List of Roman governors of Cappadocia

This is a list of known governors of the Roman province of Cappadocia. It was created in AD 17 as an imperial consular province by the Emperor Tiberius, following the death of king Archelaus. The Pontic and Armenian territories were split off by Diocletian during his reorganization of the empire during the 290s, and the province was reduced to the region of Cappadocia proper. In the late 330s, the eastern half of the province was split off to form the provinces of Armenia Prima and Armenia Secunda. In 371, emperor Valens split off the south-western region around Tyana, which became Cappadocia Secunda under a praeses, while the remainder became Cappadocia Prima under a consularis. In the period 535-553, under emperor Justinian I, Cappadocia Prima and Secunda were reunited under a proconsul, and eventually this province became the themata of Anatolikon and Armeniakon sometime during the seventh century. Many of the dates listed are approximate dates the office was held.

Julio-Claudian dynasty