List of Power Rangers Beast Morphers characters

Power Rangers Beast Morphers is an American children's television series that airs on Nickelodeon. It is the 2019 entry in the Power Rangers franchise. The show follows Devon Daniels, Ravi Shaw, Zoey Reeves, Nate Silva and Steel as they are recruited by Grid Battleforce to defend the Morphing Grid from Evox.

Beast Morpher Power Rangers

The Beast Morpher Rangers are a government-funded team formed by Grid Battleforce from Morph-X combined with animal DNA. Blaze and Roxy were the original candidates for the Red and Yellow Rangers until Evox corrupted the morphing process and infected their bodies; producing clones who became his loyal Avatars while the real ones were rendered comatose. Following this, Devon and Zoey took their place by accident. However, their Morph-X was semi-corrupted by Evox, causing them to receive varying weaknesses. The Rangers transform using Beast-X Morphers in conjunction with Morph-X Keys and each wield a Beast-X Blaster and Saber, which can be combined to form the Beast-X Cannon. In season 2, Nate developed the Beast-X Visors, which allow Devon, Ravi, and Zoey to combine with their Beast Bot partners and assume Beast-X Mode to enhance their animal powers.

Devon Daniels

Devon Daniels is the leader of the Beast Morpher Rangers and the son of Mayor Adam Daniels. Originally, he was not meant to be the Red Ranger as he was not associated with Grid Battleforce. After he snuck in and witnessed Evox’s first attack, he became the Red Ranger.
As the Red Beast Morpher Ranger, he was fused with cheetah DNA, which allows him to move at superhuman speeds. Due to Evox's corruption however, Devon will instantly become frozen whenever he sees or hear anything related to dogs. Devon also controls the Racer Zord, which has a car mode, a cheetah mode, and a humanoid battle mode. While piloting the Racer Zord, he can access the Cheetah Beast Blaster to destroy Gigadrones. In season two, Devon gains control of the Beast-X King Zord, which has a motorcycle mode, a lion mode, and its own humanoid battle mode. In season one, Devon temporarily acquired a battlizer called Red Fury Mode, which enhanced his strength. As it ran on Fury Cells that slowly corrupted him however, he was forced to discard it.
Devon Daniels is portrayed by Rorrie D. Travis.

Ravi Shaw

Ravi Shaw is a Grid Battleforce cadet and son of Commander Shaw. He was in a relationship with Roxy before he broke up with her to embrace his duties as a Ranger. He later felt guilty for pushing her aside after her Avatar's creation left her comatose and eventually revived her. He was the only original candidate who survived Evox's first attack.
As the Blue Beast Morpher Ranger, he was fused with gorilla DNA, which gives him superhuman strength. Due to Evox's corruption, Ravi will overheat and become enraged whenever he overuses his powers; attacking friend and foe alike. Ravi also controls the Wheeler Zord, which has a truck mode and a gorilla mode.
Ravi Shaw is portrayed by Jasmeet "Jazz" Baduwalia.

Zoey Reeves

Zoey Reeves is a former laundry girl at Grid Battleforce who became the Yellow Ranger after Roxy was rendered comatose. Zoey displays an optimistic approach to solving problems.
As the Yellow Beast Morpher Ranger, she was fused with jackrabbit DNA, which gives her powerful jumping and kicking abilities. Due to Evox's corruption, Zoey will become exhausted over time and must consume carrots to replenish her energy. Zoey also controls the Chopper Zord, which has a helicopter mode and a jackrabbit mode.
Zoey Reeves is portrayed by Jacqueline Scislowski.

Nate Silva

Nate Silva is a child prodigy, chief researcher, and head of technology at Grid Battleforce. He developed Morph-X for use as a clean, sustainable energy source and created the Rangers' powers and arsenal. Being a genius, Nate is a quick thinker in situations that require it; such as when he gave Devon, Ravi, and Zoey their powers to protect the Morphing Grid.
When he was kidnapped by the Avatars and forced to build a robot body for Evox, Nate was able to subvert the plot by fusing himself with mantis DNA, which allows him to use martial arts, and become the Gold Beast Morpher Ranger. Following this, he officially joined the other Rangers in the field. Nate also pilots the Wrecker Zord, which has a crane truck mode, a mantis mode, and a humanoid battle mode.
Nate Silva is portrayed by Abraham Rodriguez.


Steel is a stag beetle/scarab beetle-like android whom Nate built after he was captured by the Avatars and forced to build a robot body for Evox. When Nate subverted their plot, he inadvertently fused said robot body with scarab beetle DNA and his human DNA. As a result, "Steel" became the Silver Ranger as well as a "brother" of sorts to Nate.
As the Silver Beast Morpher Ranger, he was fused with scarab DNA, granting him superhuman stamina. Steel also pilots the Jet Zord, which has a jet mode and a scarab beetle mode.
Steel is voiced by Jamie Linehan.

Grid Battleforce

Grid Battleforce is a secret organization that was created to use Morph-X and keep their enemies from gaining control of the Morphin Grid.

