Willard S. Augsbury
Moses Austin
Tony Avella2011-201911Democratic1951-
Allen Ayrault
Caspar A. Baaden
George R. Babcock
Frederick F. Backus
Alexander H. Bailey
Jamaal Bailey|2017-36Democratic
Edwin Bailey, Jr.1903–19041Democratic
Robert S. Bainbridge
Isaac V. Baker Jr.
Michael Balboni1998-2007Republican
Joseph C. Baldwin
Sumner Baldwin
Greg Ball2011-201440Republican1977-
James Ballantine
John Ballard
A. Bleecker Banks
Charles F. Barager
H. Douglas Barclay
Bryce Barden
Jacob Barker
Elisha Barlow
Thomas Barlow
Robert A. Barnard
William D. Barnes
James Barnett
Stephen Barnum
Thomas J. Barr
Elisha T. Barrett1957–19661, 3Republican1902–1966
Gamaliel H. Barstow
Henry E. Bartlett
William Bartlit
Thomas J. Bartosiewicz
Stephen Bates
Alexander B. Baucus
Stanley J. Bauer
Lester Baum
Caleb H. Baumes
Alexander G. Baxter
Howard R. Bayne
George Beach
Nelson J. Beach
William Beach
John Beardsley
Levi Beardsley
Samuel Beardsley
Vander L. Beatty
Karl K. Bechtold
Abijah Beckwith
James William Beekman
John P. Beekman
William Beekman
George D. Beers
Owen M. Begley
James A. Bell
Carol Bellamy
Frederick P. Bellinger
Erastus C. Benedict
Brian Benjamin|2017-30Democratic
David S. Bennett
Harmon Bennett
John D. Bennett
Louis Bennett
William M. Bennett
Nathaniel S. Benton
Julius S. Berg
Max Berking
Albert Berkowitz
Carol Berman
Frederic S. Berman
Abraham Bernstein
John M. Betts
William Bewley
Alessandra Biaggi|2019-Democratic
William J. Bianchi
Bennet Bicknell
Bennett Bicknell
John Birdsall
John Birdsall
Victory Birdseye
James W. Birkett
Isaac W. Bishop
Kitchel Bishop
William S. Bishop
Francis M. Bixby
Loring M. Black Jr.
Ebenezer Blakely
George A. Blauvelt
Isaiah Blood
Clarence E. Bloodgood
Francis A. Bloodgood
Henry Bloom
Isaac Bloom
Jeremiah B. Bloom
Allen J. Bloomfield
George Blumberg
Truman Boardman
Abraham Bockee
Robert Bogardus
Leon Bogues
David A. Bokee
John Bonacic1999-201850, 52Republican1942-
Thomas H. Bond
Thomas Hinckley Bond
Frederic H. Bontecou
Paul P. E. Bookson
James W. Booth
George Borrello|2019-57Republican1967-
William C. Bouck
George H. Boughton
Arthur F. Bouton
George Bowen
Shepard P. Bowen
Silas Bowker
John Bowman
Frank M. Boyce
John G. Boyd
John J. Boylan
Earl E. Boyle
Phil Boyle|2013-4Republican1961-
Edgar T. Brackett
George W. Bradford
Daniel Bradley
George B. Bradley
John J. Bradley
John M. Braisted Jr.
Waters W. Braman
William H. Brand
Benjamin Brandreth
George Brayton
Orlo M. Brees
Thomas G. Brennan
William C. Brennan
Henry E. H. Brereton
Neil Breslin|1997-42, 46, 44Democratic1942-
Joshua H. Brett
Samuel Brewster
Amos Briggs
Nathan Bristol
Leonard Bronck1796-1800Eastern
Alvin Bronson
Jack E. Bronston
Erastus Brooks
John Brooks |2017-4Democratic
John Broome
Alexander Brough
Adon P. Brown
Byron Brown
Elon R. Brown
Lowell H. Brown
Thomas C. Brown
Walter L. Brown
William Horace Brown
William L. Brown
John W. Browning
John W. Brownson
Irwin Brownstein
Joseph Bruno1977-200641, 43Republican1929-
George W. Brush
Jacobus S. Bruyn
Johannes Bruyn
Earl Brydges
John L. Buckley
Salmon Buell
Thomas Burch
Thomas F. Burchill
George B. Burd
Edward I. Burhans
Stephen F. Burkard
George T. Burling
Alvah W. Burlingame Jr.
Charles O. Burney Jr.
Clark Burnham
J. Irving Burns
Carll S. Burr Jr.1905–19081Republican1858–1936
Latham A. Burrows
Karen Burstein
James Burt
Walter C. Burton
E. Ogden Bush
John T. Bush
Thomas H. Bussey
Martin Butts
Richard P. Byrne
William T. Byrne
John D. Caemmerer
William J. A. Caffrey
John D. Calandra
William S. Calli
Samuel Campbell
Thomas F. Campbell
Timothy J. Campbell
William W. Campbell
John Cantine
Moses I. Cantine
Peter Cantine Jr.
Jacob A. Cantor
Israel Carll
David Carlucci|2011-
B. Platt Carpenter
Francis M. Carpenter
James Carpenter
Charles H. Carroll
Daniel J. Carroll
Thomas B. Carroll
William A. Carson
William B. Carswell
Trumbull Cary
Owen Cassidy
William Cauldwell
George Chahoon
Calvin T. Chamberlain
George Chambers
Orlow W. Chapman
Norton Chase
Thomas I. Chatfield
Nelson W. Cheney
John Lewis Childs1894–18951Republican1856–1921
Perry G. Childs
Lemuel Chipman
Robert Christie Jr.
