List of protected areas of Ohio
This list of protected areas of Ohio includes national forest lands, Army Corps of Engineers areas, state parks, state forests, state nature preserves, state wildlife management areas, and other areas.
Federal lands
National Park Service, Department of the Interior
- Cuyahoga Valley National Park
- Hopewell Culture National Historical Park
U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture
- Wayne National Forest
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
- Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Complex
- * Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge
- * Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
- * West Sister Island National Wildlife Refuge
Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense
- Belleville Locks and Dam
- Caesar Creek Dam
- Tom Jenkins Dam
State lands
State parks
State memorials
- Adena State Memorial
- Buckeye Furnace State Memorial
- Campbell Mound State Memorial
- Flint Ridge State Memorial
- Friends Meeting House State Memorial
- Fort Ancient State Memorial, Warren County
- Fort Hill State Memorial
- Glendower State Memorial, Warren County
- Leo Petroglyph State Memorial
- Miamisburg Mound State Memorial, Montgomery County
- Serpent Mound State Memorial
- Tarleton Cross Mound State Memorial
State forests
- Blue Rock State Forest - 4,572 acres
- Brush Creek State Forest - ca. 12,000 acres
- Dean State Forest - 2,745 acres
- Fernwood State Forest - 2,107 acres
- Gifford State Forest - 320 acres ; Athens County
- Harrison State Forest - 1,345 acres
- Hocking State Forest - 9,374 acres
- Maumee State Forest - 3,068 acres
- Mohican-Memorial State Forest - 4,192 acres ; Ashland County
- Perry State Forest - 4,567 acres ; Perry County
- Pike State Forest - 11,621 acres
- Richland Furnace State Forest - 2,343 acres
- Scioto Trail State Forest - 9,371 acres
- Shade River State Forest - 2,601 acres ; Meigs County
- Shawnee State Forest - 59,603 acres ; Scioto and Adams Counties
- Sunfish Creek State Forest - 637 acres
- Tar Hollow State Forest - 16,126 acres
- Vinton Furnace State Experimental Forest - 15,849 acres
- Waterloo State Forest ; Athens County
- Yellow Creek State Forest - 756 acres
- Zaleski State Forest - 26,313 acres ; Athens and Vinton Counties
State wildlife management areas
- Fox Lake Wildlife Management Area
- Highlandtown Wildlife Area
- Milan State Wildlife Area
- Sunday Creek Wildlife Management Area
- Tiffin River Wildlife Area
- Trimble Wildlife Management Area
- Turkey Ridge Wildlife Area
- Waterloo Wildlife Research Station
- Wolf Creek Wildlife Management Area
State nature preserves
- Acadia Cliffs State Nature Preserve
- Adams Lake Prairie State Nature Preserve
- Audubon Islands State Nature Preserve
- Aurora Sanctuary State Nature Preserve
- Baker Woods State Nature Preserve
- Bigelow Cemetery Prairie State Nature Preserve
- Blackhand Gorge State Nature Preserve
- Boord State Nature Preserve
- Brown's Lake Bog State Nature Preserve
- Burton Wetlands State Nature Preserve
- Caesar Creek Gorge State Nature Preserve
- Carmean Woods State Nature Preserve
- Cedar Bog State Nature Preserve
- Chaparral Prairie State Nature Preserve
- Clear Creek State Nature Preserve
- Clear Fork Gorge State Nature Preserve
- Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve
- Collier State Nature Preserve
- Compass Plant Prairie State Nature Preserve
- Conkle's Hollow State Nature Preserve
- Conneaut Swamp State Nature Preserve
- Cranberry Bog State Nature Preserve
- Crooked Run State Nature Preserve
- Culberson Woods State Nature Preserve
- Davey Woods State Nature Preserve
- Davis Memorial State Nature Preserve
- Drew Woods State Nature Preserve
- Dupont Marsh State Nature Preserve
- Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve
- Erie Sand Barrens State Nature Preserve
- Fowler Woods State Nature Preserve
- Gahanna Woods State Nature Preserve
- Goll Woods State Nature Preserve
- Goode Prairie State Nature Preserve
- Greenville Falls State Nature Preserve
- Gross Woods State Nature Preserve
- Hach-Otis State Nature Preserve
- Halls Creek Woods State Nature Preserve
- Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve
- Herrick Fen State Nature Preserve
- Hueston Woods State Nature Preserve
- Hutchins State Nature Preserve
- Irwin Prairie State Nature Preserve
- Jackson Bog State Nature Preserve
- Johnson Ridge State Nature Preserve
- Johnson Woods State Nature Preserve
- Kendrick Woods State Nature Preserve
- Kent Bog State Nature Preserve
- Kessler Swamp State Nature Preserve
- Kiser Lake Wetlands State Nature Preserve
- Kitty Todd State Nature Preserve
- Knox Woods State Nature Preserve
- Kyle Woods State Nature Preserve
- Lake Katharine State Nature Preserve
- Lakeside Daisy State Nature Preserve
- Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve
- Lou Campbell State Nature Preserve
- Mantua Bog State Nature Preserve
- Marie J. Desonier State Nature Preserve
- Marsh Wetlands State Nature Preserve
- Mentor Marsh State Nature Preserve
- Milford Center Prairie State Nature Preserve
- Morris Woods State Nature Preserve
- North Pond State Nature Preserve
- North Shore Alvar State Nature Preserve
- Novak State Nature Preserve
- Old Woman Creek State Nature Preserve
- Olsen State Nature Preserve
- Pickerington Ponds State Nature Preserve
- Portage Lakes Wetland State Nature Preserve
- Riddle State Nature Preserve
- Rockbridge State Nature Preserve
- Sears Woods State Nature Preserve
- Seymour Woods State Nature Preserve
- Shallenberger State Nature Preserve
- Sharon Woods Gorge State Nature Preserve
- Sheepskin Hollow State Nature Preserve
- Sheldon Marsh State Nature Preserve
- Shoemaker State Nature Preserve
- Siegenthaler-Kaestner Esker State Nature Preserve
- Smith Cemetery Prairie State Nature Preserve
- Springville Marsh State Nature Preserve
- Stage's Pond State Nature Preserve
- Stratford Woods State Nature Preserve
- Swamp Cottonwood State Nature Preserve
- Thomas State Nature Preserve
- Tinker's Creek State Nature Preserve
- Triangle Lake Bog State Nature Preserve
- Tucker State Nature Preserve
- Tummonds State Nature Preserve
- Wahkeena State Nature Preserve
- Whipple State Nature Preserve
- Zimmerman Prairie State Nature Preserve
- Cleveland Metroparks
- Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District
- Erie MetroParks
- Five Rivers Metroparks
- Geauga County Park District
- Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District
- Lake Metroparks
- Lorain County Metro Parks
- Metro Parks, Serving Summit County
- Metroparks of Butler County
- Metroparks of the Toledo Area
- Mill Creek MetroParks
- Great Parks of Hamilton County
Other significant local areas
- Arc of Appalachia
- Athens Conservancy preserves, in Athens County, Ohio
- Crane Hollow Nature Preserve, Hocking County, Ohio
- Highlands Sanctuary, centered in Highland County, Ohio
- Moonville Rail-Trail, a rail-trail in Athens and Vinton Counties
- Strouds Ridge Preserve, City of Athens, Ohio
- Trimble Community Forest in Athens County, Ohio
- The Wilds