Commander Shaw

Commander Shaw is Grid Battleforce's commander and Ravi's mother.
Commander Shaw is portrayed by Teuila Blakely.

Beast Bots

The Beasts Bots are the robotic partners of the Beast Morpher Rangers. Each one was developed based on their Rangers' animal motifs. When combined with the Rangers' Zords, the Beast Bots provide a Beast Mode while their heads take on the form of control devices. In season two, Nate developed the Beast-X Visor, which can digitize the Beast Bots and transform them into armor for their Ranger partners' Beast-X Modes.
Betty Burke and Ben Burke are sibling cadets of Grid Battleforce, the former being the eldest and most sensible while the latter is the most eager and impulsive. Each work as a receptionist and security guard respectively, but can also provide assistance to the Rangers in combat. Though they have good intentions, their clumsiness can occasionally get the better of them.
Betty and Ben are portrayed by Kristina Ho and Cosme Flores respectively.

General Burke

General Burke is a member of Grid Battleforce and the father of Betty and Ben. While he acts sternly, he cares for his children and has childish moments.
General Burke is portrayed by Mark Wright.


Blaze is a karate instructor at the Riptide Gym and the original Red Ranger candidate. He develops a rivalry with Devon after the latter defeats him. While becoming the Red Ranger, Evox corrupted the process; putting Blaze into a coma and creating an evil avatar based on him that continued his rivalry with Devon. When his avatar is destroyed, Blaze comes out of his coma and makes amends with Devon; becoming fast friends before returning to his karate instructor job.
Blaze is portrayed by Colby Strong.


Roxy is the original Yellow Ranger candidate and Ravi's girlfriend. Before the series took place, they were in a relationship until Ravi broke up with her to focus on their ranger duties. While becoming the Yellow Ranger, Evox corrupts the process; putting Roxy in a coma and creating an evil avatar based on her.
When her avatar is destroyed, Roxy comes out of her coma and helps the Rangers foil one of Evox's plans using her evil counterpart's knowledge. Roxy later rekindled their relationship with Ravi and joined her Aunt Regina at Collins Industries.
Roxy is portrayed by Liana Ramirez.


Megan is a Grid Battleforce Zord technician who attempted to steal Nate's job through dishonest means, such as blackmailing Zoey to get close to him before sabotaging one of his experiments to make him look incompetent. After her deception was revealed, she was immediately fired.
Megan returned months later after joining General Burke's secret project to create the Beast-X King Zord to protect the global Morph-X towers; overseeing the designing and programming herself. After Evox's minions corrupted it, Megan reconciled with Nate and the Rangers before helping them regain control of the Zord. Following this, she is officially welcomed back to Grid Battleforce.
Megan is portrayed by Madeleine Adams.

Supporting characters

Adam Daniels

Adam Daniels is Devon's strict but responsible father and the mayor of Coral Harbor. He was initially against Grid Battleforce's use of Morph-X until he learned of the Beast Morpher Rangers. During the season one finale, he became possessed by Evox after braving the Cyber Dimension to save his son. After the Rangers discover Evox's secret in the season two episode, "Secret Struggle," they receive help from Doctor K and successfully separate Mayor Daniels from the virus.
Adam Daniels is portrayed by Kevin Copeland.

Muriel Reeves

Muriel Reeves is Zoey's mother and a reporter for News Channel 10.
Muriel Reeves is portrayed by Sia Trokenheim.



Evox is a sentient computer virus. When Grid Battleforce constructed Morph-X towers, he attempted to take over the Morphin Grid. In doing so, Evox created evil avatar clones of Blaze and Roxy, put the real ones into comas, and corrupted the Beast Morpher Rangers' animal DNA. However, he and his Cybervillains were sent to the Cyber Dimension, where they formed an alliance with Scrozzle to obtain enough Morph-X to send Evox back to Coral Harbor. After stealing a Morph-X Tower, Scrozzle constructed a robot body for Evox, who used it to overpower the Rangers before they destroyed the tower during his teleportation attempt. Unbeknownst to them however, Evox possessed Mayor Daniels after he came to the Cyber Dimension to save his son.
Ever since, Evox secretly worked to collect Morph-X once more to continue his plans and undermine the Rangers as Mayor Daniels while maintaining control over his host. Despite his best efforts, the Rangers eventually discover his secret; forcing Evox to alter his plans.
Evox is voiced by Andrew Laing, under the pseudonym of Randall Ewing.

Cybervillain Blaze

Cybervillain Blaze is the Evil Crimson Ranger and a hard-light holographic Avatar of the human Blaze. While Blaze was becoming the Red Beast Morpher Ranger, Evox corrupted the process; placing him in a coma and creating an evil Avatar based on him to serve him. Cybervillain Blaze inherited his human template's rivalry with Devon after he was humiliated at the Riptide Gym.
After a series of schemes and plots, he and Cybervillain Roxy succeeded in stealing a Morph-X Tower so Scrozzle could use it to build Evox a robot body and send him back to Coral Harbor. When the Rangers stormed the Cyber Dimension to destroy the tower, Blaze piloted a Megazord Scrozzle built to stop them; only to be defeated by Devon in the Racer Zord. As a result of the avatar's defeat, the real Blaze awakens from his coma.
Cybervillain Blaze is portrayed by Colby Strong.