Cosmo A. Cilano
Ebenezer Clark1796-1802Eastern
Henry A. Clark
Jesse Clark
Joseph Clark
Myron H. Clark
Orville Clark
Thomas E. Clark
William Clark
William Clark
Zenas Clark
Archibald S. Clarke
Matthew Clarkson
DeWitt Clinton
Herbert P. Coats
George H. Cobb
James Cochran
Townsend D. Cock
William W. Cocks
Benjamin Coe
John D. Coe
John W. Coe
Michael J. Coffey
Alexander J. Coffin
Henry J. Coggeshall
John P. Cohalan
Cadwallader D. Colden
A. Hyde Cole
Dan H. Cole
Ernest E. Cole
Dennis R. Coleman
Thomas Coleman
John B. Coles
Lorenzo D. Collins
Michael F. Collins
Charles Colt
Andrew J. Colvin
Frank Composto
Leroy Comrie|2015-Democratic
Adam Comstock1805-1809Eastern
Albert C. Comstock
Barber Conable
William F. Condon
Abraham B. Conger
Benn Conger
Jonathan S. Conklin
William T. Conklin
Henry C. Connelly
Richard B. Connolly
Martin ConnorDemocratic
William N. Conrad
Charles D. Cook
Charles Cook
James M. Cook
John H. Cooke
Richard T. Cooke
Walter E. Cooke
James E. Cooley
Charles Cooper
Alfred Coppola
Marc A. Coppola
James A. Corcoran
John N. Cordts
Charles T. Corey
Charles G. Cornell
Ezra Cornell
Francis R. E. Cornell
George W. Cornell
Erastus Corning 2ndDemocratic
William J. Cornwell
Vincent R. Corrou
Salvatore A. Cotillo
Frederic René Coudert Jr.
Edward J. Coughlin
James W. Covert
Luke F. Cozans
John Crary
James J. Crawford
Thomas J. Creamer
James J. Crisona
Franklin W. Cristman
Thomas Croci2015-2018Republican
Clarkson Crolius
George Cromwell
Barth S. Cronin
Thomas Crook
Harman B. Cropsey
Clarkson F. Crosby
Darius Crosby
John A. Cross
Richard Crowley
Henry Cruger
Thomas J. Cuite
John J. Cullen
Mortimer A. Cullen
Thomas H. Cullen
Thomas F. Cunningham
Henry M. Curran
Edward V. Curry
James C. Curtis
Samuel C. Cuyler
Albert Daggett
Peter J. Dalessandro
William C. Daley
James Daly
John B. Daly
Peter M. Daly
Peter S. Danforth
John P. Darling
William A. Dart
Ashley Davenport
Frederick M. Davenport
Ira Davenport
Andrew Davidson
John Davidson
Charles Davis
David Floyd Davis
George Allen Davis
Theodore D. Day
Charles Dayan
Jesse C. Dayton
Jonathan Dayton
Jonathan Dayton
Gilbert A. Deane
John DeFrancisco1993-2018Republican
Gordon J. DeHond
William Denning
Robert Denniston
Mario M. DeOptatis
John H. Derby
Thomas C. Desmond
Abraham A. Deyo
Martin W. Deyo
Rubén Díaz Sr.2003-201732Democratic1943-
Robert DiCarlo
Homer E. A. Dick
Andrew B. Dickinson
Wells S. Dickinson
Richard A. DiCostanzo
Johannes Dietz
William Dietz
Martin Malave Dilan2003-2019Democratic
Levi Dimmick
John D. Ditmis
Alexander S. Diven
Abram Dixon
William C. Dodge
William I. Dodge
John H. Doerr
John Doherty
Henry W. Doll
Isidore Dollinger
Richard A. Dollinger
D. Clinton Dominick III
Harvey J. Donaldson
Thomas F. Donnelly
James G. Donovan
James H. Donovan
John J. Donovan Jr.
Benjamin Doolittle
Daniel G. Dorrance
Curtis N. Douglas
Albert G. Dow
Edward J. Dowling
Victor J. Dowling
John V. Downey
Bernard Downing
Coe S. Downing
David E. Doyle
Emmett L. Doyle
Frederick E. Draper
John Drescher, Jr.
James Duane1782–1785; 1788–1790Southern1733–1797
Thomas Duane1999-201229Democratic1955-
Charles E. Dudley
Holland S. Duell
William Duer1777–1778Eastern1747–1799
Thomas A. Duffy
William Duggan
James F. Duhamel
Thomas C. Dunham
Harry F. Dunkel
Thomas B. Dunn
John R. Dunne
John J. Dunnigan
Perry B. Duryea1942–19451Republican1891–1968
John B. Dutcher
Jonas Earll Jr.
David Eason
Lewis Eaton
Thomas C. E. Ecclesine
Fred J. Eckert
Samuel S. Edick
John W. Edmonds
James T. Edwards
Lewis A. Edwards
Samuel L. Edwards
Rae L. Egbert
Ferdinand Eidman
Stukely Ellsworth
Timothy E. Ellsworth
Lucas Elmendorf
Nathaniel A. Elsberg
Augustus R. Elwood
Sumner Ely
James A. Emerson
Louis W. Emerson
William N. Emerson
Carlos Emmons
Matthias Endres
Truman Enos
Julian B. Erway
Austin W. Erwin
David Erwin
George Z. Erwin
Pedro Espada Jr.Democratic
Adriano Espaillat2011-2016Democratic
Joseph A. Esquirol
Edward S. Esty
David Ellicott Evans
David H. Evans
Marcellus H. Evans
Edward F. Fagan
Alexander A. Falk
Albert T. Fancher
Sheldon Farber
Hugh Farley1977-201644Republican
Lysander Farrar
Daniel F. Farrell
John H. Farrell
Peter T. Farrell
August E. Farrenkopf
Jacob Sloat Fassett
James Faulkner
George R. Fearon
Maurice Featherson
Louis Fechter, Sr.
James D. Feeter
Benjamin F. Feinberg
A. Spencer Feld
Simcha Felder|2013-Democratic
John W. Ferdon
William J. Ferrall
Nicholas Ferraro
Mortimer Y. Ferris
T. Harvey Ferris
William H. Ferry
Ben Field
Thomas C. Fields
Joshua Fiero Jr.
William P. Fiero
Andrew Finck
John Fine
Sidney A. Fine
Paul A. Fino
Leon A. Fischel
Josiah Fisk
James Fitzgerald
James F. Fitzgerald
John C. Fitzgerald
John J. Flanagan|2003-2Republican
Walter J. Floss Jr.
David R. Floyd-Jones
Edward Floyd-Jones1892–18931Democratic1823–1901
Henry Floyd-Jones
John G. Floyd
William Floyd1777–1788, 1807–1808Southern, Western1734–1821
John E. Flynn
Brian X. Foley2009-2010Democratic
James A. Foley
John Foley
Samuel J. Foley
Charles J. Folger
George Folsom
Jellis Fonda1777–1778, 1779–1781, 1787–1791Western1727–1791
Ebenezer Foote
Isaac Foote
John J. Foote
John Ford
George H. Forster
Oliver Forward
Henry A. Foster
William Foster
Charles A. Fowler
J. Samuel Fowler
Albert R. Fox
Chauncey J. Fox
George H. Fox
John Fox
Stanislaus P. Franchot
Morris Franklin
James J. Frawley
Jacob S. Freer
Charles A. Freiberg
Henry J. Frey
John Frey
Louis L. Friedman
Frank A. Frost
Samuel H. Frost
Samuel Frost
Thomas Frothingham
Charles H. Fuller
Jerome Fuller
Philo C. Fuller
Rudolph C. Fuller
Richard Funke|2015-Republican
John F. Furey
Gabriel Furman
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.1998-2013Republican
Joseph L. Galiber
Frank Gallagher
Raymond F. Gallagher
Patrick M. Gallivan|2011-Republican
Leonard Gansevoort1790-93, 1796-1802Western, Eastern1751-1810
Peter Gansevoort
John Ganson
Robert Garcia
David Gardiner
Thomas A. Gardiner
Frank J. Gardner
William A. Gardner
James A. Garrity
Joseph Gasherie
Enzo Gaspari
Francis H. Gates
John W. Gates
Jim Gaughran |2019-Democratic
Anthony V. Gazzara
Jacob Gebhard
George Geddes
David Gelston
Henry W. Genet
Vincent J. GentileDemocrat
James W. Gerard
Isaac Gere
Frederick Gettman
Michael Gianaris|2011-Democratic
Frederick S. Gibbs
Leonard W. H. Gibbs
James Gibson
Jacob H. Gilbert
John I. Gilbert
William J. Gilbert
William W. Gilbert
Alfred J. Gilchrist
Anthony B. Gioffre
William J. Giordano
Frank Giorgio
Terry Gipson2013-2014Democratic
Robert H. Gittins
Harry Gittleson
Leon E. Giuffreda1966–19761Republican1913–1999
Reuben L. Gledhill
Frank J. Glinski
Abel Godard
Frank N. Godfrey
Louis S. Goebel
Emanuel R. Gold
Thomas R. Gold
Marty Golden2003-2018Republican
Harrison J. Goldin
Efrain Gonzalez Jr.Democratic
Mary B. Goodhue
Roy M. GoodmanRepublican
Louis F. Goodsell
Alexander T. Goodwin
William H. Goodwin
Bernard G. Gordon
James Gordon1796-1804Western, Eastern1739-1810
Janet Hill Gordon
Archie A. Gorfinkel
Ephraim Goss
Andrew Gounardes|Democratic
Thomas F. Grady
James G. Graham
James H. Graham
William M. Graham
William J. Graney
Gideon Granger
John Grant
Robert Y. Grant
William J. Grattan
Paul D. Graves
Rhoda Fox Graves
Ross Graves
E. Arthur Gray
Byram Green
George E. Green
Abraham Greenberg
Samuel L. Greenberg
Thomas Greenly
William P. Greiner
Abraham Gridley
Anthony J. Griffin
James D. Griffin
John Griffin
Frederick W. Griffith
Henry W. Griffith
Joseph Griffo|2007-Republican
Mark Grisanti2011-2014
Stephen M. Griswold
Robert C. Groben
Jacob A. Gross
George B. Guinnip
Abraham Gurnee
Daniel Gutman
Charles L. Guy
Edward P. Hagan
Henry Hager
Peter Hager II
Jacob Haight
Samuel Haight
Samuel Haight
Edwin G. Halbert
John K. Hale
Matthew Hale
Amos Hall
Samuel H. P. Hall
William Hall
Morris S. Halliday
Donald Halperin
Seymour Halpern
Hugh Halsey
Jehiel H. Halsey
Silas Halsey
Joseph Halstead
John B. Halsted
Charles Mann Hamilton
James A. Hamilton
Jesse Hamilton2015-2018Democratic
Frederic E. Hammer
Chauncey B. Hammond
Jabez Delano Hammond
Samuel H. Hammond
Stephen H. Hammond
William H. Hampton
Augustus C. Hand
Joe R. Hanley
Kemp Hannon1989-2018Republican
Peter Harckham|2019-Democratic
John W. Harcourt
Gideon Hard
Thomas C. Harden
Jacob Hardenbergh
George A. Hardin
John Haring1781–1789Middle1739–1809
Abraham V. Harpending
Hamilton Harris
Ira Harris
Maxwell S. Harris
Henry Harrison
Gabriel T. Harrower
Ephraim Hart
Truman Hart
Dennis J. Harte
Abraham J. Hasbrouck
Joseph Hasbrouck
Louis Hasbrouck
Ralph Hascall
Conrad Hasenflug
Ruth Hassell-Thompson2001-2016Democratic
Clifford C. Hastings
Frederick H. Hastings
James F. Hastings
John A. Hastings
A. Gould Hatch
Moses P. Hatch
Ernest I. Hatfield
Richard Hatfield
John Hathorn
John L. Havens1899–19001Democratic
Palmer E. Havens
Edward Hawkins1890–18911Democratic1829–1908
Henry Hawkins
John A. Hawkins
Simeon S. Hawkins1888–18891Republican1827–1908
William M. Hawley
Moses Hayden
Stephen T. Hayt
Seth G. Heacock
John F. Healy
William J. Heffernan
Louis B. Heller
Nathaniel T. Helman
Pam Helming|2017-Republican
Frank B. Hendel
Monroe Henderson
Francis Hendricks
Joseph P. Hennessy
Walter R. Herrick
Daniel HevesiDemocrat
Charles J. Hewitt
William J. Hickey
Edwin Hicks
Richard Higbie1896–18981Republican1857–1900
Frank W. Higgins
James A. Higgins
Henry W. Hill
William Henry Hill
Thomas Hillhouse
Harvey D. Hinman
Simon C. Hitchcock
Zina Hitchcock1793-1803Eastern
Bertrand H. Hoak
Albert Hobbs
Michael J. Hoblock Jr.Republican
Nancy Larraine Hoffmann1985-2004Republican
Samuel H. Hofstadter
Edward Hogan
John C. Hogeboom
Stephen Hogeboom
Hendrick S. Holden
Joseph R. HollandRepublican
Fred S. Hollowell
Alexander M. Holmes
S. Percy Hooker
Leighton A. Hope
David Hopkins
David Hopkins
James C. Hopkins
James G. Hopkins
Peter W. Hopkins
Reuben Hopkins
Samuel M. Hopkins
Charles B. Horton
Clinton T. Horton
S. Wentworth Horton1947–19561Republican1885–1960
William Hotchkiss
John J. Howard
Brad Hoylman|2013-Democratic
Jacob W. Hoysradt
John F. Hubbard Jr.