Cybervillain Roxy

Cybervillain Roxy is the Evil Yellow Ranger and a hard-light holographic Avatar of the human Roxy. While Roxy was becoming the Yellow Beast Morpher Ranger, Evox corrupted the process; placing her in a coma and creating an evil Avatar based on her to serve her. As Roxy's human counterpart was originally in a relationship with Ravi before he broke up with her, the Avatar used this to her advantage to weaken Ravi's resolve on various occasions.
When Evox concocts a plan to teleport a Morph-X Tower to the Cyber Dimension, Cybervillain Roxy engages the Blue Ranger so Cybervillain Blaze can steal three mega transporters required for the plan. After destroying her morpher, Ravi succeeds in destroying Cybervillain Roxy; allowing the real Roxy to awaken from her coma.
Cybervillain Roxy is portrayed by Liana Ramirez.


Scrozzle is a robot and the de facto ruler of the Cyber Dimension after he fled there to hide from Vargoyle. When Evox and the Cybervillains arrived in the Cyber Dimension, Scrozzle reluctantly formed an alliance with them; lending them his gadgetry skills, Tronics, Robotrons, and Gigadrones.
He uses his talents to create teleporters to travel between the Cyber Dimension and Coral Harbor, re-purpose Morph-X Keys for the Cybervillains to transform, create Robotrons via the Robotron-Maker, and create giant Gigadrones that feed on Morph-X. Scrozzle dislikes having to work with the Cybervillains as he views them as incompetent, though he did work with them once to betray Vargoyle.
After the Cybervillains successfully stole a Morph-X Tower, Scrozzle began construction on a robot body for Evox before preparing to teleport him back to the real world. However, the Rangers stormed the Cyber Dimension and foiled the latter plot, though Scrozzle was able to escape with his Robotron-Maker. Scrozzle plotted his revenge against the Rangers, but was foiled by Steel and the Beast Bots.
In between seasons, Scrozzle commandeered a crystalline dimension as a new base for Evox. To fill out their ranks, Scrozzle scanned Blaze and Roxy for their DNA so he could combine it with back-up data on the fallen Cybervillains and spare robot parts to create robot versions of them. To ensure they survive, he also programmed the Robot Maker to recreate their bodies when they fall in battle.
Scrozzle is voiced by Campbell Cooley.


Vargoyle is a laser gun-themed robot built by Scrozzle. After using several Fury Cells on himself, he became more evil than his creator and turned on him; forcing Scrozzle to take refuge in the Cyber Dimension.
After eventually finding Scrozzle to take the remaining Fury Cells and defeating the Cybervillains, Evox recruits Vargoyle into his ranks and offered a reward if he proved himself against the Rangers. Once he did, Vargoyle received an upgrade originally meant for the Cybervillains, who put aside their differences to get payback. Vargoyle continued to prove himself to Evox by easily defeating the Rangers in a second fight and building a weapon from a blueprint he stole from the Avatars for his master plan. After creating Shockatron and Shockadrone to distract the Rangers, Vargoyle used his Memory Pulsator to alter Coral Harbor's citizens' memories so the Cybervillains could steal three mega-transporters. Though the Rangers failed to stop them, Devon was able to destroy Vargoyle after he was betrayed by his allies.
Vargoyle is voiced by Jamie Linehan.


Robo-Blaze is a robot clone created by Scrozzle from Cybervillain Blaze's back-up data, spare robot parts, and the real Blaze's DNA. He can assume an amber-colored robot form while in battle as well as pilot rebuilt versions of his Cybervillain counterpart's Megazord. If he and Robo-Roxy are destroyed, they can be recreated in the Robot Maker machine that created them.
Robo-Blaze is portrayed by Colby Strong.


Robo-Roxy is a robot clone created by Scrozzle from Cybervillain Roxy's back-up data, spare robot parts, and the real Roxy's DNA. She can assume a violet-colored robot form while in battle. If she and Robo-Blaze are destroyed, they can be recreated in the Robot Maker machine that created them.
Robo-Roxy is portrayed by Liana Ramirez.


The Tronics are robotic foot soldiers armed with hand-mounted blasters that can double as melee weapons. They were created by Scrozzle to protect him from Vargoyle and are used by Evox as his foot soldiers.


The Gigatronics are gigantic foot soldiers often used to fight the Zords and assist the Alpha Model Gigadrones.


The Robotrons are robotic monsters created from items infected with a virus developed from Evox.
The Gigadrones are gigantic robotic monsters sent to aid their Robotron counterparts and steal Morph-X for Evox. When a Robotron is created, Scrozzle can use their data to convert a Gigadrone and send it to the human dimension. There are four models of Gigadrones: the speed-oriented Alpha Model capable of carrying Gigatronics, the brute force-oriented Beta Model, the well-rounded Gamma Model, and the parasitic Delta Model capable of being stored within other Gigadrones.