John F. Hubbard
Ruggles Hubbard
Alrick Hubbell
Orlando Hubbs1909–19101Democratic1840–1930
Douglas Hudson
Charles Hughes
John H. Hughes
Laurens Hull
William S. Hults Jr.
Cornelius Humfrey
Friend Humphrey
James M. Humphrey
Lester H. Humphrey
Reuben Humphrey
Wolcott J. Humphrey
Alvah Hunt
John Hunter
Thomas Hunter
Abel Huntington
Benjamin N. Huntington
George Huntington
Henry Huntington
Shirley HuntleyDemocratic
Benjamin Huntting
James H. Hutchins
Almanzor Hutchinson
Christopher Hutton 1801-02Eastern
Caleb Hyde
Fred Isabella
Eugene S. Ives
Robert Jackson |Democratic
Chris Jacobs |Republican
John C. Jacobs
Louis J. Jacobson
Rodney B. Janes
James Jay1778–1782Southern1732–1815
Anna V. Jefferson
Andrew Jenkins
Harold A. Jerry Jr.
Craig M. JohnsonDemocratic
Daniel Johnson
Frank E. Johnson
George Y. Johnson
Noadiah Johnson
Owen H. Johnson1973-20084Republican
Robert E. Johnson
Stephen C. Johnson
Stephen H. Johnson
William Johnson
William Samuel Johnson
William Elting Johnson
Robert Johnston
Addison P. Jones
Elbert H. Jones
John Patterson Jones
John Jones1777–1778Southern1729–1791
Mary Ellen Jones
Nathaniel Jones
Samuel Jones
Samuel A. Jones
Ambrose L. Jordan
Daphne Jordan|Republican
Irving J. Joseph
Lazarus Joseph
David C. Judson
Frederick Juliand
Todd Kaminsky|Democratic
Abraham Kaplan
Anna Kaplan|Democratic
John L. Karle
Burt Z. Kasson
Abraham L. Katlin
Brian P. Kavanagh|Democratic
Frederick W. Kavanaugh
Jeremiah Keck
Luke A. Keenan
James J. Kehoe
L. Paul Kehoe
Charles Kellogg
Isaac Kellogg
Rowland C. Kellogg
Bernard Kelly
George Bradshaw Kelly
Joseph D. Kelly
William Kelly
John C. Kemble
John R. Kennaday
Alfred J. Kennedy
George N. Kennedy
Martin J. Kennedy
Timothy M. Kennedy |Democratic
Moss Kent
Michael J. Kernan
John Kerrigan
John H. Ketcham
Perley Keyes
John J. Kiernan
Frederick D. Kilburn
John A. King
Micajah W. Kirby
Leigh G. Kirkland
William Kirnan
John Kissel
Jeffrey D. Klein
Philip M. Kleinfeld
Adam W. Kline
Jacob G. Klock1778–1785Western
Charles L. Knapp
H. Wallace Knapp
John Knight
Martin J. Knorr
John Knox
Joseph Koch
Theodore Koehler
Jacob Koenig
Milton Koerner
Jeffrey R. Korman
Harry Kraf
Liz Krueger|Democratic
Carl KrugerDemocratic
Hobart Krum
Mary Anne KrupsakDemocratic
Randy Kuhl1987-200452Republican1943-
Irving L'Hommedieu
Nicholas B. La Bau
William J. La Roche
Isaac Lacey
Robert C. Lacey
Seymour P. LachmanDemocratic
James J. Lack
John J. LaFalce
Addison H. Laflin
William Laimbeer Jr.
Wells Lake
George D. Lamont
William C. Lamont
Charles Lamy
Jonathan Landon1777–1779Middle
Jonathan Landon
George F. Langbein
Walter B. Langley
Albert P. Laning
Abraham Lansing
Frederick Lansing
Robert Lansing
Andrew Lanza|Republican
Carlo A. Lanzillotti
Nathan Lapham
Edward P. Larkin
William J. Larkin Jr.Republican
George LatimerDemocratic
John Laughlin
John Laurance
Kenneth LaValle|1977–1Republican1939–
Thomas Laverne
Walter W. Law Jr.
Edward A. Lawrence
John L. Lawrence
Jonathan Lawrence1777–1783Southern1737–1812
Sidney Lawrence
Robert R. Lawson
Abraham L. Lawyer
Thomas A. Ledwith
M. Lindley Lee
Martin Lee
William H. Lee
John Lefferts
Peter Lefferts
Vincent Leibell1995-200937, 40Republican1946-
Franz S. Leichter
Abraham Lent
Norman F. Lent
Edward S. Lentol
Albert Lester
Royden A. Letsen
Eugene Levy
Meyer Levy
Norman J. Levy
Albert B. Lewis
Loran L. Lewis
Morgan Lewis
William Lewis
Clarence Lexow
Thomas W. LibousRepublican
Simon J. Liebowitz
John J. Linson
Leonard R. Lipowicz
John W. Lippitt
Betty Little|Republican
David H. Little
Russell M. Little
John Liu|Democratic
Charles L. Livingston
Edward Philip Livingston
Henry A. Livingston
Jacob H. Livingston
Peter R. Livingston
Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston1777–1778Southern1716–1778
Nathaniel Locke
Charles C. Lockwood
Tarky Lombardi Jr.
James L. Long1911–19121Democratic
Chauncey Loomis
Chester Loomis
David P. Loomis
Frank M. Loomis
James H. Loomis
Bert Lord
George P. Lord
Jarvis Lord
John A. Lott
Ebenezer Lounsbery
John Lounsbery
William L. Love
Ralph A. Loveland
Henry R. Low
Samuel S. Lowery
Seymour Lowman
Stephen Lush1800-02Eastern
Clayton R. Lusk
Sidney A. von Luther
John A. Lynch
Robert E. Lynch
Charles W. Lynde
Dolphus S. Lynde
Tilly Lynde
Caleb Lyon
Charles L. MacArthur
Allan Macdonald
John G. Macdonald
Ebenezer Mack
Thomas J. Mackell
James P. Mackenzie
William F. Mackey
James Mackin
John J. Mackrell
W. Kingsland Macy1945–19461Republican1889–1961
Edward M. Madden
Francis J. Mahoney
Walter J. Mahoney
Leonard Maison
George R. Malby
William Mallery
James Mallory
John F. Malone
Serphin R. Maltese2003-200815Republican1933-
Samuel Mandelbaum
William G. Mandeville
Guy James Mangano
Benjamin F. Manierre
Charles A. Mann
George T. Manning
Carmine J. Marasco
Carl L. MarcellinoRepublican
John J. Marchi1957-200619, 26, 23, 24Republican1921-2009
Kathy MarchioneRepublican
Joseph E. Marine
Marty Markowitz1979-200119, 21Democratic1945-
Jacob Marks
Joseph R. Marro
Henry Marshall
N. Monroe Marshall
Bernard F. Martin
Frederick S. Martin
Walter Martin
William C. Martin
William E. Martin
Monica Martinez|Democratic
Jack MartinsRepublican
Matthew W. Marvin
Nathaniel C. Marvin
Anthony Masiello
Edwyn E. Mason
Seabury C. Mastick
Hiram F. Mather
John C. Mather
Vincent Mathews
Abner C. Mattoon
Rachel May|Democratic
Shelley Mayer|Democratic
John Maynard
William H. Maynard
George D. MaziarzRepublican
James H. McCabe
Francis J. McCaffrey Jr.
Francis J. McCaffrey
Carl McCallDemocratic
James McCall
John T. McCall
Patrick H. McCarren
Dennis McCarthy
John McCarty
John McCarty
Richard McCleery
Charles P. McClelland
James D. McClelland
Martin G. McCue
Frank S. McCullough
Roy J. McDonaldRepublican
Alexander McDougall
John G. McDowell
Francis L. McElroy
John A. McElwain
James B. McEwan
Robert C. McEwen
James T. McFarland
Walter G. McGahan
Peter J. McGarry
Patricia McGee
J. Raymond McGovern
Archibald C. McGowan
Thomas F. McGowan
Perrin H. McGraw
John M. McHughRepublican
Archibald McIntyre
John T. McKennan
William M. McKinney1901–19021Republican
John W. McKnight
John McLean
John McLean Jr.
Martin T. McMahon
Thomas J. McManus
Duncan McMartin Jr.
Richard McMichael
Daniel H. McMillan
William McMurray
John J. McNaboe
Donald McNaughton
George L. Meade
Christopher J. Mega
Raymond A. MeierRepublican
Hunter Meighan
Olga A. Méndez
George R. Metcalf
Jen Metzger|Democratic
John Meyer
Schuyler M. Meyer
A. Frederick Meyerson
Paul Micheau
Andrew C. Middleton
Elijah Miles
Benjamin Miller
Edwin E. Miller
John J. Miller
Julius Miller
Samuel H. Miller
Samuel Miller
Albert M. Mills
C. Corey Mills
Isaac N. Mills
Ogden L. Mills
Wheeler Milmoe
Theodore L. Minier
Isaac B. Mitchell
MacNeil Mitchell
Richard H. Mitchell
Thomas B. Mitchell
Hiram MonserrateDemocratic
Joseph G. Montalto
Charles C. Montgomery
Velmanette Montgomery|Democratic
Darius A. Moore
Hugh H. Moore
John J. Moore
Thomas P. MorahanRepublican
John T. More
Edwin D. Morgan
George Morgan
Jedediah Morgan
Lewis H. Morgan
Jeremiah J. Moriarty
Fred G. Moritt
Harvey R. Morris
Jacob Morris
Lewis Morris1777–1781, 1783–1790Southern1726–1798
Lorenzo Morris
Richard Morris1778–1779Southern1730–1810
John P. Morrissey
John Morrissey
Harry K. Morton
William A. Moseley
Constance Baker Motley
John B. Mullan
Dominick F. Mullaney
Joseph Mullin
George G. Munger
Allen Munroe
James Munroe
Louis Munzinger
Charles Frederick Murphy
George A. Murphy
Henry C. Murphy
John McLeod Murphy
Michael C. Murphy
Peter P. Murphy
Terrence MurphyRepublican
William J. Murray
John F. Murtaugh
William H. Murtha
Charles Muzzicato
Michael Myers
Rinier Mynderse1777–1781Western
Zellnor Myrie|Democratic
Anthony Nanula
Henry Neddo
Henry C. Nelson
Homer Augustus Nelson
Thomas Newbold
Josiah T. Newcomb
Obadiah Newcomb
Lloyd A. Newcombe
Charles D. Newton
John Nicholas
Robert C. Nicholas
Asher P. Nichols
George S. Nichols
John A. Nichols
John I. Nicks
Courtlandt Nicoll
Francis Nicoll
Dalwin J. Niles
Archibald C. Niven
Howard C. Nolan Jr.
Arden L. Norton
Christopher F. Norton
James Norton
Michael Norton
Gordon I. Novod
James Noxon
John Noyes
John Noyes
Michael F. NozzolioRepublican
Joseph D. Nunan Jr.
Myer Nussbaum
Duncan T. O'Brien
Henry L. O'Brien
James O'Brien
James H. O'Brien
Norman A. O'Brien
Ted O'BrienDemocratic
Edmund O'Connor
Eugene F. O'Connor
Frank D. O'Connor
Frank A. O'Donnel
John O'Donnell
Thomas H. O'Keefe1913–19141Democratic
Tom O'Mara|Republican
William T. O'Neil
Thomas C. O'Sullivan
James M. Oakley
Isaac Ogden
Manfred Ohrenstein
Allen J. Oliver
William M. Oliver
Andrew Onderdonk----
George OnoratoDemocratic
Henry Oothoudt1781–1785Western1739–1801
Suzi Oppenheimer1985-200936, 37Democratic1934-
William L. Ormrod
Robert G. Ortt|Republican
Edward B. Osborne
James Otis
John H. Otis
Albert Ottinger
Robert Owen Jr.
George A. Owens
James Owens
Major Owens
Carl Pack
Frank PadavanRepublican
Alfred R. Page
Charles B. Page
Roy M. Page
Alonzo C. Paige
Ephraim Paine1779–1781; 1782–1785Middle1730–1785
George Eustis Paine
Lyman Paine
Irwin Pakula
Abiah W. Palmer
Abraham J. Palmer
Harry J. Palmer
Thomas Palmer1781–1783Middle
Marc PanepintoDemocratic
Harold I. Panken
Daniel Paris
Isaac Paris1777–1778Western
Joseph E. Parisi
Abraham X. Parker
Amasa J. Parker Jr.
Kevin Parker |Democratic
Arthur Parks1777–1788Middle
Roswell A. Parmenter
Cornelius R. Parsons
Thomas Parsons
George PatakiRepublican
Basil A. PatersonDemocratic
David PatersonDemocratic
John E. Paterson
Lloyd H. Paterson
Henry I. Patrie
Bernard M. Patten
Frank D. Pavey
Levi Pawling1777–1782Middle–1782
Lewis S. Payne
Bethuel Peck
Jedediah Peck
William D. Peckham
Jose PeraltaDemocratic
Joseph F. Periconi
Bill PerkinsDemocratic
Charles D. Perry
John C. Perry
John D. Perry
Roxanne Persaud|Democratic
Henry H. Persons
Dutton S. Peterson
Joseph H. Petty
Phelps Phelps
Seth Phelps
Elaine PhillipsRepublican
George H. Pierce
George T. Pierce
James F. Pierce
Henry R. Pierson
Frank J. Pino
Joseph R. Pisani
Fred B. Pitcher
Perley A. Pitcher
Edmund L. Pitts
Frank C. Platt
James Platt
Jonas Platt
Moss K. Platt
Nehemiah Platt
Zephaniah Platt1777–1783Middle1735–1807
George W. Plunkitt
Henry W. Pollock
Robert Watson Pomeroy
Theodore M. Pomeroy
John Porter
Timothy H. Porter
Cuthbert W. Pound
James E. Powers
James Powers
William Powers
Elisha N. Pratt
George W. Pratt
Jediah Prendergast
John J. Prendergast
Jess J. Present
Spencer G. Prime
L. Bradford Prince
Nathan Proller
Erastus S. Prosser
John V. L. Pruyn
Ebenezer Purdy
Harvey Putnam
James O. Putnam
David Pye
Herman I. Quackenboss
Ralph E. Quattrociocchi
Elmer F. Quinn
John E. Quinn
John M. Quinn
Ellwood M. Rabenold
Peter W. Radcliff
Edmund P. Radwan
John Chandler Rafferty
George Raines
John Raines
Jessica Ramos|Democratic
Joseph H. Ramsey
Samuel J. Ramsperger
Michael Ranzenhofer|Republican
Fred J. Rath
Mary Lou RathRepublican
Benjamin Ray
Alexander Rea
Heman J. Redfield
Michael E. Reiburn
Edward F. Reilly
George M. Reischmann
Samuel Rexford
William H. Reynolds
Elijah Rhoades
Jacob Rice
Luther Rich
George Richards
Ralph Richards
Eaton J. Richardson
John Richardson
William P. Richardson
Volney Richmond
James Rider
Lloyd Stephen Riford Jr.
James W. Riley
Daniel J. Riordan
Patty Ritchie|Republican
Gustavo Rivera |Democratic
Joseph Robach|Republican
J. Hampden Robb
Robert H. Roberts
George W. Robertson
Hezekiah D. Robertson
William H. Robertson
Charles D. Robinson
Theodore Douglas Robinson
Thomas Robinson
William W. Rockwell
Eugene Rodriguez
George F. Roesch
Eli W. Rogers
George F. Rogers
Sherman S. Rogers
Jay P. Rolison Jr.
Franklin D. Roosevelt1911–191326Democratic1882–1945
Isaac Roosevelt1777–1786, 1788–1792SouthernFederalist1726–1794
Erastus Root
David Rosado
John B. Rose
Robert Roseboom
George Rosecrantz
William Rosenblatt
Ogden J. Ross
William Ross
Francis M. Rotch
Casper M. Rouse
Roy H. Rudd
William Ruger
Francis H. Ruggles
Israel Ruiz Jr.
Lawrence M. Rulison
Charles E. Russell
Charles H. Russell
Ebenezer Russell1778–1779, 1780–1781, 1784–1788, 1795–1803Eastern1747–1836
Henry Russell
John W. Russell
Michael Russell
Peter H. Ruvolo
Allan A. Ryan Jr.
John P. Ryan
John SabiniDemocratic
Henry M. Sage
Stephen M. SalandRepublican
Henry Salant
Julia Salazar|Democratic
John L. SampsonDemocratic
Archie D. Sanders
James Sanders Jr.|Democratic
John Sanders 1798-1802Eastern
Joshua Sands
Robert Sands
Edward Sanford
George H. Sanford
Mitchell Sanford
Nathan Sanford
Reuben Sanford
Richard K. Sanford
Felix J. Sanner
Alfred E. Santangelo
Nellie R. Santiago
John J. Santucci
Edward Savage1788-92, 1801-07Eastern
James Savage
Diane Savino|
John G. Saxe1911–191217Democratic1877-1953
Martin Saxe
Theodore S. Sayre
Charles V. Scanlan
Henry G. Schackno
Richard Schell
Abraham Schenck
John I. Schenck
John Schenck
Richard E. Schermerhorn
John F. Schlosser
Eric SchneidermanDemocratic
Augustus Schoonmaker Jr.
Cornelius C. Schoonmaker
Marius Schoonmaker
Frederick A. Schroeder
George M. S. Schulz
Jerome Schutzer
Peter Schuyler
Philip Schuyler1780–1784; 1786–1790; 1792–1797Western1733–1804
Murray Schwartz
Jacob J. Schwartzwald
William F. Scoresby
Allen D. Scott
George G. Scott
John B. Scott
John Morin Scott1777–1782Southern1730–1784
Carlos P. Scovil
Larry Seabrook
William R. Sears
Henry J. Sedgwick
Jacob Seebacher
John Seeley
Gilbert T. Seelye
Francis Seger
Simon Seibert
Edmund Seidel
Charles Selden
John H. Selkreg
Luis R. Sepúlveda|Democratic
Sue Serino|Republican
José M. Serrano|2005-28Democratic
Loren B. Sessions
Walter L. Sessions
James L. Seward |Republican
William H. Seward
Henry Seymour
Whitney North Seymour Jr.
Ira Shafer
James H. Shaw, Jr.
Titus Sheard
John B. Sheffer II
John S. Sheppard
Kenneth Sherbell
John V. Sheridan
Thomas I. Sheridan
Alpheus Sherman
George C. Sherman
Franklin D. Sherwood
Lyman Sherwood
Daniel Shipherd
Searles G. Shultz
Mark H. Sibley
Daniel Sickles
Peter Silvester
George W. Simpson
William T. Simpson
Alanson Skinner
Avery Skinner
Roger Skinner
James Skoufis|Democratic
Fred J. Slater
George A. Slater
Samuel S. Slater
George B. Sloan
Sylvanus Smalley
Baxter T. Smelzer
Ada L. SmithDemocratic
Addison M. Smith
Bernard C. Smith
C. Ernest Smith
Henry B. Smith
Jesse C. Smith
John E. Smith
Joshua Smith
Joshua B. Smith
Justin A. Smith
Malcolm SmithDemocratic
Nathan Smith
Sanford W. Smith
Saxton Smith
William T. Smith
William Smith1777–1783Southern1720–1799
Jacob Snell
Simeon Snow
John Snyder
William Sohmer
Martin M. Solomon
Herbert I. Sorin
Nicholas A. SpanoRepublican
Ambrose Spencer
John Canfield Spencer
Joseph Spencer
Joshua A. Spencer
Mark Spencer
Edward J. Speno
Francis B. Spinola
E. Carleton Sprague
David Spraker
George E. Spring
Daniel SquadronDemocratic
Daniel B. St. John
William StachowskiDemocratic
Charles A. Stadler
Ronald B. Stafford1966-200242Republican1935-2005
C. Tracey Stagg
Charles Stanford
Henry Brewster Stanton
Charles W. Stapleton
James F. Starbuck
Leonard P. StaviskyDemocratic
Toby Ann Stavisky|2000-16Democratic
John Stearns
Charles Stebbins
William M. Steinfeldt
Micah Sterling
Frederick C. Stevens
James Stevens
Andrea Stewart-Cousins|Democratic
Edwin C. Stewart
Lispenard Stewart
Samuel Stewart
Waldaba Stewart
Stephen J. Stilwell
John D. Stivers
Walter W. Stokes
Asahel C. Stone
Adam Storing
David StorobinRepublican
Isaac Stoutenburgh1778–1787Southern1739–1799
Horatio J. Stow
John G. Stower
Robert H. Strahan
Farrand Stranahan
Nevada N. Stranahan
Chester J. Straub
Nathan Straus Jr.
Demas Strong
Henry W. Strong
Selah Strong
John Sudam
John Suffern
Christopher D. Sullivan
Timothy Sullivan
Edmund G. Sutherland
Jacob Sutherland
Kenneth F. Sutherland
Solomon Sutherland
Peter Swart
Jacobus Swartwout
Arthur L. Swartz
James G. Sweeney
Sidney Sweet
William L. Sweet
Parton Swift
Azor Taber
William Taber
Enoch B. Talcott
Frederick A. Tallmadge
Matthias B. Tallmadge
Nathaniel P. Tallmadge
John W. Tamblin
Christopher Tappen
Joseph A. Tauriello
John Tayler1801-02, 1803-13Eastern1742-1829
George H. Taylor
John C. R. Taylor
John W. Taylor
Jim Tedisco|Republican
Abraham Ten Broeck1779–1783Western1734–1810
Dirck W. Ten Broeck1777–1779Western1738–1780
Anthony Ten Eyck1796-1801Eastern
John Boyd Thacher
Seymour R. Thaler
Francis S. Thayer
Warren T. Thayer
Edward B. Thomas
Kevin Thomas |Democratic
Ralph W. Thomas
Thomas Thomas
Antoine ThompsonDemocratic
George F. Thompson
George L. Thompson1915–19411Republican1864–1941
James A. Thompson
James G. Thompson
William C. Thompson
William Thompson
Stephen Thorn1804-08, 1823-25Eastern, 2nd
William L. Thornton
George B. Throop
George Tibbits
LeGrand C. Tibbits
Daniel F. Tiemann
George Tiffany
Thomas Tillotson
Robert C. Titus
Cecilia TkaczykDemocratic
Franklin W. Tobey
William H. Tobey
Walker Todd
Ward V. Tolbert
Bernard Tompkins
Minthorne Tompkins
Herman H. Torborg
Gardner Towne
James E. Towner
Henry A. Townsend
John Townsend
John Townsend
Samuel Townsend
William Townsend
Elishama Tozer1779–1780Eastern1741–1833
Albert H. Tracy
Patrick F. Trainor
William C. Traphagen
F. Warren Travers
Eugene M. Travis
Valentine Treadwell
Frank P. Treanor
Thomas Tredwell1785-89, 1803-07Southern, Eastern1743-1831
James S. Truman
Lyman Truman
Caesar Trunzo1973-20083Republican
Michael J. Tully Jr.
William J. Tully
Henry E. Turner
Ray B. Tuttle
Sidney Tuttle
William M. Tweed
Jeremiah F. Twomey
Jacob Tyson
Alonzo S. Upham
Bloomfield Usher
Moses Vail1796-1801Eastern
David ValeskyDemocratic
Peter A. Van Bergen
Martin Van Buren
Philip Van Cortlandt
Pierre Van Cortlandt1777–1778Southern1721–1814
Cornelius Van Cott
Henry H. Van Dyck
Arlington P. Van Dyke
Greenleaf S. Van Gorder
Frank E. Van Lare
David Van Ness
Peter Van Ness
John B. Van Petten
Stephen Van Rensselaer
Anthony Van Schaick1777–1780Western
John Van Schaick
Myndert Van Schaick
Jacobus Van Schoonhoven1793-1805Western, Easternc.1744-1814
William H. Van Schoonhoven
Jacobus Van Schoonoven
Abraham Van Vechten1797-1805, 1815-1819Eastern, Middle
Walter Van Wiggeren
John Vanderbilt
John Vanderbilt
Isaac L. Varian
Edmund Varney
Commodore P. Vedder
John Veeder1805-09Eastern
Simon Veeder1803-05Eastern
Guy J. VelellaRepublican
Henry P. Velte
Samuel G. Verbryck
Gulian C. Verplanck
John L. Viele
Dale M. VolkerRepublican
Arthur Wachtel
James Wadsworth
David Wager
Joseph Wagner
Robert F. Wagner
Webster Wagner
Alfred Wagstaff Jr.
J. Mayhew Wainwright
Albert Wald
Alton Waldon1991-200015Democrat1936-
B. Roger Wales
Charles E. Walker
Edward C. Walker
Alvah H. Walker
Jimmy Walker
G. Frank Wallace
William C. Wallace
Thomas J. Walsh
J. Henry Walters
Charles W. Walton
Elisha Ward
Jasper Ward
Jonathan Ward
Peter Ward
Stephen Ward1780–1787Southern
Frederick L. Warder
Andrew S. Warner
Earle S. Warner
Ivan Warner
Spencer K. Warnick
Moses Warren
Thomas G. Waterman
John D. Watkins
James Watson
James Lopez Watson
J. Griswold Webb
Alexander Webster1777–1778, 1779–1785, 1789–1793Eastern1734–1810
Jeremy S. Weinstein
Augustus Weismann
George B. Wellington
Abijah J. Wellman
Edward Wemple
William W. Wemple
Gottfried H. Wende
Gerrit Wendell
Willis Wendell
Stephen H. Wendover
Walter W. Westall
David M. Westcott
Henry C. Wetmore
James S. Whallon
Leon F. Wheatley
Clayton L. Wheeler
Grattan H. Wheeler
Melancton Wheeler
Osmer B. Wheeler
Thomas J. Wheeler
William A. Wheeler
Andrew Dickson White
Charles J. White
Ebenezer White
Horace White
Joseph White
Loren H. White
Roderick White
William B. Whiting1781–1785Western
James L. Whitley
Thomas C. Whitlock
George H. Whitney
Arthur H. Wicks
Charles W. Wicks
Julius L. Wieman
Edward G. Wilbor
Benjamin M. Wilcox
William S. C. Wiley
James W. Wilkin
Garry A. Willard
John Willard
John D. Willard
Joseph A. Willard
Kenneth R. Willard
Jabez Willes
Alexander B. Williams
Benjamin H. Williams
Henry D. Williams
John Williams1777–1778, 1782–1795Eastern1752–1806
John F. Williams
Josiah B. Williams
Lawrence G. Williams
Richard H. Williams
Richard S. Williams
Robert Williams
Stephen K. Williams
Timothy S. Williams
Pliny W. Williamson
Charles T. Willis
Isaac Wilson
Jerome L. Wilson
Thomas B. Wilson
Linda Winikow
George H. Winner Jr.Republican
Bradley Winslow
Norris Winslow
Henry A. Wise
Henry Wisner1777–1782Middle1720–1790
Frank L. Wiswall
George H. Witter
Stephen J. Wojtkowiak
John J. Wolcott
Henry Wolfert
Joseph C. Wolff
Benjamin Wood
Daniel P. Wood
James Wood
Walter A. Wood, Jr.
Jesse Woodhull1777–1781Middle1735–1795
William B. Woodin
Christian B. Woodruff
Benjamin Woodward
John Woodworth1803-07Eastern1768-1858
Sherman Wooster
Samuel Works
Jacob Worth
Albert A. Wray
Dan S. Wright
James W. WrightRepublican
John C. Wright
Silas Wright
Abraham Yates Jr.1777–1790Western1724–1796
Henry Yates Jr.
James W. Yelverton
George Yost
Catharine YoungRepublican
Fred A. Young
Horace C. Young
Samuel Young
Joseph Zaretzki
Lee ZeldinRepublican